Labs, Hubs & Foruns

Inclusive Community Forum

Inclusion Projects

The inclusion of people with disabilities has been a topic that most organizations and institutions have been working on, developing projects and tools in the areas of employability and education and thereby contributing to a society increasingly more inclusive of people with disabilities.

Employability of People with Disabilities

Organizations Dedicated to the Inclusive Recruitment

The Employment Operation for People with Disabilities (OED) is an organization dedicated to recruiting people with disabilities. It bridges the gap between entities seeking to recruit people with disabilities and candidates with disabilities fit for the job market. It consists of a free mediation service in recruitment processes and hiring people with disabilities in the most varied sectors of activity.


Valor T is an organization totally dedicated to the recruitment of people with disabilities. It bridges the gap between entities seeking to recruit people with disabilities and candidates with disabilities fit for the job market.

It is an employability agency serving people with disabilities.


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Inclusive Recruitment Support Tools

The Guide to Inclusive Recruitment, designed by the Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI), is a tool that provides support to companies in identifying specific actions to achieve inclusive recruitment.

The Guide to Inclusive Recruitment is intended for all organizations. It aims to inspire and provide tools that can be useful and promote the construction of a more diverse workplace, more inclusive and capable of providing comfort and well-being to its employees.


The Toolkit for Companies, developed by GRACE – Responsible Companies, is a tool that provides support to companies in identifying specific actions to achieve inclusive recruitment. The toolkit is designed for managers and technicians of human resources, corporate social responsibility, communication, and public relations, among others. It aims to support them with the professional integration of people with disabilities, identifying the best talent for their organizations, and contributing to a more inclusive society.


Education of People with Disabilities

Support Tools

The Training Offer Portal is a national technological platform that enables the personalized search of the existing educational and training offer. Developed by the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC), in partnership with the Directorate-General for Education (DGE) and the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education I. P. (ANQEP), it brings together in one place updated information on the educational and training offer in Portugal and allows searching for and identifying different alternatives of educational pathways.


"The journey and arrival on the job market of some of our children - one with Trisomy 21 and the other with Asperger's Syndrome - has been difficult, but it has happened, and so I want to share my personal experience with parents and young people with disabilities, some kind of impairment or difficulty."
Maria Castro e Almeida

In addition to 8 years' experience of consulting social organizations, since September 2017 Maria has been a consultant at the ICF - Inclusive Community Forum. She has an important network of contacts with recruitment companies, social organizations that provide support for hiring and integration, and companies that want to hire people with these characteristics. Her personal and professional experience is at the service of a Vocational Counseling project that can help people with disabilities, some kind of impairment or difficulty in choosing their path of further education or in approaching the job market.

Maria Castro e Almeida
91 813 85 58

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