Paulo Côrte-Real
Paulo Côrte-Real
Associate Professor
Teaching Track

Paulo Pamplona Côrte-Real is Associate Professor of Microeconomic Theory at Nova SBE. He received his PhD in Economics from Harvard University. He has published articles on voting in Social Choice and Welfare and the International Game Theory Review; and he has been responsible for several courses on Microeconomic Theory, with an emphasis on Game Theory and Information, as well as courses on Public Economics and Public Policy. He is a Human Rights activist, with a focus on Equality and Non-Discrimination. He is a member of the Scientific and Technical Group of the Council of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, and he conducts research on anti-discrimination legislation. He has had leadership roles in ILGA-Europe, ILGA Portugal and Amnesty International - Portugal; he has conducted many training sessions on equality; and he has a wide experience of public and political intervention, notably in the national campaigns for equal access to marriage and parenting rights for same-sex couples.

2002 - PhD in Economics - Harvard University

1999 - MA in Economics - Harvard University

1996 - Bachelor in Economics - NovaSBE

Voting; Non-Discrimination

  • Corte-Real, Paulo Pamplona (2007). Fuzzy voters, crisp votes. International Game Theory Review, 9 (1), 67-86.
  • Côrte-Real, Paulo P., Pereira, Paulo T. (2004). The voter who wasn't there: Referenda, representation and abstention. Social Choice and Welfare, 22 (2), 349-369.
  • Corcodel, Veronica, Lima Rego, Margarida, Corte-Real, Paulo Pamplona, Brilhante, Joana, Vale de Almeida, Miguel , Resende, Maria João (2024). Multiversidade: Livro Branco sobre Discriminação Múltipla e Interseccional. Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.