Pedro Oliveira is Dean and Calouste Gulbenkian Chair Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics (NovaSBE).
He is also Professor MSO at Copenhagen Business School; the Founder and President of Patient Innovation (; Academic Fellow at the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures at Cornell University; co-founder of PPL Crowdfunding; member of the Environment and Sustainability Board of Energias de Portugal – EDP and Principal Investigator of several research grants.
Previously he was Professor at Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, where he served as Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research, Academic Director of the Lisbon MBA (a partnership between NovaSBE, Católica-Lisbon and MIT Sloan School of Management), and Director of the doctoral program in Technology Change and Entrepreneurship (jointly offered by IST, Católica-Lisbon and Carnegie Melon University). He was also an International Faculty Fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management and Advisor to the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
His research has been published at Production and Operations Management (POM), Research Policy, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), Sloan Management Review (SMR), California Management Review (CMR), Orphanet, New England Journal of Medicine - Catalyst, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, among other.
He received his PhD in Operations, Technology and Innovation Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; his M.Sc. in Operations Research and Systems Engineering; and his Bachelor's Degree in Naval Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Portugal. He also completed some advanced training at Harvard Business School and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.