
Bachelor in Portuguese & Business


  • Enrollment fee: 10 % of the tuition fee to be deducted from the total tuition fee. No exceptions or late payments will be accepted*
  • Annual tuition fee: 7 500 €**
  • All payments should be made in euros


**The tuition fee is subject to change and is non-refundable.

Doubts, questions, comments?

Contact us

The Admissions Team will be happy to answer all your questions about the experience of studying at Nova School of Business & Economics.

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Student Central)

Phone support: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM +351 213 822 773



Clearing the way to your future

At Nova SBE we know the importance of equal opportunities and want to make sure that no student is excluded from higher education due to financial constraints.