Areas of Expertise
Digital and Data-Driven Business
Financial Management
Financial resources, cost efficiency and effectiveness, are management subjects that make you work better and harder. Check the following courses for a career in Corporate Finance.
- Applied Corporate Finance
- Auditing
- Banking
- Corporate Governance
- Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Futures and Options
- Investments
- Mergers, Acquisitions, Restructuring
- Private Equity
If you like to communicate, launch, and improve products and services, deliver superior customer value, the Marketing expertise area may be the right one for you. Take a look at the following courses:
- Advanced Branding and Brand Development
- Applied Qualitative Studies
- Applied Quantitave Studies
- Asian Brands
- Big Data Analysis
- Brand Management
- Brand Management for Hospitality
- Brands and Marketing in Asia’s Emerging Markets
- Consumer and Managerial Decision Making
- Consumer Behavior
- Cracking the Sales Code
- Cross-Cultural Issues for Marketing
- Customer Relationship Management
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Strategy and Transformation
- E-Commerce and Metaverse
- Innovation and Value Creation Wheel
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- International Marketing Strategy
- Luxury and Fashion Marketing
- Marketing Analytics
- Principles of Shopper Marketing
- Product Design and Development
- Sales & Retailing
- Social Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Special Course: L'Oreal Brandstorm Competition
- Tourism Marketing
Operations Management
Can you develop and implement techniques to improve business processes and production? With these courses, you will. Tackles such issues as business process re-engineering, quality management, improving customer service, inventory systems, managing manufacturing, supply chain management, and project management.
- Hospitality Operations Management
- Innovation and Value Creation Wheel
- Modeling Business decisions for Operations
- Operations Management
- Operations Strategy
- Project Management
- Quality Management
- Sustainable Operations
- Technology Strategy
Sports Management
The Sports Management Area of Expertise aims at providing students with the theoretical knowledge, skills, network, and personal attributes to build a career in the sports industry. The students benefit from our in-house world-renowned management expertise and of our main partner, the Portuguese Football Association and many other leading international sport organisations institutions that provide internship opportunities.
- Applied Qualitative Studies
- Applied Sports Projects
- Big Data Analysis
- International Events Management
- Leadership and Change Management
- persuasion and Negotiation
- Sports Careers Seminar Series
Strategy and International Business
Do you see the world as a big marketplace? This expertise area will help you understand customers and competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, the complex business and institutional environments, and the existing resource constraints, on an international scale.
- Asian Brands
- Brands and Marketing in Asia’s Emerging Markets
- Business Model Innovation
- Business Strategy and Practice
- Competition Policy
- Corporate Strategy and Transformation
- Digital Strategy and Transformation
- Doing Business in China
- Doing Business in Emerging Markets
- E-Commerce and Metaverse
- Family Business
- Geoeconomics and International Relations
- Innovation and Value Creation Wheel
- International Business
- International Events Management
- Mental Models for Strategy
- Modeling Business decisions for Operations
- Negotiation
- Persuasion and Negotiation
- Small Business Management
- Strategic errors in organizations
- Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning
- Strategy Consulting
- Strategy Implementation
- Sustainable International Business
- Sustainable Operations
“Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987).
To ensure global sustainability over time, the green transition focuses on responding to the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation but also to the need to work for an economic and societal transformation, integrating all three pillars of sustainable development – economic, social, and environmental.
That is the goal of this Area of Expertise, which will be taught in partnership with Nova’s School of Science and Technology (FCT).
- Applied Social Entrepreneurship
- Circular Economy: Eliminate, Circulate and Regenerate
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Design Thinking for Social Innovation
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Energy and Climate change
- Finance and the transition to net zero
- Fundamentals on Environment and Sustainability
- Impact Investments
- Impact Makers
- Leading Social Enterprises with impact in International Development
- Performance and Progress
- Responsibility and Ethics of Business
- Social Marketing
- Sustainability Evaluation of Policies, Plans and Projects
- Sustainable International Business
- Sustainable Operations
- System Change
*Please take note of the following:
— Students can qualify for only one area of expertise, but it is not mandatory for students to choose one.
— Areas of expertise and respective courses might be subject to change from one academic year to the next.
— Some courses might not be offered every academic year.
— Students may attend elective courses from other Master's programs, subject to availability.