Labs & Hubs

Nova SBE Co.Innovation Lab


Multidisciplinary Approach

New challenges need a multidisciplinary approach – a co.creation process with a positive, creative, and entrepreneurial team. 

The Nova SBE Co.Innovation Lab framework is open and non-linear.
The approach is always customized according to the corporate partner's challenge.

People & Business Programs

People & Business Programs

We empower and inspire corporate teams and intrapreneurs to innovate and boost from concept to market through:

  • Culture & Mindset Programs
    focused on people
  • Innovation & Design Programs,
    focused on business
Three Innovation Layers

Three Innovation Layers

Our approach is based on three layers of innovation:

  • Incremental Innovation
    Daily challenges for current solutions
  • Complementary Innovation
    New business challenges
  • Moonshot Innovation
    Future challenges, driven by trends
The Innovation Journey

The Innovation Journey

We leverage Nova SBE’s ecosystem as a co-creation living lab to co-discover, co-create, and co-implement new solutions.

  • Stage 1: Co-Discover
    This is the stage where the challenge is assessed, diagnosed, inspired, and framed.
  • Stage 2: Co-Create
    This stage regards the generation, development, and validation of business opportunities, from concept to MVP.
  • Stage 3: Co-Implement
    This is the stage of go-to-market and business integration.

Do you want to learn more?

For more information on our programs, please send us an email.