Nova SBE and KPMG bolster young talents
Promoted by Nova | 15 November 2017 Nova SBE and KPMG bolster young talents

Nova School of Business & Economics is proud to announce that, in 2017, 31 of its graduates initiated their professional career at the multinational KPMG.

KPMG, the renowned professional services company, hired 200 graduates with high potential as a way to keep the growth trajectory and the work it has been developing. After an initial training process, these young talents will integrate KPMG’s professional teams and contribute to inspire trust and implement change next to its clients, markets, and communities associated with the company.

KPMG thanks us for the quality of the pedagogic work developed at Nova SBE and Nova SBE thanks KPMG for the integration, consolidation, and the excellent work done with these new talents.

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