

Creditation of Knowledge

Nova SBE may credit training and professional experience previously obtained by its students, under the conditions and limits set forth by Decree-Law 74/2006, in its current version, and in accordance with the rules established in its Regulation for Crediting Academic and Professional Knowledge.

The possibility of creditation exists solely for the purpose of continuing studies towards obtaining an academic degree or diploma, and it only takes effect after admission to a higher education program at Nova SBE. Admission must be made through one of the applicable legal systems, subject to the respective regulatory rules and the fixed enrollment capacity.

Creditation is granted when the level of knowledge is recognized and deemed suitable for the scientific areas of the program in which the student is enrolled. Credited curricular units retain their original classification and ECTS, in accordance with the established limits.

To submit a request, the student must fill out the creditation application form available on the program SharePoint page. The application must be submitted by the deadline specified in the regulation, following the enrollment process, and must include the required documents identified in the application.
The fees for the creditation service provided by Nova SBE are listed in the fee chart.
After the evaluation of the request, the applicant will be informed of the decision by the academic services.

The request for creditation is submitted to the academic services in each of the study cycles, through the application form made available on the study cycle SharePoint page and must be submitted within the deadlines established in the regulations in force.

  • Fully completed application form
  • Transcript of records, including the names of the courses, respective credits, and grades
  • Course syllabi and workload of the completed courses from the original institution, duly authenticated.

The fee charged for the Creditation of Academic and Professional Knowledge can be found in the current Fee Chart of the UNL (University Nova de Lisboa).