The ocean is at the heart of the response to humanity's greatest challenges. In the sea, we find solutions and opportunities for issues we need to address together within a framework of sustainability: from climate change to the need for food, from clean energy to the conservation and recovery of biodiversity. As there is now a greater sensitivity to all these issues, knowledge becomes crucial for solving problems and creating opportunities.
The Ocean Studies program touches on several dimensions that are less present in existing educational offerings, both nationally and internationally, as it intersects areas of knowledge such as science and technology, data analysis, principles of economics and management, legal and regulatory frameworks, and social sciences.
We seek to provide students with real-world experiences through "field outings" at sea, starting in the Algarve right at the beginning of the first year.
At the end of the first year, using the city of Sines as a case study, students will learn, reflect, discuss, and present solutions to some of these challenges, through their ability to observe, listen, select information (technical, scientific, legal), and interpret the problems associated with different uses and activities related to the ocean in the context of a coastal city (industry, tourism, culture, fishing, aquaculture, and marine conservation).
The Field Lab course stands out in the last semester of the degree, a group project that can be developed in collaboration with various faculties and with national and international institutions.
We recognize the unique value of theoretical knowledge, but also its close link to practical aspects, which will consolidate a richer and more robust learning experience.
We aim to send agents of change into the world, equipped with the ability to solve environmental problems and develop a true sustainable ocean economy.
The entire program is fully taught in English.