

Having some free time and doesn’t know how to use it? Passionate about data, programming or AI? Wanting to know how to use data science to change the world? If so, we highly encouraged you to volunteer your time with us and be immersed in a fast-paced and exciting Data Science environment inside the university.

Additionally, we invite any Master student to approach us to do their Master thesis in Data Science to contribute to their technical knowledge and contribute to the scientific community.

Why join us?

  • We work on projects in Applied Data Science in several different fields
  • We have the support from top world-wide experts in Data Science and its use for impact
  • We have partnerships with several public and social organizations as well as companies that wish to use data as a decision-making driver
  • We are a growing team of Data Science experts
  • We are building a growing impact on the education of Managers and Business Students in Data Science

For further information please contact:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate.
Send us an email.


We are always eager to expand our scientific knowledge on practical Data Science and to leave a positive impact in the world. As such, if you feel your enterprise might have a data-driven challenge that we could help tackling, please feel free to reach out to us.

Why partner with us?

  • We have experience working on several fields and access to domain experts
  • We have experience partnering with organizations in the public, private and social sectors regardless of their data proficiency, covering a huge array of industries
  • We have extensive knowledge on bridging the gap between data and decision-making