The results of the FCT Call SR&TD Project Grants 2020 were out and Nova SBE was awarded four research projects as coordinator: Pedro Brinca – Economics Structural transformation, Inequality and Macroeconomy; Pedro Oliveira – Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Health Impact: Creating a Resilient System; Pedro Portugal – Economics Labor market sorting, social connections, and peer effects; and Pedro Vicente – Economics Integrating Rural Migrants in Cities - A Field Experiment in Mozambique. Additionally, we have also secure two projects as partners: Judite Gonçalves with the project Health determinants and needs of children on the move in a pandemic context: A longitudinal study for Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region, coordinated by the NOVA Medical School; and Rui Mota with the project EcoPeak4Fish: an integrated approach to support self-sustaining fish populations downstream hydropower plants, coordinated by Instituto Superior Técnico. In total, Nova SBE secured 776,528.09 € in this call.