Alexandre Dias da Cunha
Alexandre Dias da Cunha
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)
Management and Organizations
Data Science Knowledge Center
Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center

At Nova SBE, Alexandre teaches Family Business and Small Business Management in the Masters programs. He is the leader of the school´s Family Business Initiative and the academic director of “Managing the Family Business”, a four-day executive program for families in business.

Alexandre is senior advisor and associate partner at Cambridge Advisors to Family Enterprise, a specialized international advisory firm serving family enterprises.

Since 2001,he has served as a board member of Companhia do Pipeline, a Mozambican company operating in downstream oil and gas. He is also the CFO of Vumba, the family office for the da Cunha family.

Alexandre started his professional career in 1988 as a consultant with McKinsey and Co in Iberia, where he was an active member of the consumer goods and retailing practice. He went on to work for Pão de Açúcar, a diversified, family-owned retailer with operations in Iberia, holding various positions including private label manager and general manager for the group´s discount chain. In 1997, as a3rd generation family member, Alexandre joined his family’s business activities, where he held several positions in various companies. 

1988 - Degree in Business - Universidade Católica de Lisboa

1991 - MBA - INSEAD

Family Firms 

  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Rego, Arménio, Cunha, Alexandre Dias da, Fernandes, Filipe S. (2017). Como liderar empresas familiares: aprenda a usar a força (e a defender-se do lado negro) dos negócios de família. Lua de Papel.
  • Cunha, Miguel Pina e, Cunha, Alexandre Dias da, Cunha, Salvador (2023). O vinho do Porto e a primavera: A família Keller na encruzilhada. Criar mais valor na vinha e no vinho. : Casos de um ecossistema competitivo. Fontes, José Ramalho, Aguiar, Fernando Bianchi de (Eds.), Actual, 415-435.
  • Cunha, Alexandre Dias da, Hernández-Linares, Remedios (2022). "Should I stay or should I go?" Filipe de Botton's dilemma. Family business case studies across the world. Cheng, Jeremy, Díaz-Matajira, Luis, Bang, Nupur, Basco, Rodrigo, Calabrò, Andrea, James, Albert, Samara, Georges (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 102–112.