Labs, Hubs & Foruns

Inclusive Community Forum


In April 2019, the ICF started the topic of education as a transition to active life.

With the main goal of “empowering people with disabilities for working life”, the ICF and its community began to develop solutions with the aim of transforming the current landscape in this area.

Find out about the set of initiatives that have emerged, together with the community, as a response to the challenges identified in the area of education. 

img Woman with hands in her face

Teach to Include

Teach to Include

Information and awareness-raising sessions for Higher Education teachers on Special Educational Needs, as well as the provision of guides and support resources relating to these needs. 

What is it and for whom?  

Clarification and awareness-raising sessions on the subject of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and the provision of online guides and support resources for teachers on the same subject, for the training of higher education teachers.  


  • A more inclusive higher education community for people with disabilities;    
  • Teachers equipped with tools and strategies to help them teach their students with SEN, thus providing richer learning experiences for all;  
  • Ensuring that students with SEN attend higher education.  

Numbers impact:  

  • 3 schools held sessions  
  • 190 teachers trained 
Empower to Employ

Empower to Employ

Training in essential skills for the job market, given by companies to people with disabilities and technicians from social organizations. 

Training in social skills and other skills valued in the job market, for people with disabilities and technicians from the social organizations that support them. These courses are organized by companies that put their know-how at the service of empowering people with disabilities.  


  • To train people with disabilities in the skills needed and valued in the job market, in order to improve their employability potential;  
  • Promote the active involvement of companies in the inclusion of people with disabilities;  
  • To train IPSS technicians, who in turn will train their users in the future, thus achieving scale and greater alignment between the real needs of the market and the training provided by the IPSS.  

Our partners:  

  • Accenture | +digiaula  
  • Millennium BCP | Vencer no Mundo do Trabalho  

Impact numbers:  

  • 2 companies providing training  
  • 331 disabled people and technicians trained 


Promotion of socio-professional experiences as part of the Individual Transition Plan, through a mediation platform between schools and companies. 

What is it and who is it for?  
comPIT is a mediation platform between schools and companies that aims to the promotion of socio-professional experiences for students with significant curricular adaptations from the age of 15, within the scope of the Individual Transition Plan (ITP).  

How does it work?  
comPIT automatically matches students with an ITP with the socio-professional experiences offered by companies.   

This platform is run by a team of technicians specialized in the transition to an active life.   

Promote and streamline socio-professional experiences in a real work context for students with Individual Transition Plan. 

Simplify and make more efficient the work of special education teachers by automating the matches between profiles and opportunities.  

Enable more direct and up-to-date action by increasing the connection between all those involved.   

Impact numbers:  

  • 11 companies provided internships  
  • 19 students with disabilities who benefited from internships 
Journey to Empowerment

Journey to Empowerment

The Journey to Empowerment refers to the initiatives that resulted from the Inclusion LABs as a response to the challenges identified on the topic of education.

Inclusion Labs

Inclusion Labs

The Inclusion LABs consisted of working sessions for the co-creation and implementation of solutions to strengthen the empowerment of people with disabilities for an active life.

Process & Documents

Process & Documents

Get to know the path taken by ICF on education.