Labs, Hubs & Foruns

Inclusive Community Forum


Community Involvement

Since the beginning of ICF, many people and entities have shown interest in contributing in different ways to the development of the project. For this reason, we have promoted several types of initiatives that allow the Community to play an active role in building solutions.  




participants in Family and Institution Council the last year

annual Inclusive Community Forum events with the community

Be part of ICF's community!

If you want to join ICF and participate in our activities, please contact us.

The Inclusive Community Forum's (ICF) Families Council and Institutions Council are working groups that aim to ensure that the solution proposals developed are based on concrete needs and real cases.  

In these Councils, the ICF brings together different types of actors in the same room, reporting on the work carried out and challenging them to carry out a concrete exercise. Participants thus have the opportunity to be part of the solutions designed, taking part in ongoing discussions about the needs and challenges at hand and giving feedback on the projects being developed within the ICF, while building community and broadening their network of contacts.  

The existence of two Councils is explained by the different groups that make them up. The Families Council is made up of disabled people themselves, their families and anyone with an interest in the subject, on an individual basis. The Council of Institutions, on the other hand, is made up of entities - public, business or Private Social Solidarity Institutions (IPSS) - that are interested in participating in the ICF. 

Inclusive Talks are working sessions aimed at specific groups in the community (such as companies that are signatories to the Commitment to Inclusion, or Social Organizations), with the aim of boosting the initiatives developed under the ICF. 

At the annual event, the Inclusive Community Forum shares its journey and the results achieved with the entire community. 

Foto do evento anual do ICF

Since the Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) is a Nova SBE initiative and part of the Nova SBE Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center, it offers different types of participation to its community. Students, teachers, staff, corporate partners and alumni are involved as participants in the initiatives developed by the ICF and in projects that can be incorporated into courses, dissertations, modules or theses and in student clubs.