Pedro Ferreira is ranked 17th researcher in the world in the latest ranking of the Association for Information Systems (AIS). This ranking tracks publications in the top journals in the field for the last three years, such as Information Systems Research (ISR) and Management of Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ).
Pedro Ferreira’s work focuses on how people use technology to consume experience goods and influence others to do so. He found that these are inextricably linked to how firms behave and how public policies affect market structures.
His work focuses on the application of robust empirical identification methods to analyze large datasets obtained from organic in-vivo large-scale network-centric randomized experiments. Thus far, Pedro Ferreira’s work has been on medialytics – using big data analytics to understand the media industry’s future. More recently, he has also studied ways to improve video-based remote education, in particular for labor re-skilling in machine learning.
The professor's work has been published in top academic journals such as Management Science, Marketing Science, and the Journal of Marketing Research (in addition to ISR and MISQ).