
Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) @ Nova SBE


In the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) context, Nova SBE has several projects underway, spread across various measures.

The agenda "New Space Portugal" will establish, for the first time in Portugal, the capability to design, develop, and produce complete satellites, payloads, and offer high-value transactional services based on Earth Observation (EO) data from Space, driving the national value chain to meet a rapidly growing global market. In addition, it will expand the product and service portfolio of the Portuguese satellite operator (GEOSAT), consolidating its position in the European and global markets, along with national companies focused on practical applications of satellite data (downstream), creating a high-value-added offering with market focus. "New Space Portugal" will develop and consolidate a long-term scientific, technological, and industrial space base in Portugal for the auspicious future of the sector.

The objective will be to promote a structural change in the specialization profile of the Portuguese economy through the development, production, and operation of satellite constellations, strengthening the national position, already with a reference satellite operator at the European level, enhancing the creation of innovative space-based products and services, integrating "New Space" philosophies.

Specifically, in terms of products and services, the following will be created:

  • Very High-Resolution Satellite Constellation.
  • High-Resolution Satellite Constellation.
  • VDES Satellite Constellation.
  • SAR Satellite Constellation.
  • Digital Planet: a digital platform to integrate multiple data from multiple sources and provide value-added services.
  • Other services for promoting entrepreneurship, education, and advanced space-based training.
  • Research in the domain of Earth Observation in the Atlantic and globally.

The "Accelerate and Transform Tourism" Agenda aims to develop and implement an advanced and innovative concept of "Customer Journey," encompassing disruptive and innovative solutions throughout the tourist experience. From the initial attraction phase to the complete journey and post-experience period, the Agenda aims to elevate the tourism experience to a new level.

The main objectives of the Agenda include:

  • 1. Improve the overall tourism experience in Portugal (Customer Journey): Provide a more integrated and satisfying tourist journey.
  • 2. Increase levels of innovation, digitalization, and sustainability: Adopt innovative technologies and practices that promote digitalization and sustainability in tourism.
  • 3. Transform the labor fabric in Tourism: Qualify human resources, promote the creation of qualified employment, and increase productivity in the sector.

To achieve these objectives, the Agenda focuses on eight main areas:

  • 1. Digitalization aimed at tourist entry and exit - Airports (digital pillar)
  • 2. Digitalization of Territories (digital pillar) 
  • 3. Conversation with the Tourist (digital pillar) 
  • 4. Experience 5.0  
  • 5. Digitalization - Tourist experience (digital pillar) 
  • 6. Digital and Ecological Transformation in Mobility
  • 7. Sustainability of the Tourism Sector
  • 8. Management, Promotion, and Communication of the Agenda 

The activities developed within the Agenda aim to create a new paradigm in the tourism sector, addressing issues such as service connection, internal mobility, professional qualification, and promotion and internationalization of tourist companies. These initiatives are expected to contribute to the sector's expansion and competitiveness, providing a differentiated and sustainable tourism experience.


Contribution of Nova SBE

Nova SBE leads the Tourist Intelligence Program (PIT). The PIT is a program integrated into the Mobilizing Agenda for Tourism of the PRR, resulting from a partnership between Nova SBE and the Municipality of Cascais. The goal is to empower and qualify SMEs in the municipality of Cascais, which represent 90% of the local tourism ecosystem. These companies face challenges due to mismatched offers in relation to demand, especially with the accelerated changes in consumption caused by the pandemic.

Focusing on innovation and digitalization, PIT covers the areas of Territory Digitalization, Circular Economy, Data Science, and Digital Marketing. 

The main objectives of PIT include:

  • 1. Destination management: Improve the management of tourist flows.
  • 2. Demand management: Better characterize the tourist profile and assess their level of satisfaction.
  • 3. Supply management: Develop integrated products to meet market needs.

Additionally, the program intends to:

  • Support companies in better segmenting tourists by crossing demographic information with behavior throughout their journey in the destination.
  • Empower SME managers within the ecosystem (hotels, restaurants, local accommodations, transfer companies, tourist entertainment companies, event organizers, among others) with detailed information about the performance of tourist offers, monitoring their difficulties, managing intervention needs, as well as up and cross-sell actions.
  • Provide information to tourists.

The project BLOCKCHAIN.PT, with the agenda “Descentralizar Portugal com Blockchain”, aims to use the blockchain technology to reinforce the digitalization of Portugal, by accelerating the green transition and helping the country to become more resilient and competitive regarding this technology.

The main objectives are: 

1. Invest in the creation of an ecosystem for organizations to take advantage of the disruptive opportunities of blockchain technology.

2. Help increasing the investment in R&D, since all the products on this agenda incorporate a high level of innovation and knowledge (essential for companies to be competitive on a global scale).

3. Create a talent pool to answer the demand asked for professionals in such technology. 

4. Strengthen the Portuguese blockchain industry (through new partnerships). 

5. Create blockchain knowledge centres throughout Portugal. 

The Nova SBE’s contribution is focused on the following goals: 

  • Develop blockchain solutions with different partners, in areas such as real estate, carbon credits or loyalty programs.
  • Prototype and validate the solutions developed jointly with other participants and test them in real-life context.
  • Disseminate and promote the work created and developed through papers, workshops or other communication means necessary to expose this knowledge.

The +VALORCER project aims to boost Cereal Producers’ Organizations by bringing new perspectives, advanced technologies, and modern methods of process optimization and management. This project is driven by ANPROMIS, ANPOC, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and CONSULAI, and is led by InnovPlantProtect. With the participation of more than 17 cereal sector producer organizations, including rice, representing about 90% of the national commercialized production, the project involves more than 12,500 farmers distributed across the country.

In Portugal, there are numerous organizations with quality systems implemented; however, there is still much to be done in process digitalization, commercial aspects, and the valorisation of the final product with the industry and the end consumer.

Thus, the main objective of the +VALORCER project is to encourage innovation, increase management efficiency, and enhance the value of national cereal production through an advanced training program in human resources and the creation of a blockchain system.

Nova SBE’s contribution focuses on training Producer Organizations in key areas such as leadership, marketing, and high performance, to encourage innovation and increase management efficiency.

By the end of this project, we will certainly have a much more competitive cereal sector capable of meeting the growing challenges posed to it, both from an environmental and economic perspective.

Within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) a set of reforms and investments was defined to contribute for increasing young peoples’ participation in higher education, the graduation of population and the increase of research and development in Portugal, reinforcing the objective of convergence with Europe over the next decade.

In this context, the Impulso Jovens STEAM and Incentivo Adults programs aim to support initiatives to be developed by higher education institutions (HEIs), in partnership or consortium with companies, public and/or private, and including local authorities and public entities, regional and national:

The Impulso Jovens STEAM wishes to promote and support initiatives aimed exclusively at increasing the higher education of young people in STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics areas, through the degrees’ offer and other training at a higher level;

The Incentivo Adultos aims to support the re-skilling and upskilling of active adults, through short-term training in higher education, at initial and post-graduate levels, in all areas of knowledge, as well as on-the-job lifelong training.

The project at Nova SBE consists of promoting two transversal projects at NOVA:

  • Transformative Learning for Future-Proofed Professionals, addressing the skills gap emerging from the global challenges described above;
  • Organizational Transformation for Academic Success and Employability, executing a transversal implementation of strategies and job creation systems centred on the student/participant, promoting inclusion, and guaranteeing fair access to NOVA's proposals for programs and initiatives.

The project is also based on four components already underway at NOVA:

  • 1. The continuous internal digital transformation of systems, processes and operations;
  • 2. The spread of enhanced technological learning towards open and inclusive education;
  • 3. Operational excellence to ensure that NOVA executes its employability promotion strategy efficiently and effectively;
  • 4. A scholarship and mentorship system to ensure fair access to STEAM skills.

The investment in the project by UNL amounts to 12.9 million euros, excluding VAT, of which approximately 280 thousand euros will be invested in Nova SBE, within the scope of Impulso Jovem STEAM, and 700 thousand euros, within the scope of Incentivo Adultos.

The Tourism International Academy (TIA) project presented to the Impulso Jovem STEAM and Incentivo Adultos, in a partnership led by the Estoril Superior School of Hospitality and Tourism, with Universidade Aberta, NOVA and Portugal Tourism, aims to contribute to the training and qualification of Young People and Adults in online or face-to-face modalities and to the promotion of innovation activities in the areas of Tourism and Hospitality (T&H) based on the trans and interdisciplinary experience and knowledge of the various institutions involved.

The main goal is to leverage the progress and development of activities associated with the T&H sectors both nationally and internationally.

The main activities proposed by the consortium are the following:

  • Develop activities aimed at promoting education, training, research and innovation in the area of ​​T&H in Portugal, in Portuguese-speaking countries, and in other countries or regions of the world, contributing to the progress of tourism in its various aspects, valuing the national and international recognition of these sectors and making them more resilient to changes and future trends;
  • Develop specialized training courses, graduated and non-graduated, oriented towards the specific needs of the labour market;
  • Take advantage of synergies between training areas, bringing a trans and interdisciplinary approach to face current and future challenges in tourism (eg. Medicine, Social Sciences, Engineering, etc.);
  • Promote the digital transformation of T&H organizations;
  • Foster cultural, social, environmental and economic sustainability of T&H businesses;
  • Promote the provision of specialized and quality services in Hospitality;
  • Develop skills focused on creativity, quality, innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • Directly support the qualification, innovation and competitiveness of T&H companies;
  • Strengthen the internationalization capacity of T&H companies.

Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are collaborative networks that include centres of specific digital competencies, aiming to disseminate and adopt advanced digital technologies by companies, especially SME, Start-ups, and Public Administration, through the development, testing, and experimentation of these technologies.

With the support of DIHs, SME, Start-ups, and Public Administration will have the opportunity to access advanced digital skills, obtain specialized training, advice, and support to access the necessary funding for their digital transition, as well as collaborate with other SME, larger companies, and entities from the research and innovation system.

DIH4Climate Neutrality aims to accelerate the transition of cities to smart, resilient, and carbon-neutral urban spaces through data obtained using digital technologies, with the goal of promoting the quality of life for citizens.

In this context, the main objectives are:

  • Support local governments in using digital skills and technologies to streamline the delivery of public services;
  • Promote the integration of urban intelligence solutions in cities and the use of data and information to support monitoring, decision-making, and policy development for decarbonization;
  • Support SME, mid-caps, and start-ups in the development, testing, experimentation, and implementation of low-carbon digital solutions in cities, in areas such as mobility, energy efficiency, circular economy, and governance;
  • Contribute to the creation of a community of young leaders motivated to work towards sustainability, through training in entrepreneurship, digital skills and technologies, and climate change challenges;
  • Facilitate the creation of collaboration networks among innovation ecosystem actors, such as knowledge centers, companies, incubators, associations, and cities, bringing together the supply and demand for digital urban solutions.

The “EstágiAP XXI – NOVA” project aims to develop the skills of young people with higher education, allowing a first contact with the labour market where trainees and the employer mutually benefit from the transmission and renewal of institutional and intergenerational knowledge.

This application is part of the strategy already underway at NOVA, to increase the level of qualifications and skills of its staff, with emphasis on: digital skills that are increasingly needed, continuous internal digital transformation of systems, processes and operations and also operational excellence, in order to guarantee that NOVA executes its strategy of promoting employability with efficiency and effectiveness.

In this context, this project foresees, according to the different areas that are defined and according to the profiles indicated in B4, specific practical training actions in different contexts (Human Resources area, IT, Finance, Management Control, Legal area, Communication, support services for teaching and research areas, laboratory environment, among others).

The underlying objectives of the 124 internships considered under this measure are essentially:

  • Allowing qualified young people to acquire experience, working on concrete projects and limited in time, in diverse and fundamental areas of NOVA, such as areas related to the digital transition, to the support of the teaching areas, communication and internationalization of NOVA, specific R&D projects, among other areas;
  • Valuing the qualifications and skills of young graduates;
  • Promoting employability on a socio-economic context where exceptional support for economic recovery will be required.