
A transparent strategy for success

Nova SBE was created in 1978 as part NOVA University of Lisbon that has acquired foundation status in January 2017. By tradition, its statutes and by laws, the University works as a “confederation” of units, providing extensive autonomy to its faculties, namely in managerial and financial decisions, staff and faculty recruitment, and pedagogical and scientific matters. 

In addition to the core entity - Nova SBE, which hosts degree programs, faculty, key research programs and most back office functions, the School has developed a network of partner organizations statutorily bounded to it: Nova Forum, which handles Executive Education activities, and a private Foundation curated by the main donors, Alfredo de Sousa Foundation, responsible for fundraising, construction and management of the Carcavelos campus. 

Management Structure

Nova SBE counts with several management structures that establish the strategic guidelines of the School, coordinate its implementation and manage the administrative and financial resources in the scientific, academic and pedagogic dimensions of School’s performance. 

The Faculty Council is composed of eight faculty members (elected by vote), one student (representing the student body) and five external members (holding important positions in society), thus forming Nova SBE's central governing body. The board elects the Director and monitors their activity. This body is also responsible for overseeing key strategic developments and any accounting issues.

Maria João Carioca
Luís Almeida Costa
Vice President
António Nogueira Leite
Irene Consiglio
José Galamba
External Member
José Soares dos Santos
External Member
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques
External Member
Melissa Prado
Pedro Neves
Pedro Pita Barros
Pedro Vicente
Rui Silva
Sofia Tenreiro
External Member


"O Conselho de Faculdade da Nova SBE, reunido a 19 de março de 2019, decidiu por unanimidade atribuir um caloroso e reconhecido voto de louvor ao Professor Pedro Santa Clara pela extraordinária dedicação e invulgar competência demonstradas na construção do novo campus, no decurso do mandato que lhe foi conferido por este conselho em 2012".

Vote of Praise to Professor Pedro Santa Clara

The Council of Nova School of Business & Economics appointed Professor Pedro Santa Clara, in 2012, to manage the construction project of a new campus. In February 2019, Professor Pedro Santa Clara presented a final evaluation status of the project, namely, in what concerts its finances, which complements the information collected in 2018.

The Nova SBE Council would like to express its gratitude and recognition for the work carried out by a vast team in different aspects of the project, from construction to fundraising, and also for drafting legal and financial solutions that made the new campus possible.

The Nova SBE Council highlights the commitment, the sense of purpose, and leadership that Professor Pedro Santa Clara demonstrated throughout these years. The campus that we see today would not be possible without this exceptional dedication and work quality.

For these reasons, the Nova SBE Council, which gathered on March 19, 2019, would like to express a kind and heartfelt vote of praise to Professor Pedro Santa Clara for the extraordinary dedication and outstanding competence shown in the construction of the new campus and throughout the term of office that was attributed by this Council in 2012.

Executive management is the responsibility of the Dean, which is selected by, and responds to, the School Council, and an Executive Committee of Associate Deans and Executive Directors, which meets twice-a-month.


Vice-Dean for Degree Programs
Associate Dean for International Affairs & Partnerships
Leonor Colaço
Administration & CFO
Chief Operating Officer
Vice-Dean for Faculty & Research
Vice-Dean for Innovation & Impact
Pedro Brito
Associate Dean for Executive Education & Corp. Engagement


Vice-Dean for Degree Programs
Associate Dean for International Affairs & Partnerships
Filipa Luz
Brand, Communication & Marketing Exec. Director
Laurinda Alves
Inclusion & Diversity Exec. Director
Leonor Colaço
Administration & CFO
Madalena Borges de Sousa
Alumni & Community Engagement Exec. Director
Mafalda Barbosa
CTO IT & Digital Transformation
Chief Operating Officer
Marco Espinheira
Fundraising Exec. Director
Maria Nolasco
Pre-Experience Studies Exec. Director
Marta Macedo Santos
CFO & Management Control Director
Vice-Dean for Faculty & Researchh
Vice-Dean for Innovation & Impact
Pedro Brito
Associate Dean for Executive Education & Corp. Engagement
Sofia Vala
Faculty & Research Exec. Director

Academic and Scientific aspects, including curricular changes and faculty recruitment and promotion, are run by the Faculty Council, which includes a large share of the faculty. The Faculty Council meets 4 times per year. Its President is elected by its members.

President of Faculty Council

Supervises the main pedagogical challenges and includes faculty and student representatives.

Filipa Castanheira
President of the Pedagogical Council

The Faculty and Researchers Council is an advisory body of the Faculty Council, made up of all full-time faculty and researchers and also by the professors who may be invited by the President of the Faculty Council, who chairs. This Council shall meet at least twice a year.

President of Faculty and Researchers Council

The Nova SBE Advisory Board is established pursuant to the Dean’s decision. It is a non-statutory board. The responsibilities of the Advisory Board in supporting the Dean and the School strategy include:

  1. Provide non-binding commentary on Nova SBE’s competitive strategy and options for the future;

  2. Discuss social, economic, technological and political changes affecting, in the short- and long-term the activity of Nova SBE and produce coping strategies;

  3. Identify areas in which Nova SBE can be a significant agent for positive change at the international level and generate strategic avenues to strengthen impact in those areas;

  4. Foster innovation, impact and internationalization;

  5. Leverage the members’ international network, representing a wide range of sectors and nationalities, in support of the School.

Aaron Ciechanover
(Nobel Laureate)
Professor, Technion
Alexandra Palt
L'Oréal Group CCR Officer
CEO L'Oréal Foundation
Carliss Baldwin
Professor, Harvard Business School

Co-founder and Advisor for Silverthread, Inc

Claudio Haddad
Founder and Chairman, INSPER
Manuela Veloso
Head of AI, JP Morgan
Professor, Carnegie Meloon University
Nikolaj Malchow-Møller
Head of People & Purpose, Deloitte Denmark
Sir Richard Roberts
(Nobel Laureate)
CSO, New England Biolabs
Robert Langer
Co-Founder Moderna
Institute Professor, MIT
Tima Bansal
Professor, Ivey Business School

Founder & Lab Leader, Innovation North
