Solange Machado
Solange Machado
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)
Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Pos-doctor in applied neuroscience, doctor and mater in competitiveness and innovation, electrical engineering. More than 30 years professional career as CEO, Executive Director or Country representative. Currently is a professor at Dom Cabral Foundation, a speaker, a writer on the themes of applied neuroscience for business and leadership.

2020 - Pos-doctor degree in applied neuroscience - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Brazil

2018 - PhD. in business administration - Getulio Vargas Foundation - Brazil

2012 - Master in business administration - Getulio Vargas Foundation - Brazil

1978 - Engineering School - Universidade Federal de Minas gerais - Brazil

1976 - Engineering School - Columbia University - New YorK - USA

Applied Neuroscience and Innovation Applied Neuroscience and decision making