Pedro Oliveira
Pedro Oliveira
Operations, Technology and Innovation Management
Research Track
Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center
Chair: Cascais Chair Professor in Operations, Technology, Innovation & Management (OTIM

Pedro Oliveira is Dean at Nova School of Business and Economics, where he is also a Cascais Chair Professor in Operations, Technology, Innovation & Management (OTIM).

He is also Professor MSO at Copenhagen Business School; Academic Fellow at Cornell University’s Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures; Founder of Patient Innovation; and co-founder of PPL Crowdfunding.

Pedro also serves as the President of the Open and User Innovation Society (OUI).

Previously he was Senior Associate Dean for Faculty & Research; Director of the Research Unit in Business and Economics; Academic Director of the LisbonMBA (a joint-venture between Católica-Lisbon, NovaSBE and MIT-Sloan); and Academic Director of the doctoral program in Technology Change and Entrepreneurship (offered by Católica-Lisbon, IST and Carnegie Mellon University) at Católica-Lisbon School of Business & Economics. He was also the founder and director of several exec ed programs.

Pedro also served as advisor to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal (with Ministers Mariano Gago and Manuel Heitor) and as member of the Environment & Sustainability Council at EDP Energias de Portugal. He was also an International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management.

His research has been published at Production and Operations Management (POM), Research Policy, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Orphanet, New England Journal of Medicine - Catalyst, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among others.

He received his Ph.D. in Operations, Technology and Innovation Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; and his M.Sc. and his "licenciatura" in Naval Engineering from IST. He also completed advanced training at Harvard Business School and at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. 

2004 - Ph.D., Operations, Technology and Innovation Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

2000 - M.Sc., Operations Research and Systems Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

1996 - Licenciatura, Naval Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Open and User Innovation, Patient Innovation, Social and Impact Innovation, Services Operations Management 

  • Heitor, Manuel, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Sirage, Emir, Oliveira, Pedro (2024). Beyond new space: Changing organizational forms, collaborative innovation and public and semi-public domains. Space Policy, 68.
  • Baumann, Michael, Celis, Julio, Ringborg, Ulrik, Heitor, Manuel, Berns, Anton, Albreht, Tit, Arabadjiev, Jeliazko, Boutros, Michael, Brandenburg, Mario, Canhao, Helena, Carneiro, Fatima, Chomienne, Christine, De Lorenzo, Francesco, Eggermont, Alexander M.M., Font, Angel, Garralda, Elena, Goulart, Margarida, Henrique, Rui, Lawler, Mark, Maier-Hein, Lena, Meunier, Francoise, Oberst, Simon, Oliveira, Pedro, Papatriantafyllou, Maria, Schüz, Joachim, Solary, Eric, Valencia, Alfonso, Vargas, Rosalia, Weiderpass, Elisabete, Wilking, Nils (2023). Engaging European society at the forefront of cancer research and care: How discussions at the 5th Gago Conference on European Science policy led to the Heidelberg Manifesto. Molecular Oncology, 17 (6), 925 - 945.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Cennamo, Carmelo, Zejnilovic, Leid (2022). Unlocking innovation in healthcare: The case of the patient innovation platform. California Management Review, 64 (4), 47-77.
  • Gomes, Luís Antunes, Gregório, Maria João, Iakovleva, Tatiana A., De Sousa, Rute Dinis, Bessant, John, Oliveira, Pedro, Branco, Jaime da Cunha, Canhão, Helena, Rodrigues, Ana Maria (2021). A home-based ehealth intervention for an older adult population with food insecurity: feasibility and acceptability study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23 (8).
  • Jacinto, Maria João, Oliveira, Pedro, Canhão, Helena (2021). Innovations Developed by Patients and Informal Caregivers for Needs Associated to Rheumatic Diseases. Frontiers in medicine, 8.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2021). Centralized decentralization, or distributed leadership as paradox: The case of the patient innovation’s COVID-19 Portal. Journal of Change Management, 21 (2), 203-221.
  • DeMonaco, Harold, Oliveira, Pedro, Torrance, Andrew, Von Hippel, Christiana, Von Hippel, Eric (2019). When patients become innovators. MIT Sloan Management Review, 60 (3), 81-88.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Azevedo, Salomé, Rodrigues, Ana Maria, Canhão, Helena (2019). Peer Adoption and Development of Health Innovations by Patients: National Representative Study of 6204 Citizens. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (3), e11726.
  • Canhao, Helena, Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid (2017). Patient innovation: empowering patients, sharing solutions, improving lives. NEJM Catalyst , 3 (5).
  • Canhao, Helena, Zejnilovic, Leid, Oliveira, Pedro (2017). Revolutionising healthcare by empowering patients to innovate. European Medical Journal - Innovations, 1 (1), 31-34.
  • Rodrigues, Ana Maria Ferreira , Gregório, Maria João, Gein, Pierre, Eusébio, Mónica, Santos, Maria José, Sousa, Rute de, Coelho, Pedro S, Mendes, Jorge M, Graça, Pedro, Oliveira, Pedro, Branco, Jaime C, Canhão, Helena (2017). Home-Based Intervention Program to Reduce Food Insecurity in Elderly Populations Using a TV App: Study Protocol of the Randomized Controlled Trial Saúde.Come Senior. JMIR Research Protocols, 6 (3).
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Canhão, Helena, Von Hippel, Eric (2015). Innovation by patients with rare diseases and chronic needs. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 10 (1).
  • Stock, R.M., Oliveira, Pedro, Von Hippe, E. (2015). Impacts of hedonic and utilitarian user motives on the innovativeness of user-developed solutions. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32 (3), 389-403.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Oliveira, Pedro, Rosado, Paulo, Habib, Nadim (2014). Product innovation in resource-poor environments: three research streams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31 (2), 202-210.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Canhão, Helena, Von Hippel, Eric (2014). Patient innovation under rare diseases and chronic needs. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 9 (1), 1.
  • Van Der Boor, P., Oliveira, Pedro, Veloso, F. (2014). Users as innovators in developing countries: The global sources of innovation and diffusion in mobile banking services. Research Policy, 43 (9), 1594-1607.
  • Habicht, Hagen, Oliveira, Pedro, Shcherbatiuk, Viktoria (2012). User innovators: When patients set out to help themselves and end-up helping many. Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, , 277-295.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Roth, A.V. (2012). Service orientation: The derivation of underlying constructs and measures. International Journal Of Operations & Production Management, 32 (2), 156-190.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Roth, A.V. (2012). The influence of service orientation on B2B e-service capabilities: An empirical investigation. Production and Operations Management, 21 (3), 423-443.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Von Hippel, Eric (2011). Users as financial service innovators. European Financial Review, (Aug-Sept).
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Von Hippel, E. (2011). Users as service innovators: The case of banking services. Research Policy, 40 (6), 806-818.
  • Siemsen, Enno, Roth, Aleda, Oliveira, Pedro (2010). Common method bias in regression models with linear, quadratic, and interaction effects. Organizational Research Methods, 13 (3), 456-476.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Roth, A.V., Ponte, K.M. (2003). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions as a tool to transfer knowledge and foster competitive capabilities. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 3 (2), 204-223.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Roth, A.V., Gilland, W. (2002). Achieving competitive capabilities in e-services. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 69 (7), 721-739.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Roth, A.V., Heitor, M. (2001). Mergers and acquisitions: A tool for knowledge/technology transfer. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, , 222.
  • Conceição, P., Heitor, M.V., Oliveira, Pedro (1998). Expectations for the University in the knowledge-based economy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 58 (3), 203-214.
  • Conceição, P., Heitor, M.V., Oliveira, P. (1998). University-based technology licensing in the knowledge based economy. Technovation, 18 (10), 615-625.
  • da Silva, Ricardo Coelho, Zejnilovic, Leid, Oliveira, Pedro (2023). Improvisation and bricolage: Similarities and differences between two approaches to resource scarcity. The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations. Taylor & Francis, 29-49.
  • Demonaco, Harold, Oliveira, Pedro, Torrance, Andrew, Von Hippel, Christiana, Von Hippel, Eric (2019). When patients become innovators. Managing Innovation in a Global and Digital World. : Meeting Societal Challenges and Enhancing Competitiveness. Tiwari, Rajnish, Buse, Stephan (Eds.), Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 121-129.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Azevedo, Salomé, Canhão, Helena (2019). Empowering patients to innovate: The case of Patient Innovation. Responsible Innovation in Digital Health. : Empowering the Patient. Edward Elgar Publishing, 42-55.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Zejnilovic, Leid, Canhao, Helena (2017). Challenges and opportunities in developing and sharing solutions by patients and caregivers: the story of a knowledge commons for the patient innovation project. 1st ed. Governing Medical Knowledge Commons. Strandburg, Katherine J., Frischmann, Brett M., Madison, Michael J. (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 301-325.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Azevedo, Salomé (2017). Seja inovador para melhorar a sua saúde. Viver com saúde depois dos 60 anos. Saúde.come, 54-59.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Canhao, Helena (2016). Users as service innovators: Evidence across healthcare and financial services. Revolutionizing Innovation: Users, Communities, and Open Innovation. Lakhani, Karim, Harhoff, Dietmar (Eds.), Mit Press.
  • Zejnilovic, Leid, Oliveira, Pedro, Canhao, Helena (2016). Innovations by and for patients, and their place in the future health care system. Boundaryless Hospital. : Rethink and Redefine Health Care Management. Albach, Horst, Meffert, Heribert, Pinkwart, Andreas, Reichwald, Ralf, von Eiff, Wilfried (Eds.), Springer Verlag, 341-357.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Mendonça, Joana (2015). User innovation. 3rd ed. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 13.
  • Abecassis-Moedas, Céline, Oliveira, Pedro (2014). Process innovation. 3rd ed. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. John Wiley & Sons, Vol. 13.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Roth, A.V., Conley, Michael von, Voss, Chris (2003). Knowledge assets in global service strategy. Systems and Policies for the Global Learning Economy. Gibson, David V., Stolp, Chandler, Conceição, Pedro, Heitor, Manuel V. (Eds.), Praeger.
  • Conceição, Pedro, Heitor, Manuel, Oliveira, Pedro, Santos, Filipe (2000). On the socio-economic context and organizational development of the research university. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy. : Opportunities and Challenges for the Knowledge Economy. Conceição, Pedro, Gibson, David V., Heitor, Manuel V., Shariq, Syed (Eds.), Quorum Books, 8. 99-118.
  • Conceição, Pedro, Heitor, Manuel, Oliveira, Pedro (1999). On the need of new mechanisms for the protection of intellectual property of research universities. Technology Transfer. : From Invention to Innovation. Inzelt, A., Hilton, J. (Eds.), Springer Science + Business Media, 69-85.