Miguel Pina e Cunha
Miguel Pina e Cunha
Management and Organizations
Research Track
Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center
Chair: Fundação Amélia de Melo Chair Professor in Leadership

Miguel Pina e Cunha is Fundação Amélia de Mello Professor of Leadership and Organization Studies and Vice-Dean of Innovation & Impact at Nova School of Business and Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where he also serves as the Academic Director of Executive Education. His research deals with the paradoxes of organizations. He co-edited The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations, published by Routledge in 2024 and Organizational Paradoxes: Theory and Practice, published by Sage in 2024. 

2004 - Agregação, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

1998- Ph.D, Management, Tilburg University

1992- Masters Degree, Organizational Behavior, Instituto Superior de PsicologiaAplicada

1988- Licenciatura, Social and Organizational Psychology, Instituto Superiorde Psicologia Aplicada

Organization, process, paradox, improvisation

  • Rego, Arménio, Bluhm, Dustin J., Valverde, Camilo, Cunha, Miguel Pina e. (2025). Are gritty leaders happier or unhappier? It depends on how prudent they are. Group and Organization Management, 50 (1), 205-242.
  • Clegg, Stewart R., Cunha, Miguel Pina e., López, Aníbal, Sirage, Emir, Rego, Arménio (2024). Tackling sustainable development goals through new space. Project Leadership and Society, 5.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Leite, António Nogueira, Rego, Arménio, Hernández-Linares, Remedios (2024). Visibilizing and managing paradox: Redefining the role of non-executive directors. Corporate Governance (Bingley), 24 (5), 1156-1170.
  • Heitor, Manuel, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Sirage, Emir, Oliveira, Pedro (2024). Beyond new space: Changing organizational forms, collaborative innovation and public and semi-public domains. Space Policy, 68.
  • Hernández-Linares, Remedios, López-Fernández, María Concepción, García-Piqueres, Gema, Pina e Cunha, Miguel, Rego, Arménio (2024). How knowledge-based dynamic capabilities relate to firm performance: The mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Review of Managerial Science, 18 (10), 2781–2813.
  • Mamédio, Diórgenes Falcão, Cunha, Miguel Pina e., Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2024). Paradoxes of authenticity in liminal consumption: The case of Casablanca’s Rick’s Café. (Accepted/In press) Journal of Travel Research.
  • Mastio, Emmanuel A., Clegg, Stewart R., Pina e Cunha, Miguel, Dovey, Kenneth (2024). Leadership ignoring paradox to maintain inertial order. Journal of Change Management, 24 (2), 83-101.
  • Miner, Anne S., Vera, Dusya, Abrantes, António C.M., Cunha, Miguel Pina E. (2024). Guidepost exploratory research on organizational improvisation: Roads traveled and the road ahead. Academy of Management Discoveries, 10 (2), 163-168.
  • Rego, Arménio, Meyer, Marcel, Júnior, Dálcio Reis, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2024). Wise leaders fostering employees’ speaking up behaviors: developing and validating a measure of leader-expressed practical wisdom. (Accepted/In press) Review of Managerial Science.
  • Salgueiro, Tomé, Zózimo, Ricardo, Cunha, Miguel pina e, Lopo, Isabel (2024). Reconstructing professional role identities: (Un)Learning and hybridization in a business school program. Academy of Management Learning and Education.
  • Abrantes, António C.M., Passos, Ana M., Cunha, Miguel P.e., Silva, Sílvia A.da (2023). Looking at team improvised adaptation through a paradoxical lens: The role of team plasticity. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 59 (1), 88-126.
  • Berti, Marco, Cunha, Miguel Pina E. (2023). Paradox, dialectics or trade-offs? A double loop model of paradox. Journal of Management Studies, 60 (4), 861-888.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart, Giustiniano, Luca (2023). In a Kafkaesque catacomb: The killing of Ihor Homenyuk by the Portuguese customs and immigration bureaucracy. Journal of Political Power, 16 (1), 23-46.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco (2023). The paradox of the peasantry in management and organization studies. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 31 (5), 1802-1813.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco, Simpson, Ace Volkmann (2023). Understanding pragmatic paradoxes: When contradictions become paralyzing and what to do about it. Business Horizons, 66 (4), 453-462.
  • Marques, Tânia, Crespo, Cátia Fernandes, Pina e Cunha, Miguel, Caçador, Mariana, Dias, Sara Simões (2023). Responsible leadership and turnover intentions in health-care professionals: The mediating role of burnout. Leadership in Health Services, 36 (4), 562-578.
  • Moasa, Horia, Cunha, Miguel Pina e., Clegg, Stewart, Sorea, Daniela (2023). Romancing leadership: Temporality and the myths of Vlad Dracula. Management and Organizational History, 18 (2), 119-150.
  • Pradies, Camille, Berti, Marco, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Tunarosa, Andrea, Clegg, Stewart (2023). A figure is worth a thousand words: The role of visualization in paradox theorizing. Organization Studies, 44 (8), 1231–1257.
  • Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Panayiotou, Alexia, Berti, Marco, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Kanji, Shireen, Clegg, Stewart (2023). Pandemic, power and paradox: Improvising as the new normal during the COVID-19 crisis. Management Learning, 54 (1), 3–13.
  • Villanova, Ana Luisa, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Carlsen, Arne (2023). How crisis may generate and sustain creative cycles: The role of problem persistence. Journal of Creative Behavior, 57 (4), 550-569.
  • Zózimo, Ricardo, Cunha, Miguel P. E., Rego, Arménio (2023). Becoming a fraternal organization: Insights from the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti. Journal of Business Ethics, 183 (2), 383–399.
  • Abrantes, António Cunha Meneses, Passos, Ana Margarida, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Santos, Catarina Marques (2022). Getting the knack for team-improvised adaptation: The role of reflexivity and team mental model similarity. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 58 (2), 281-315.
  • Amaro de Matos, João, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Berredo, Rita Falcão de (2022). Leading university internationalisation: The future of Euro-Chinese academic cooperation. European Journal of Education, 57 (1), 65-77.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Berti, Marco (2022). Research movements and theorizing dynamics in management and organization studies. Academy of Management Review, 47 (3), 382-401.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco (2022). Speaking truth to power: The academic as jester stimulating management learning. Management Learning, 53 (3), 547-565.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Soares Leitão, Maria João, Clegg, Stewart, Hernández-Linares, Remedios, Moasa, Horia, Randerson, Kathleen, Rego, Arménio (2022). Cognition, emotion and action: Persistent sources of parent–offspring paradoxes in the family business. Journal of Family Business Management, 12 (4), 729-749.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina E, Rego, Armenio, Berti, Marco (2022). Estrategias para desactivar las paradojas pragmáticas. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 318.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina E., Hernández-linares, Remedios, De Sousa, Milton, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2022). Evolving conceptions of work-family boundaries: In defense of the family as stakeholder. Humanistic Management Journal, 7, 55-93.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Giustiniano, Luca, Abrantes, António Cunha Meneses, Miner, Anne S., Simpson, Ace Volkmann (2022). Myopia during emergency improvisation: Lessons from a catastrophic wildfire. Management Decision, 60 (7), 2019-2041.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2022). Non-naïve organizational positivity through a generative paradox pedagogy. Management Learning, 53 (1), 15-32.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina E (2022). Rethinking organizations and society from paradoxes. Organizações & Sociedade, 29 (100), 195-216.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Simpson, Ace Volkmann (2022). Team ground rules: Their nature and functions. Organizational Dynamics, 51 (4).
  • Gaim, Medhanie, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). In praise of paradox persistence: Evidence from the Sydney Opera House project. Project Management Journal, 53 (4), 397-415.
  • Mamédio, Diórgenes Falcão, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Meyer, Victor (2022). Strategic improvisation: An introductory conceptual framework. Cross Cultural and Strategic Management, 29 (1), 24-47.
  • Matos, João Amaro de, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). The paradoxes of developing european transnational campuses in China and Egypt. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, 7 (3), 561-595.
  • Mendonça, Sandro, Damásio, Bruno, Santiago, Fernando, Chen, Martin, Santos, António Bob, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Nicita, Antonio (2022). Strategic Encounters in Innovation and Regulation: Healthcare Transformation in the Era of Digital Connectivity. Comment on “What Managers Find Important for Implementation of Innovations in the Healthcare Sector – Practice Through Six Management Perspectives”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11 (12), 3114-3117.
  • Ochoa Pacheco, Paola, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Abrantes, António Cunha Meneses (2022). The impact of empowerment and technology on safety behavior: Evidence from mining companies. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 28 (1), 581-589.
  • Oliva, Fábio Lotti, Teberga, Pedro Marins Freire, Testi, Lucas Israel Oliveira, Kotabe, Masaaki, Giudice, Manlio Del, Kelle, Peter, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). Risks and critical success factors in the internationalization of born global startups of industry 4.0: A social, environmental, economic, and institutional analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175.
  • Paquelet Moreira, Barbosa Fernanda, Davel, Eduardo, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). Embodying improvisational education for managers: Learning from theater. Culture And Organization, 28 (3-4), 296-312.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Giustiniano, Luca (2022). Are relationally transparent leaders more receptive to the relational transparency of others? An authentic dialog perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 180, 695-709.
  • Rego, Arménio, Vitória, Andreia, Ribeiro, Tânia, Ribeiro, Leonor, Lourenço-Gil, Rui, Leal, Susana, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). Attitudes and HRM decisions toward older workers in Africa: Exploring contradictions through an empirical study. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 33 (3), 594-621.
  • Rego, Arménio, Vitória, Andreia, Cunha, Miguel Pina e , Owens, Bradley P., Ventura, Ana, Leal, Susana, Valverde, Camilo, Lourenço-Gil, Rui (2022). Employees’ improvisational behavior: Exploring the role of leader grit and humility. Human Performance, 35 (2), 113-138.
  • Rosales, Virginia, Gaim, Medhanie, Berti, Marco, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). The rubber band effect: Managing the stability-change paradox in routines. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38 (2).
  • Simpson, Ace V., Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). Theorizing compassionate leadership from the case of Jacinda Ardern: Legitimacy, paradox and resource conservation. Leadership, 18 (3), 337-358.
  • Sousa, Milton, Cunha, Miguel Pina E., Simpson, Ace V., Giustiniano, Luca, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2022). Servus or pater? How paradoxical intent can qualify leadership: inductions from the Kingdom of Bhutan. Journal of Change Management, 22 (3), 321-353.
  • Abrantes, António Cunha Meneses, Passos, Ana Margarida, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Costa, Patrícia Lopes (2021). Team improv-adapt framework: Deconstructing and recombining team adaptation and team improvisation through a process perspective. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, XXVII (70), 107-132.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Santos, Filipe (2021). ‘Open purpose’ Embracing organizations as expressive systems. Organization Theory, 2 (4), 1-22.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Berti, Marco, Clegg, Stewart (2021). European social theory reflecting on a time of contagion: a book review essay: The virus in the age of madness. Journal of Political Power, 14 (2), 372-382.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart, Jarvis, Walter P. (2021). Stewardship as process: a paradox perspective. European Management Journal, 39 (2), 247-259.
  • Gaim, Medhanie, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2021). Managing impressions rather than emissions: Volkswagen and the false mastery of paradox. Organization Studies, 42 (6), 949-970.
  • Ilha Villanova, Ana Luisa, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2021). Everyday creativity: A systematic literature review. Journal of Creative Behavior, 55 (3), 637-695.
  • Oliveira, Pedro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2021). Centralized decentralization, or distributed leadership as paradox: The case of the patient innovation’s COVID-19 Portal. Journal of Change Management, 21 (2), 203-221.
  • Pradies, Camille, Aust, Ina, Bednarek, Rebecca, Brandl, Julia, Carmine, Simone, Cheal, Joe, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gaim, Medhanie, Keegan, Anne, Lê, Jane K., Miron-Spektor, Ella, Nielsen, Rikke Kristine, Pouthier, Vanessa, Sharma, Garima, Sparr, Jennifer L., Vince, Russ, Keller, Joshua (2021). The lived experience of paradox: how individuals navigate tensions during the pandemic crisis. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30 (2), 154-167.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cavazotte, Flávia, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Valverde, Camilo, Meyer, Marcel, Giustiniano, Luca (2021). Gritty leaders promoting employees’ thriving at work. Journal of Management, 47 (5), 1155-1184.
  • Rego, Arménio, Melo, Ana I., Bluhm, Dustin J., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Júnior, Dálcio Reis (2021). Leader-expressed humility predicting team psychological safety: A personality dynamics lens. Journal of Business Ethics, 174 (4), 669–686.
  • Simpson, Ace V., Pina e Cunha, Miguel (2021). A Bhagavad Gita-inspired linked leadership model. Journal of Leadership Studies, 15 (3), 43-48.
  • Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Berti, Marco, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2021). Art, culture and paradox pedagogy in management learning: the case of Portuguese Fado. Management Learning, 52 (5), 630-651.
  • Wagner, Elisa, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2021). Dogs at the workplace: a multiple case study. Animals, 11 (1), 1-20.
  • Wiedeman, Nicolás J. B., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2021). Rethinking resistance as an act of improvisation: Lessons from the 1914 Christmas truce. Organization Studies, 42 (4), 615-635.
  • Abrantes, Antonio Cunha Meneses, Passos, Ana Margarida, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Miner, Anne S. (2020). Managing the unforeseen when time is scarce: how temporal personality and team improvised adaptation can foster team performance. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 24 (1), 42-58.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Bednarek, Rebecca (2020). A source of novelty and/or absurdity: The paradoxes of management . International Journal of Business Environment, 11 (1), 69-79.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gomes, Emanuel, Mellahi, Kamel, Miner, Anne S., Rego, Arménio (2020). Strategic agility through improvisational capabilities: implications for a paradox-sensitive HRM. Human Resource Management Review, 30 (11).
  • Meyer Jr, Victor, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Mamédio, Diórgenes Falcão, Nogueira, Danillo Prado (2020). Crisis management in high-reliability organizations: lessons from Brazilian air disasters. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 30 (2), 209-224.
  • Rego, Arménio, Sobral, Filipa, Simões, Ana, Duarte, Cátia, Reis, Francisco, Quaresma, Inês, Guimarães, Maria, Teixeira, Maria, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2020). Garra dos líderes e capital psicológico dos liderados: uma exploração concetual de condições moderadoras. Psicologia, 34 (1), 1-12.
  • Rodrigues, Filipa Rocha, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Castanheira, Filipa, Bal, P. Matthijs, Jansen, Paul G.W. (2020). Person-job fit across the work lifespan: the case of classical ballet dancers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118.
  • Zenk, Lukas, Steiner, Gerald, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Laubichler, Manfred D., Bertau, Martin, Kainz, Martin J., Jäger, Carlo, Schernhammer, Eva S. (2020). Fast response to superspreading: uncertainty and complexity in the context of COVID-19. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (21), 1-13.
  • Giustiniano, Luca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Simpson, Ace V., Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2020). Resilient leadership as paradox work: notes from COVID-19. Management and Organization Review, 16 (5), 971-975.
  • Zoogah, David B., Gomes, Emanuel, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2020). Autochthonous management knowledge/knowledge management in Africa. Journal Of Knowledge Management, 24 (6), 1493-1512.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Fortes, Armanda, Gomes, Emanuel, Rego, Arménio, Rodrigues, Filipa (2019). Ambidextrous leadership, paradox and contingency: evidence from Angola. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 30 (4), 702-727.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Munro, Iain (2019). Dogs in organizations. Human Relations, 72 (4), 778-800.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Giustiniano, Luca, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2019). "Heaven or Las Vegas" competing institutional logics and individual experience. European Management Review, 16 (3), 781-798.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2019). Improvisation in the learning organization: a defense of the infra-ordinary. Learning Organization, 26 (3), 238-251.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Bednarek, Rebecca, Smith, Wendy (2019). Integrative ambidexterity: one paradoxical mode of learning. Learning Organization, 26 (4), 425-437.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Neves, Pedro, Clegg, Stewart, Costa, Sandra, Rego, Arménio (2019). Paradoxes of organizational change in a merger context. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 14 (3), 217-240.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Putnam, Linda L. (2019). Paradox theory and the paradox of success. Strategic Organization, 17 (1), 95-106.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2019). Speak! Paradoxical effects of a managerial culture of ‘speaking up’. British Journal of Management, 30 (4), 829-846.
  • López, Aníbal, Neves, Pedro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). A high-growth firm contingency test of the formalization-performance relationship. Journal of Small Business Management, 57 (S2), 374-396.
  • Rego, Arménio, Yam, Kai Chi, Owens, Bradley P., Story, Joana S. P., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Bluhm, Dustin, Lopes, Miguel Pereira (2019). Conveyed leader PsyCap predicting leader effectiveness through positive energizing. Journal of Management, 45 (4), 1689-1712.
  • Rego, Arménio, Owens, Bradley, Yam, Kai Chi, Bluhm, Dustin, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Silard, Anthony, Gonçalves, Lurdes, Martins, Mafalda, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Liu, Wenxing (2019). Leader humility and team performance: exploring the mediating mechanisms of team PsyCap and task allocation effectiveness. Journal of Management, 45 (3), 1009-1033.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Líderes: Força fraca, fraqueza forte. Human Resources Portugal.
  • Abrantes, António Cunha Meneses, Passos, Ana Margarida, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Santos, Catarina Marques (2018). Bringing team improvisation to team adaptation: the combined role of shared temporal cognitions and team learning behaviors fostering team performance. Journal of Business Research, 84, 59-71.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cardona, María José, Clegg, Stewart, Gomes, Jorge F.S., Matallana, Manuela, Rego, Arménio, Sánchez, Iván D. (2018). Through the looking glass: leader personhood and the intersubjective construction of institutions. Journal of Political Power, 11 (3), 378-402.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vieira, Daniel Veiga, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2018). Why does performance management not perform?. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management, 67 (4), 673-692.
  • Falcão, Pedro Fontes, Saraiva, Manuel, Santos, Eduardo, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2018). Big five personality traits in simulated negotiation settings. EuroMed Journal of Business, 13 (2), 201-213.
  • Gaim, Medhanie, Wåhlin, Nils, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2018). Analyzing competing demands in organizations: a systematic comparison. Journal of Organization Design, 7 (1).
  • Neves, Pedro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2018). Exploring a model of workplace ostracism: the value of coworker humor. International Journal of Stress Management, 25 (4), 330-347.
  • Rego, Arménio, Vitória, Andreia, Tupinambá, António, Júnior, Dálcio Reis, Reis, Dálcio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Lourenço-Gil, Rui (2018). Brazilian managers’ ageism: a multiplex perspective. International Journal of Manpower, 39 (3), 414-433.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Meyer Jr, Victor (2018). Quantos participantes são necessários para um estudo qualitativo? Linhas práticas de orientação. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, 17 (2), 43-57.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina, Reis Júnior, Dálcio, Anastácio, Cátia, Savagnago, Moriel (2018). The optimism-pessimism ratio as predictor of employee creativity: the promise of duality. European Journal of Innovation Management, 21 (3), 423-442.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Simpson, Ace Volkmann (2018). The perceived impact of leaders’ humility on team effectiveness: an empirical study. Journal of Business Ethics, 148 (1), 205-218.
  • Antunes, Ana Cristina, Caetano, António, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Reliability and construct validity of the Portuguese version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire. Psychological Reports, 120 (3), 520-536.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Costa, Cláudia, Leite, António Pinto, Rego, Arménio, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Sousa, Marta Oom de, Sousa, Milton (2017). Gemeinschaft in the midst of Gesellschaft? Love as an organizational virtue. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 14 (1), 3-21.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Giustiniano, Luca, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2017). Mission impossible? The paradoxes of stretch goal setting. Management Learning, 48 (2), 140-157.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Pacheco, Mafalda, Castanheira, Filipa, Rego, Arménio (2017). Reflexive work and the duality of self-leadership. Leadership, 13 (4), 472-495.
  • Pozzebon, Marlei, Diniz, Eduardo Henrique, Mitev, Nathalie, Vaujany, François-Xavier de, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Leca, Bernard (2017). Joining the sociomaterial debate. Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE), 57 (6), 536-541.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina, Polónia, Daniel (2017). Corporate sustainability: a view from the top. Journal of Business Ethics, 143 (1), 133-157.
  • Rego, Arménio, Vitória, Andreia, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Tupinambá, António, Leal, Susana (2017). Developing and validating an instrument for measuring managers’ attitudes toward older workers. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 28 (13), 1866-1899.
  • Rego, Arménio, Owens, Bradley, Leal, Susana, Melo, Ana, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gonçalves, Lurdes, Ribeiro, Paula (2017). How leader humility helps teams to be humbler, psychologically stronger, and more effective: a moderated mediation model. Leadership Quarterly, 28 (5), 639-658.
  • Batista, Maria da Graça, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Giustiniano, Luca, Rego, Arménio (2016). Improvising prescription: evidence from the emergency room. British Journal of Management, 27 (2), 406-425.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2016). Explaining suicide in organizations: Durkheim revisited. Business and Society Review, 121 (3), 391-414.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Munro, Iain, Rego, Arménio, de Sousa, Marta Oom (2016). Kafkaesque power and bureaucracy. Journal of Political Power, 9 (2), 157-181.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Sousa, Milton (2016). Como podem as organizações gerir paradoxos?. Análise Psicológica, 34 (3), 309-323.
  • Giustiniano, Luca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2016). Organizational zemblanity. European Management Journal, 34 (1), 7-21.
  • Giustiniano, Luca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2016). The dark side of organizational improvisation: lessons from the sinking of Costa Concordia. Business Horizons, 59 (2), 223-232.
  • Neves, Maria De Lurdes Gomes, Jordão, Filomena, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vieira, Diana Aguiar, Coimbra, Joaquim Luís (2016). Estudo de adaptação e validação de uma escala de perceção de liderança ética para líderes Portugueses. Análise Psicológica, 34 (2), 165-176.
  • Rego, Arménio, Reis Júnior, Dálcio, Cunha, Miguel Pina, Stallbaum, Gabriel (2016). Store creativity, store potency, store performance, retailing. Management Research, 14 (2), 130-149.
  • Chan, Andrew, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2015). ‘The revolution will not be televised’ the institutional work of radical change in China’s Cultural Revolution. Journal of Political Power, 8 (1), 61-83.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Story, Joana (2015). Powers of romance: The liminal challenges of managing organizational intimacy. Journal of Management Inquiry, 24 (2), 131-148.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da, Clegg, Stewart (2015). An institutional palimpsest? The case of Cambodia’s political order, 1970 and beyond. Journal of Political Power, 8 (3), 431-455.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2015). As virtudes nas organizações. Análise Psicológica, 33 (4), 349-359.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Gomes, Jorge F S (2015). Embodying sensemaking: Learning from the extreme case of Vann Nath, prisoner at S-21. European Management Review, 12 (1), 41-58.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Tsoukas, Haridimos (2015). Reforming the state: Understanding the vicious circles of reform. European Management Journal, 33 (4), 225-229.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Neves, Pedro, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2015). Tales of the unexpected: discussing improvisational learning. Management Learning, 46 (5), 511-529.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart, Lindsay, Greg (2015). The dialectics of serendipity. European Management Journal, 33 (1), 9-18.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2015). The institutionalization of genocidal leadership: Pol Pot and a Cambodian dystopia. Journal of Leadership Studies, 9 (1), 6-18.
  • Leal, Susana, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2015). How the employees' perceptions of corporate social responsibility make them happier and psychologically stronger. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 8 (9), 113-126.
  • Rego, Arménio, Reis Junior, Dalcio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2015). Authentic leaders promoting store performance: the mediating roles of virtuousness and potency. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (3), 617-634.
  • Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2015). Compassion in the context of capitalistic organizations: evidence from the 2011 Brisbane floods. Journal of Business Ethics, 130 (3), 683-703.
  • Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2015). Hybridity, sociomateriality and compassion: What happens when a river floods and a city's organizations respond?. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31 (3), 375-386.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Gabriel, Yiannis (2014). Evil organization studies: on genocide, culture and organization (Call for papers). Culture And Organization, 20 (5), 450-52.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Neves, Pedro (2014). Organizational improvisation: from the constraint of strict tempo to the power of the avant-garde. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23 (4), 359-373.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Vaccaro, Antonino (2014). Organizations as human communities and internal markets: searching for duality. Journal of Business Ethics, 120 (4), 441-455.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Oliveira, Pedro, Rosado, Paulo, Habib, Nadim (2014). Product innovation in resource-poor environments: three research streams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31 (2), 202-210.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2014). The ethical speaking of objects: ethics and the 'object-ive' world of Khmer Rouge young comrades. Journal of Political Power, 7 (1), 35-61.
  • Guimarães-Costa, Nuno, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2014). Building your self: a sensemaking approach to expatriates’ adjustment to ethical challenges. Journal of Global Mobility, 2 (1), 53-84.
  • Lapolli, Juliana, Lapolli, Edis Mafra, Franzoni, Ana Maria Bencciveni, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2014). Leadership and self-knowledge through a systemic approach: an integrative systematic review. Business and Management Review, 4 (3), 198-204.
  • Rego, Arménio, Sousa, Filipa, Marques, Carla, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2014). Hope and positive affect mediating the authentic leadership and creativity relationship. Journal of Business Research, 67 (2), 200-210.
  • Rego, Arménio, Júnior, Dálcio Reis, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Stallbaum, Gabriel, Neves, Pedro (2014). Store creativity mediating the relationship between affective tone and performance. Managing Service Quality, 24 (1), 63-85.
  • Silva, Tânia, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Neves, Pedro, Rego, Arménio, Rodrigues, Ricardo A. (2014). Smells like team spirit: opening a paradoxical black box. Human Relations, 67 (3), 287-310.
  • Simpson, A. V., Clegg, Stewart, Lopes, M. P., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, A., Pitsis, T. (2014). Doing compassion or doing discipline? Power relations and the Magdalene Laundries. Journal of Political Power, 7 (2), 253-274.
  • Antunes, Ana Cristina, Caetano, António, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2013). O papel do capital psicológico na criação de valor para as organizações. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, 12 (3), 2-10.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Dias, Joana (2013). Mundane objects and the banality of evil: the sociomateriality of a death camp. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22 (3), 325-340.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Pereira Lopes, Miguel (2013). Comportamento organizacional positivo. Análise Psicológica, 31 (4), 313-328.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Story, Joana (2013). From the physics of change to realpolitik: improvisational relations of power and resistance. Journal of Change Management, 13 (4), 460-476.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2013). Lessons for leaders: positive organization studies meets Niccolò Machiavelli. Leadership, 9 (4), 450-465.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart, Neves, Pedro (2013). The case for transcendent followership. Leadership, 9 (1), 87-106.
  • Guimarães-Costa, Nuno, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2013). Pessoa's 'disquietness' at work: a liminal approach to instrumental organizational engagement. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, XIX (48), 313-325.
  • Guimarães da Costa, Nuno, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2013). The inevitability of liminality in organizing. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 7 (1), 47-63.
  • Rego, Arménio, Vitoria, Andreia, Magalhaes, Ana, Ribeiro, Neuza, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2013). Are authentic leaders associated with more virtuous, committed and potent teams?. Leadership Quarterly, 24 (1), 61-79.
  • Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2013). Expressing compassion in the face of crisis: organizational practices in the aftermath of the Brisbane floods of 2011. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 21 (2), 115-124.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2012). The theory and practice of utopia in a total institution: the pineapple panopticon. Organization Studies, 33 (12), 1735-1757.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Kamoche, Ken (2012). Improvisation as "real time foresight". Futures, 44 (3), 265-272.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Lancione, Michele (2012). The organization (Ângkar) as a state of exception: the case of the S-21 extermination camp, Phnom Penh. Journal of Political Power, 5 (2), 279-299.
  • Pinho, Isabel, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). Improving knowledge management processes: a hybrid positive approach. Journal Of Knowledge Management, 16 (2), 215-242.
  • Rego, Arménio, Sousa, Filipa, Marques, Carla, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). Authentic leadership promoting employees' psychological capital and creativity. Journal of Business Research, 65 (3), 429-437.
  • Rego, Arménio, Sousa, Filipa, Marques, Carla, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). Optimism predicting employees' creativity: the mediating role of positive affect and the positivity ratio. European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology, 21 (2), 244-270.
  • Rego, Arménio, Sousa, Filipa, Marques, Carla, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). Retail employees' self-efficacy and hope predicting their positive affect and creativity. European Journal Of Work And Organizational Psychology, 21 (6), 923-945.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). They need to be different, they feel happier in authentizotic climates. Journal Of Happiness Studies, 13 (4), 701-727.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2011). Beyond addiction: hierarchy and other ways of getting strategy done. European Management Journal, 29 (6), 491-503.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2011). Pol Pot, alias brother number one: leaders as instruments of history. Management and Organizational History, 6 (3), 268-286.
  • Lopes, Miguel Pereira, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2011). Integrating positivity and negativity in management research: the case of paradoxical optimists. Management Research, 9 (2), 97-117.
  • Pereira Lopes, Miguel, Palma, Patrícia Jardim, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2011). Tolerance is not enough: the moderating role of optimism on perceptions of regional economic performance.. Social Indicators Research, 102 (2), 333-350.
  • Rego, Arménio, Ribeiro, Neuza, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Jesuino, Jorge Correia (2011). How happiness mediates the organizational virtuousness and affective commitment relationship. Journal of Business Research, 64 (5), 524-532.
  • Rego, Arménio, Leal, Susana, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2011). Rethinking the employees' perceptions of corporate citizenship dimensionalization. Journal of Business Ethics, 104 (2), 207-218.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2010). Complexity, simplicity, simplexity. European Management Journal, 28 (2), 85-94.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Guimarães da Costa, Nuno, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2010). Leading and following (un)ethically in Limen. Journal of Business Ethics, 97 (2), 189-206.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2010). Obedience and evil: from Milgram and Kampuchea to normal organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 97 (2), 291-309.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Mendonça, Sandro (2010). On serendipity and organizing. European Management Journal, 28 (5), 319-330.
  • Da Cunha, João Vieira, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2010). Organizational improvisation: change or stability?. Management Research, 8 (2), 81-100.
  • Palma, Patrícia Jardim, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Pereira Lopes, Miguel (2010). The best of two worlds: how privatization affects the identity of a public organization. Public Management Review, 12 (5), 725-746.
  • Rego, Arménio, Godinho, Lucinda, McQueen, Anne, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2010). Emotional intelligence and caring behaviour in nursing. Service Industries Journal, 30 (9), 1419-1437.
  • Rego, Arménio, Leal, Susana, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Faria, Jorge, Pinho, Carlos (2010). How the perceptions of five dimensions of corporate citizenship and their inter-inconsistencies predict affective commitment. Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (1), 107-127.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2010). Liderança global virtuosa. Revista de Psicologia, 1 (1), 9-32.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2010). Organisational justice and citizenship behaviors: a study in the Portuguese cultural context. Applied Psychology-An International Review-Psychologie Appliquee-Revue Inte, 59 (3), 404-430.
  • Rego, Arménio, Marques, Carla, Leal, Susana, Sousa, Filipa, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2010). Psychological capital and performance of Portuguese civil servants: exploring neutralizers in the context of an appraisal system. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 21 (9), 1531-1552.
  • Bendassolli, Pedro F., Wood, Thomaz, Kirschbaum, Charles, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Indústrias criativas: definição, limites e possibilidades. Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE), 49 (1), 10-18.
  • Costa, Nuno Guimarães, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Foreign locals: a liminal perspective of international managers. Organizational Dynamics, 38 (2), 158-166.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2009). An essay on archaic postmodernity: the case of Portugal. Management Research, 7 (3), 191-201.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita, Rego, Arménio (2009). Exploring the role of leader-subordinate interactions in the construction of organizational positivity. Leadership, 5 (1), 81-101.
  • Cunha, Rita, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Impact of strategy, strength of the HRM system and HRM bundles on organizational performance. Problems & Perspectives In Management, 7 (1), 46-58.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Kamoche, Ken (2009). Improvisation in service recovery. Managing Service Quality, 19 (6), 657-669.
  • Guimarães-Costa, Nuno, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, da Cunha, João Vieira (2009). Poetry in motion: protest songwriting as strategic resource (Portugal, circa 1974). Culture And Organization, 15 (1), 89-108.
  • Mendonca, Sandro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Ruff, Frank, Kaivo-oja, Jari (2009). Venturing into the wilderness preparing for wild cards in the civil aircraft and asset-management industries. Long Range Planning, 42 (1), 23-41.
  • Pereira Lopes, Miguel, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Palma, Patrícia Jardim (2009). Case studies on what entrepreneurs actually do to attract resources: a two-route framework. Journal Of Enterprising Culture, 17 (3), 323-349.
  • Rego, Arménio, Machado, Fernanda, Leal, Susana, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Are hopeful employees more creative? An empirical study. Creativity Research Journal, 21 (2-3), 223-231.
  • Rego, Arménio, Pinho, Isabel, Pedrosa, Júlio, Cunha, Miguel Pina (2009). Barriers and facilitators to knowledge management in university research centers: an exploratory study. Management Research, 7 (1), 33-47.
  • Rego, Arménio, Souto, Solange, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Does the need to belong moderate the relationship between perceptions of spirit of camaraderie and employees' happiness?. Journal Of Occupational Health Psychology, 14 (2), 148-164.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Do the opportunities for learning and personal development lead to happiness? It depends on work-family conciliation. Journal Of Occupational Health Psychology, 14 (3), 334-348.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina, Pinho, Carlos (2009). Exploring a five-factor model of organizational justice. Management Research, 7 (2), 103-125.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). How individualism-collectivism orientations predict happiness in a collectivistic context. Journal Of Happiness Studies, 10 (1), 19-35.
  • Rego, Arménio, Ribeiro, Neuza, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and happiness and predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 93 (2), 215–235.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos, Clegg, Stewart (2008). Manna from heaven: The exuberance of food as a topic for research in management and organization. Human Relations, 61 (7), 935-963.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita (2008). The role of mediatory myths in sustaining ideology: the case of Cuba after the ‘special period’. Culture And Organization, 14 (3), 207-223.
  • Guimarães da Costa, Nuno, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). The Atrium effect of website openness on the communication of corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15 (1), 43-51.
  • Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). Improvisation and knowledge: the challenge of appropriation. Management Research, 6 (2), 93-106.
  • Lopes, Miguel Pereira, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). Who is more proactive, the optimist or the pessimist? Exploring the role of hope as a moderator. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3 (2), 100-109.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). Authentizotic climates and employee happiness: pathways to individual performance?. Journal of Business Research, 61 (7), 739-752.
  • Rego, Armnio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Oliveira, Miguel (2008). Eupsychia revisited: the role of spiritual leaders. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 48 (2), 165-195.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). Organisational citizenship behaviours and effectiveness: an empirical study in two small insurance companies. Service Industries Journal, 28 (4), 541-554.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). Workplace spirituality and organizational commitment: an empirical study. Journal Of Organizational Change Management, 21 (1), 53-75.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Da Cunha, João Vieira (2008). Ecocentric management: An update. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15 (6), 311-321.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita, Rego, Arménio (2007). Toward a cross-cultural theory of "exemplary organizations" evidence from Cuba. Thunderbird International Business Review, 49 (5), 545-565.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Chia, Robert (2007). Using teams to avoid peripheral blindness. Long Range Planning, 40 (6), 559-573.
  • Faia-Correia, Manuela, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2007). Getting started: initializing “organization” around new technology. Management Research, 5 (3), 149-161.
  • Kaiser, Stephan, Müller-Seitz, Gordon, Lopes, Miguel Pereira, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2007). Weblog-technology as a trigger to elicit passion for knowledge. Organization, 14 (3), 391-412.
  • Rego, Arménio, Sousa, Filipa, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Correia, Anabela, Saur-Amaral, Irina (2007). Leader self-reported emotional intelligence and perceived employee creativity: an exploratory study. Creativity and Innovation Management, 16 (3), 250-264.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Souto, Solange (2007). Workplace spirituality, commitment, and self-reported individual performance: an empirical study. Management Research, 5 (3), 163-183.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Palma, Patrícia, da Costa, Nuno Guimarães (2006). Fear of foresight: knowledge and ignorance in organizational foresight. Futures, 38 (8), 942-955.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, D'Oliveira, Teresa (2006). Organizational spiritualities: an ideology-based typology. Business and Society, 45 (2), 211-234.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2006). Shades of gray: A liminal interpretation of organizational legality-illegality. International Public Management Journal, 9 (3), 209-225.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Kamoche, Ken (2006). Surprises in management and organization: concept, sources and a typology. British Journal of Management, 17 (4), 317-329.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vieira Cunha, Joao (2006). Towards a complexity theory of strategy. Management Decision, 44 (7), 839-850.
  • Crossan, Mary, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Dusya, Vera, Vieira da Cunha, João (2005). Time and organizational improvisation. The Academy of Management Review, 30 (1), 129-145.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2005). Adopting or adapting? The tension between local and international mindsets in Portuguese management. Journal of World Business, 40 (2), 188-202.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita (2005). Organizações: uma perspectiva positiva. Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, 11 (1), 111-114.
  • Palma, Patrícia Jardim da, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Pereira Lopes, Miguel (2005). Rumo a uma adaptação contínua às tecnologias de informação: O papel da identidade organizacional empreendedora. Revista Gestão & Tecnologia, 5 (1), 1-27.
  • Almeida Costa, Luís, Amaro de Matos, João, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2004). The manager as change agent: communication channels, timing of information, and attitude change. International Studies of Management & Organization, 33 (4), 65-93.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita (2004). Changing a cultural grammar? The pressure towards the adoption of "Northern time" by Southern European managers. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19 (8), 795-808.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2004). In search of organizational cockaigne: identifying the pillars of the ideal organization. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 1 (1), 77-92.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, da Cunha, João Vieira, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2004). Looking for complication: four approaches to management education. Journal of Management Education, 28 (1), 88-103.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita (2004). The dialectics of human resource management in Cuba. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 15 (7), 1280-1292.
  • Mendonça, Sandro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Kaivo-oja, Jari, Ruff, Frank (2004). Wild cards, weak signals and organisational improvisation. Futures, 36 (2), 201-218.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2004). Organizational time: a dialectical view. Organization, 11 (2), 271-296.
  • Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2003). The business lunch: toward a research agenda. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 24 (7), 371-379.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Rita (2003). Improvisation in organizations. International Studies of Management & Organization, 33 (1), 3-9.
  • Cunha, Rita, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Morgado, António, Brewster, Chris (2003). Market forces, strategic management, human resource management practices and organizational performance: a model based on a european sample. Management Research, 1 (1), 79-91.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gomes, Jorge F.S. (2003). Order and disorder in product innovation models. Creativity and Innovation Management, 12 (3), 174-187.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira (2003). Organizational improvisation and change: two syntheses and a filled gap. Journal Of Organizational Change Management, 16 (2), 169-185.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Rita (2003). Organizational improvisation and leadership: a field study in two computer-mediated settings. International Studies of Management & Organization, 33 (1), 34-57.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita (2003). The interplay of planned and emergent change in Cuba. International Business Review, 12 (4), 445-459.
  • Gomes, Jorge F S, De Weerd-Nederhof, Petra C., Pearson, Alan W., Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2003). Is more always better? An exploration of the differential effects of functional integration on performance in new product development. Technovation, 23 (3), 185-191.
  • Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira (2003). Towards a theory of organizational improvisation: looking beyond the jazz metaphor. Journal of Management Studies, 40 (8), 2023-2051.
  • Da Cunha, João Vieira, Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2003). Organizational Improvisation: A Contextual Approach. International Review Of Sociology, 13 (3), 567-589.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vieira da Cunha, João (2002). Minimal structures: From the classroom to management structures. Journal of Management Development, 21 (8), 610-620.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2002). “The best place to be” managing control and employee loyalty in a knowledge-intensive company. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 38 (4), 481-495.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira, Dahab, Sónia (2002). Yin-yang: a dialectical approach to total quality management. Total Quality Management, 13 (6), 843-853.
  • Mascarenhas, Helena, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Ribeiro, Rui Bártolo (2002). Implicação com o sindicato: o papel das percepções de suporte e de instrumentalidade. Análise Psicológica, 20 (4), 587-601.
  • Vieira da Cunha, João, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2002). Reading between the lines: unveiling masculinity in feminine management practices. Women in Management Review, 17 (1), 5-11.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Vieira Da Cunha, Joao, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2002). Management paradoxes: a relational view. Human Relations, 55 (5), 483-503.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, Joao Vieira (2001). Managing improvisation in cross cultural virtual teams. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 1 (2), 187-208.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Marcelino, Ana Regina (2001). Um compêndio de medidas (frequentes e recentes) usadas em comportamento organizacional. Análise Psicológica, 19 (3), 461-470.
  • da Cunha, João Vieira, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2001). Brave new (paradoxical) world: Structure and improvisation in virtual teams. Strategic Change, 10 (6), 337-347.
  • Honrado, Graciete, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cesário, Francisco (2001). Sistemas de recompensa: uma analise empírica de antecedentes e consequências. Análise Psicológica, 19 (2), 279-298.
  • Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2001). Minimal structures: from jazz improvisation to product innovation. Organization Studies, 22 (5), 733-764.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (1999). Country tale - Organization studies in Portugal: in search of a community of theory. Organization Studies, 20 (2), 358-362.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (1999). Ecologia organizacional: implicações para a gestão e algumas pistas para a superação de seu caráter anti-management. Revista de Administração de Empresas (RAE), 39 (4), 21-28.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira, Kamoche, Ken (1999). Organizational improvisation: What, when, how and why. International Journal of Management Reviews, 1 (3), 299-341.
  • Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Cunha, Miguel Pina E., Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco (2024). Organizational compassion: A relational approach. Taylor & Francis.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vera, Dusya, Abrantes, António Cunha Meneses, Miner, Anne (2023). The Routledge companion to improvisation in organizations. Taylor & Francis.
  • Abrantes, Antonio Cunha Meneses, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Miner, Anne S. (2022). Elgar introduction to organizational improvisation theory. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2022). Ágil: A transformação organizacional para o digital. Principia.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Gaim, Medhanie, Giustiniano, Luca (2022). Elgar introduction to designing organizations. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Gaim, Medhanie, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina E, Berti, Marco (2022). Organizational paradox. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2022). Putin. Edições Sílabo, Lda.
  • Bednarek, Rebecca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Schad, Jonathan, Smith, Wendy K. (2021). Interdisciplinary dialogues on organizational paradox: investigating social structure and human expression, part B. Emerald.
  • Bednarek, Rebecca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Schad, Jonathan, Smith, Wendy K. (2021). Interdisciplinary dialogues on organizational paradox: learning from belief and science, part A. Emerald.
  • Berti, Marco, Simpson, Ace, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2021). Elgar Introduction to Organizational Paradox Theory. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco (2021). Paradoxes of power and leadership. Taylor & Francis.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Clegg, Stewart (2020). Positive organizational behaviour: a reflective approach. Routledge.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2020). Paradoxos da liderança: gerir contradições, dilemas e tensões da vida organizacional. Sílabo.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Management, organizations and contemporary social theory. 1 ed. Routledge.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Rego, Tomás Mota (2019). Superequipas: orientações para a criação de verdadeiras equipas . 3ª ed., revista ed. Actual.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2019). Teoria das organizações e da gestão: uma perspectiva histórica. 1 ed.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Que líder sou eu? Manual de apoio ao desenvolvimento de competências de liderança. 3ª ed. Edições Sílabo, Lda.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Rego, Tomás Mota (2018). Super Equipas: Orientações para a criação de verdadeiras equipas. Actual.
  • Giustiniano, Luca, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2018). Elgar introduction to theories of organizational resilience. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Rego, Arménio, Valverde , Camilo, Oliveira, Eduardo, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2018). Gestão por objetivos: Guias para reflexão e ação. Edições Sílabo.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2018). Que líder sou eu? Manual de apoio ao desenvolvimento de competências de liderança. 2ª ed. Edições Sílabo, Lda.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Alexandre Dias da, Fernandes, Filipe S. (2017). Como liderar empresas familiares: aprenda a usar a força (e a defender-se do lado negro) dos negócios de família. Lua de Papel.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Jobs, Musk, Bezos – génios insanos? Inventar o futuro em vez de o prever. 1ª ed. Edições Sílabo.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Mary Parker Follett: Sobre liderança, poder, empresas e sociedade. Edições Sílabo, Lda.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Organizacão: cães e «cãopetências» na vida organizacional. 1ª ed. Edições Sílabo.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gomes, Diana Oliveira (2017). Porque não gosto do meu chefe: uma viagem aos confins das más práticas de liderança. 2ª ed. Edições Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos, Neves, Pedro (2016). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. 8. ª ed. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Castanheira, Filipa (2016). Propósito: ideias para Trabalhar Ligado. 1st ed. Editora RH.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2016). Que líder sou eu? Manual de apoio ao desenvolvimento de competências de liderança. Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos, Neves, Pedro (2014). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. 7. ª ed. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Ribeiro, Neuza, Rego, Arménio (2013). A Virtude nas Organizações: Fonte de Progresso e Sustentabilidade. Sinais de Fogo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Ribeiro, Maria da Glória (2013). Liderança para a sustentabilidade. Actual.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Figueiredo, João Cotrim de (2013). Lidere como um líder. Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2013). Superequipas. Actual.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Wood-Jr., Thomaz (2013). O pequeno livro das virtudes para grandes líderes. Da Boa Prosa.
  • Batista, Maria da Graça, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). Qualidade de serviço: uma introdução aos conceitos gerais. CEEAplA/Universiddae dos Açores.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2012). The virtues of leadership: contemporary challenges for global managers. Oxford University Press.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2011). Liderança: a virtude está no meio. Actual.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Pereira Lopes, Miguel (2011). O Mundo é pequeno: O que podemos aprender sobre o networking e as redes sociais. Actual.
  • Kaiser, Stephan, Ringlstetter, Max J., Eikhof, Doris Ruth, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2011). Creating balance? International perspectives on the work-life integration of professionals. Springer.
  • Pereira Lopes, Miguel, Palma, Patrícia Jardim da, Ribeiro, Rui Bártolo, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2011). Psicologia aplicada. Editora RH.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Wood Jr., Thomaz (2011). Como gerenciar seu chefe: um guia prático para sobriviver (com sucesso) a exibidos, neuróticos, falastrões e outros tipos exóticos da selva corporativa. Da Boa Prosa.
  • Rego, Arménio, Gonçalves, Helena, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Pinheiro, Susana Frazão (2011). Estratégia Oceano Verde. Texto.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vieira da Cunha, João (2010). Empresa, progresso e contestação: o primeiro século de estudos organizacionais. Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2010). O tao da eficácia organizacional: 18,5 lições de gestão inspiradas no velho mestre. Aparecida.
  • Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gomes, Diana Oliveira (2010). Porque não gosto do meu chefe: uma viagem aos confins das más práticas de liderança. Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Indústrias criativas no Brasil. 1 ed. Atlas.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2009). K - O mundo da burocracia kafkiana: Como o complex resiste a todos os ataques. 1ª ed. Edições Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Liderança positiva. Edições Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2009). Manual de gestão transcultural de recursos humanos. 1 ed. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Sim, Chefe. Sílabo.
  • Gomes, Jorge F. S., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos, Marques, Carlos Alves (2008). Manual de gestão de pessoas e do capital humano. Edições Sílabo.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2007). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. 6. ª ed. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita (2007). Organizações positivas. Dom Quixote.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2006). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. 5. ª ed. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2004). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. 3. ª ed. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos, Cunha, Rita (2003). Comportamento organizacional e gestão: casos portugueses e exercícios. Editora RH.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Rita, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2003). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão. 1. ª ed. Editora RH.
  • Kamoche, Ken N., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira (2003). Organizational improvisation. Taylor & Francis.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina E., Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco (2024). Destructive leadership paradoxes. Research handbook on destructive leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing, 278-291.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio, Berti, Marco (2024). New space and the future of capitalism. Justifying next stage capitalism. Springer, Vol. 68, 369–387.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e., Gaim, Medhanie, Clegg, Stewart (2023). Eight paradoxical tensions of organizational improvisation. The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations. Taylor & Francis, 50-64.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Alexandre Dias da, Cunha, Salvador (2023). O vinho do Porto e a primavera: A família Keller na encruzilhada. Criar mais valor na vinha e no vinho. : Casos de um ecossistema competitivo. Fontes, José Ramalho, Aguiar, Fernando Bianchi de (Eds.), Actual, 415-435.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Berti, Marco (2023). The improvisation-serendipity nexus. The Routledge Companion to Improvisation in Organizations. Taylor & Francis, 77-91.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina E, Martins, Miguel Alves, Rego, Arménio, Zózimo, Ricardo (2022). Spirituality and the social enterprise: A paradox lens. Social Innovation and Social Enterprises. Vaccaro, A., Ramus, T. (Eds.), Springer, Cham, Chapter 6. 109-135.
  • Bednarek, Rebecca, e Cunha, Miguel Pina, Schad, Jonathan, Smith, Wendy K. (2021). Implementing interdisciplinary paradox research. Research in the sociology of organizations. Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 3-24.
  • Bednarek, Rebecca, e Cunha, Miguel Pina, Schad, Jonathan, Smith, Wendy K. (2021). The value of interdisciplinary research to advance paradox in organization theory. Research in the sociology of organizations. Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 3-25.
  • Pierides, Dean, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2021). The historical embeddedness of organizational paradoxes: risk-related rituals and realities in emergency management. Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox. : Investigating Social Structures and Human Expression, Part B. Bednarek, Rebecca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Schad, Jonathan, Smith, Wendy K. (Eds.), Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 65-85.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Berti, Marco, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2020). Artificial intelligence and the future of practical wisdom in business management. Handbook of practical wisdom in business and management. Schwartz, Barry, Bernacchio, Caleb, González-Cantón, César, Robson, Angus (Eds.), Springer, Cham, 1-18.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Gaim, Medhanie, Wåhlin, Nils (2020). The temporal-enduring paradox: the case of umeÅ capital of culture 2014. Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 37-60.
  • Oliveira, Sonia Cristina, Giustiniano, Luca, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2020). "Positive change" in responsible global leadership: process and paradox. Responsible Global Leadership. : Dilemmas, Paradoxes, and Opportunities. Taylor & Francis, 45-64.
  • Smith, Wendy K., Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2020). A paradoxical approach to hybridity: Integrating dynamic equilibrium and disequilibrium perspectives. Organizational hybridity. : Perspectives, processes, promises. 93-111.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Simpson, Ace Volkmann, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2019). Hope in business organizing for societal progress: Three narratives. Organizing Hope. : Narratives for a better future. Ericsson, Daniel, Kostera, Monika (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 61-71.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Liquefying modernity: Zygmunt Bauman as organization theorist. 1st. ed. Management, organizations and contemporary social theory. Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (Eds.), Routledge, 271-289.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Management, organizations and contemporary social theory. 1st. ed. Management, organizations and contemporary social theory. Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (Eds.), Routledge, 1-18.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Post-leadership leadership: mastering the new liquidity. 1st. ed. After Leadership. Carroll, Brigid, Firth, Josh, Wilson, Suze (Eds.), Routledge, 175-194.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2019). Management, organizations and contemporary social theory: An index of possibilities. 1st. ed. Management, organizations and contemporary social theory. Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (Eds.), Routledge, 290-303.
  • Rego, Arménio, Valverde , Camilo, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2019). Engajamento e desempenho: a liderança focada no desenvolvimento das forças dos liderados. 1 ed. Humanizar as organizações. : novos sentidos para a gestão de pessoas. Marujo, Helena Águeda, Neto, Luís Miguel, Ceitil, Mário (Eds.), Editora RH.
  • Simpson, Ace V., Farr-Wharton, Ben, e Cunha, Miguel Pina, Reddy, Prasuna (2019). Organizing organizational compassion subprocesses and mechanisms: A practical model. The power of compassion. Nova Science Publishers, 339-357.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Giustiniano, Luca, Neves, Pedro, Rego, Arménio (2018). Improvising agility: organizations as structured-extemporaneous hybrids. Learning and innovation in hybrid organizations. : Strategic and organizational insights. Boccardelli, Paolo, Annosi, Maria Carmela, Brunetta, Federica, Magnusson, Mats (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 231-254.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart (2018). Persistence in paradox. Perspectives on process organization studies. : Dualities, dialectics, and paradoxes in organizational life. Farjoun, Moshe, Smith, Wendy, Langley, Ann, Tsoukas, Haridimos (Eds.), Oxford University Press, Vol. 8, 14-34.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Tsoukas, Haridimos (2018). Studying vicious circles to learn about state reforms. Management research. : European perspectives. Siebert, Sabina (Eds.), Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group, 157-170.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Dialectics: assumptions and ideas. The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox. Smith, Wendy K., Lewis, Marianne W., Jarzabkowski, Paula (Eds.), Oxford University Press.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Organizational dialectics. The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox. Smith, Wendy K., Lewis, Marianne W., Jarzabkowski, Paula, Langley, Ann (Eds.), Oxford University Press, 105-124.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Lewis, Marianne, Rego, Arménio, Smith, Wendy K. (2017). Biographical methods in leadership research. Handbook of methods in leadership research. Schyns, Birgit, Hall, Rosalie J., Neves, Pedro (Eds.), Edward Elgar, 372-400.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Leite, A. P. (2017). Mercado, concorrência e ética: os paradoxos. 1ª ed. Ética Aplicada: Economia. Neves, M. C. P., Neves, J. C. (Eds.), Edições 70, 201-221.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Tsoukas, Hari (2017). On organizational circularity: vicious and virtuous circles in organizing. The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Paradox. Smith, Wendy K., Lewis, Marianne W., Jarzabkowski, Paula, Langley, Ann (Eds.), Oxford University Press.
  • Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, João Vieira (2017). Towards a theory of organizational improvisation: looking beyond the jazz metaphor. The Aesthetic Turn in Management. Minahan, Stella, Cox, Julie Wolfram (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, 425-453.
  • Teixeira Santos, Pedro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2017). Rhythm, time and improvisation. Improvisation und Organisation. : Muster zur Innovation sozialer Systeme. Stark, Wolfgang, Vossebrecher, David, Dell, Christopher, Schmidhuber, Holger (Eds.), Transcript Verlag, 93-108.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Miner, Anne S., Antonacopoulou, Elena (2016). Improvisation processes in organizations. The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies. Langley, Ann, Tsoukas, Haridimos (Eds.), SAGE Publications, 559-573.
  • Rodrigues, Filipa, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart (2016). The seven pillars of paradoxical organizational wisdom: on the use of paradox as a vehicle to synthesize knowledge and ignorance. Wisdom Learning. : Perspectives on Wising-Up Business and Management Education. Küpers, Wendelin, Gunnlaugson, Olen (Eds.), Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 98-116.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2015). The evil of utopia. The Foundations of Organizational Evil. Taylor & Francis, 225-244.
  • Antunes, Ana Cristina, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2014). Capital humano e capital psicológico. Psicossociologia Do Trabalho E Das Organizações. Gonçalves, Sonia P. (Eds.), PACTOR, 101-124.
  • Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio (2013). To the victors the spoils! Distributed agencies, inhumanities and the case of Comrade Duch of the Khmer Rouge. Materiality and space. : Organizations, artefacts and practices. de Vaujany, Francois-Xavier, Mitev, Nathalie (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 216-239.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Guimarães da Costa, Nuno (2013). Fernando Pessoa and the terms of organizational engagement. Experiencing organizations: New aesthetic perspectives. King, Ian W., Vickery, Jonathan (Eds.), Libri.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Paiva, Rui (2013). Improvisação nas organizações: Muita estrutura e muita liberdade. 1ª ed. Comportamento organizacional no século XXI. : Diálogos entre a gestão e a academia. Neves, Pedro, Lopes, Miguel Pereira (Eds.), Editora RH, 153-164.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Clegg, Stewart, Rego, Arménio (2013). Surprising organization. Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing, 295-318.
  • Batista, Maria da Graça, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Armenio (2012). Structuring the service encounter: a test of alternatives. Service Science Research, Strategy and Innovation: Dynamic Knowledge Management Methods. IGI Global, 100-111.
  • Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2012). The positive power of character strengths and virtues for global leaders. The Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship. Spreitzer, Gretchen M., Cameron, Kim S. (Eds.), Oxford University Press, 366-381.
  • Teixeira Santos, Pedro, Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Pereira Lopes, Miguel (2011). Triple bottom line management at Sonae Sierra. Humanistic Management in Practice. von Kimakowitz, Ernst, Pirson, Michael, Spitzeck, Heiko, Dierksmeier, Claus, Amann, Wolfgang (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 231-246.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Compreendendo as indústrias criativas. Indústrias Criativas no Brasil. Atlas, 24-35.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Dialética. Actas do 3º colóquio europeu de psicologia e ética. Vítor, Cláudio Mário (Eds.), ISPA, 117-129.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Vieira da Cunha, João (2009). Improvisational bricolage: A practice-based approach to strategy and foresight. Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight. Costanzo, LA, MacKay, RB (Eds.), Edward Elgar, 182-199.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Indústrias criativas e sua relevância para a ciência da administração. Indústrias criativas no Brasil. WOOD JUNIOR., T., BENDASSOLLI, P.F., KIRSCHBAUM, C., CUNHA, M. P. (Eds.), Atlas, 210-211.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Clegg, Stewart, Cabral-Cardoso, Carlos (2009). "This job is killing me" to "I live the life I love and I love the life I live". Workaholism: Perspectives and Experiences. Reddy, S. (Eds.), Icfai University Press, 29-48.
  • Pereira Lopes, Miguel, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2009). Positive organizational scholarship: embodying a humanistic perspective on business. Humanism in business. Spitzeck, H., Pirson, M., Amman, W., Khan, S., Kimakowitz, E. von (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 278-298.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). The organizing of rhythm, the rhythm of organizing. Time in Organizational Research. Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group, 220-237.
  • da Cunha, Joao Vieira, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2008). Improvisation in organizations. The SAGE Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. Barry, Daved, Hansen, Hans (Eds.), SAGE Publications, 385-395.
  • Cunha, Rita, Obeso, Carlos, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2004). Spain and Portugal: Different paths to the same destiny. Human Resource Management in Europe. : Evidence of Convergence?. Butterworth Heinemann - Elsevier, 161-188.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira, Kamoche, Ken N. (2003). Organizational improvisation: what, when, how and why. Organizational Improvisation. Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, 93-133.
  • Da Cunha, João Vieira, Kamoche, Ken N., Cunha, Miguel Pina e (2003). Once again: what, when, how and why: A prospectus for research in organizational improvisation. Organizational Improvisation. Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, 291-303.
  • Kamoche, Ken N., Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Da Cunha, João Vieira (2003). Introduction and overview. Organizational Improvisation. Kamoche, Ken, Cunha, Miguel Pina e (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, 1-12.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Rita (2000). Improvisation and learning: Soulmates or just friends?. Innovative theories, tools, and practices in work and organizational psychology. Vartiainen, Matti, Avallone, Francesco, Anderson, Neil (Eds.), Hogrefe and Huber Publishers, 307-320.