
Double Degrees

A Double Degree is an excellent opportunity for you to broaden your international experience while expanding your understanding of specific markets. 

Nova SBE has developed a network of Double Degrees with top schools in countries around the world. If you choose to do a Double Degree, you will spend one year at Nova SBE and one year at one of our partner schools. If you meet the master’s requirements of both schools, you will obtain two Master’s degrees. 

Candidates should not apply to Double Degrees of their nationality (e.g., an Italian candidate cannot apply to Bocconi). 

When selecting a second option for the master’s, should the master’s be in the same study area, the options for the Double Degree add-on program must be the same (e.g.: 1st choice IMM with DD Maastricht and DD LSM; 2nd choice MiM must also be DD Maastricht and DD LSM).

Nova SBE offers Double Degrees with the following programs: 

Master's Programs 2025/26

Applications are open for the following intakes:

• Fall (September 2025): all Master's Programs
• Spring (February 2026): Master's in Management only

For more information, please contact us by emailing or calling +351 213 801 699.

Q&A Sessions

Q&A Sessions

Watch the info video about the program, and attend one of our live Q&A sessions to learn more about the program and clear any doubts about the program and its curriculum that you may have.


For more information on each of the agreements please send an email to or call (+351) 213 801 699.