Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem

A Community of Innovators for the Future

The Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem is an innovation meeting point to forge partnerships with a shared vision, blending generations, industries, cultures, and perspectives to breed new business models, products, and solutions. As a school of curious minds, here you will be able to explore, fail, learn, improve and turn ideas into solutions, and solutions into results either by being a member of the resident corporate innovation team or by joining as an innovation circle partner.

Join our innovators community

We are looking forward to meet you.

A Community of Innovators in the Unique Nova SBE Ecosystem

  • Corporate Innovation Teams
  • Startups and Social Innovators
  • Nova SBE Students & Students Clubs
  • Nova SBE Faculty & Alumni
  • Nova SBE Knowledge Centers, Labs & Hubs

An open ground where innovation, entrepreneurship, education and research live and grow together to promote sustainable development.

We aim to develop groundbreaking collaboration that:

  • ideates novel processes, products and services;
  • accelerates and incubates start-ups;
  • generates insights, facts and data for academic research;
  • develops future-proofed soft skills for students through project-based learning.

It´s all about collaborative teaching, learning & networking, and, of course, it’s a great place to be.

Corporate Innovation Ecosystem Members

  Logo Grupo Briga

Nova SBE Areas of Expertise

Innovation Circles

The Innovation Circles are active networks of corporate teams, startups, and innovation hubs, engaged with the specialized expertise of Nova SBE ́s students, faculty, and alumni aimed at creating an agenda of leading-edge collaboration and serendipity that fosters disruptive innovation in five main areas:

Nova SBE’s European-leading finance faculty, along with the extraordinary students from its top-ranked Master’s in Finance, provide a unique pool of resources to generate new, disruptive ideas.

As one of Europe’s leading municipalities regarding the management of Smart-Cities, Cascais provides a unique lab to test the future. In addition, Nova SBE’s partnership with CEiiA offers a unique academic footing for the effort.

Nova SBE’s expert faculty in Health Economics and Entrepreneurship, including one Nova SBE Knowledge Center and the award-winning Patient Innovation initiative, set the scene for supporting the transformation of an industry that will redefine the 21st century.

Nova SBE’s innovative “Space for Business” program alongside the Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center, alongside the rising interest of its international students, is the perfect ecosystem to look into the sustainable recourse exploiting industries of the future: energy, oceans, and space.

The unique expertise provided by the Nova SBE Westmont Institute of Tourism & Hospitality allows leveraging the insights from the Hospitality industry to create extraordinary online and offline customer journeys that will create opportunities for innovation.

Activities of the Innovation Circles

  • Acceleration Program: One acceleration program per year of disruptive start-ups in the respective vertical to be hosted by Nova SBE.
  • Networking and Development Program: Regular calendar of events on-campus to foster collaboration and opportunities to discover the frontier of knowledge. Events include talks by international experts, social events, presentations by circle members, policy debates, cross-innovation bootcamps.
  • Student-Project Program: Development of projects within the students ́ curriculum aimed at enhancing the skills of students and leveraging their insight to foster disruptive, future-focused Innovation.

Where can you find us?

An Ecosystem for Collaboration and Innovation in the Carcavelos Campus.



Promotes innovation in hospitality, tourism and service management.

Hosts a selected group of Resident Corporate Innovation Teams.

  • Nova SBE Social Sciences Data Lab
    A space and IT infrastructure to collect, manage and mine data provided by the partners.

Dedicated to the incubation and early acceleration of start-ups launched by University students.