In October 2023, the fourth edition of the Social Leapfrog was launched with 10 pre-selected Organizations participating in the diagnosis phase:
Aajude; Abraço; APPACDM Porto; Terra dos Sonhos; Clube Intercultural Europeu; Conselho Português para os Refugiados; Fundação CEBI; Liga para a Protecção da Natureza; Nuclio; Wave by Wave.

- Foundation: 1982
- Headquarters: Matosinhos
- Social problem/mission: To welcome young people with mild to moderate mental disabilities, providing them with not only a family environment but also all the means that enable them to develop their capabilities and, above all, to have the happiness that they undeniably deserve as full citizens.
- Foundation: 1992
- Headquarters: Lisboa
- Social problem/mission: To promote the improvement of well-being and quality of life of people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and contribute to the eradication of HIV/AIDS.
Terra dos Sonhos
Clube Intercultural Europeu
Conselho Português para os Refugiados
- Foundation: 1991
- Headquarters: Lisboa
- Social problem/mission: To defend and promote the right to asylum in Portugal in accordance with International Law, through direct and free support, through the initial and transitional reception of international protection applicants, through advocacy, and through information, awareness, and training actions.
Fundação CEBI
- Foundation: 1968
- Headquarters: Alverca do Ribatejo
- Social problem/mission: To support the effective development of the community, especially its most vulnerable groups, through the best service practices aimed at improving their quality of life.
- Site:
Liga para a Proteção da Natureza
- Foundation: 1948
- Headquarters: Lisboa
- Social problem/mission: To contribute to the conservation of nature and to the defense of the environment, from the perspective of sustainable development, ensuring the quality of life for present and future generations.
- Site:
Wave by Wave