
Bachelor's in Ocean Studies

A Wave of Knowledge

The Bachelor's Degree in Ocean Studies was created to respond to the challenges of humanity, whose answers we can find in the ocean, through an innovative interdisciplinary approach that creates a common language shared by an oceanic generation. This interdisciplinary degree arises from a partnership between the NOVA University of Lisbon (comprising 5 organic units – NOVA School of Law, NOVA IMSNova SBENOVA FCSH, and NOVA FCT), the University of Algarve, and the University of Évora, with the involvement of the Hydrographic Institute from the Portuguese Navy.

On the field, I often felt that there was a lack of people with higher education and critical and creative capacity regarding the issues of sustainability, balancing new uses of the ocean, physical dynamics, vulnerabilities, climate, climate change, and at the same time understanding the opportunities of the blue economy.
We want people from all over the world capable of generating interdisciplinary dialogue, with different sensitivities and foundations, both culturally and geographically.
This is an innovative initiative, entirely in English, because the theme is global, and the degree focuses not only on Portugal but on the whole world.

Benefits of this program

  • Pioneering new Paths
  • The Ocean as a Wave of Knowledge
  • This is an innovative initiative, completely offered in English, with a global focus, addressing not only Portugal but the entire world. One of the key benefits of this course is to find a generation that shares a common language capable of developing public policies in the field of the sea and a true-blue economy, a sustainable ocean economy, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDGs 14, 13, and 12.