Professor Pedro Gardete is President of the Scientific Council of Nova SBE. He conducts research in quantitative Marketing, primarily using data analysis with the goals of improving firm profitability and understanding consumer behaviour. He has worked in with companies in the semiconductor industry, aviation, as well as in traditional and online retail. His research also utilizes game theory in order to understand communication credibility in advertising markets. Professor Pedro Gardete obtained his PhD in Business at the University of California at UC Berkeley in 2011, and obtained a bachelor´s degree in Business Administration and a Master´s degree in Economics at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He was a Marketing professor at Stanford´s Graduate School of Business from 2011 until 2019, and has been a full professor at the Nova School of Business and Economics since 2020.
2011 - Ph.D. in Business Administration, Marketing University of California, Berkeley
2007 - M.Sc. in Economics, magna cum laude Catholic University of Portugal
2003 - B.A. in Business Administration, Catholic University of Portugal
Roles of Information in Markets, Supply-Side Industrial Organization, Marketing Strategy