Graham Miller
Graham Miller
Professor Catedrático
Estratégia e Empreendedorismo
Research Track
Cátedra: Rodrigo Guimarães

O Professor Graham Miller detém a Cátedra Rodrigo Guimarães de Negócios Sustentáveis na Nova School of Business and Economics, onde é também o Diretor Académico do Westmont Institute of Tourism and Hospitality. A investigação de Graham centra-se nos factores que levam a uma maior sustentabilidade na sociedade, com especial ênfase no sector das viagens e do turismo. Foi nomeado Fellow da Academia de Ciências Sociais em reconhecimento do valor do seu trabalho. Graham é o antigo Pró-Vice-Reitor da Universidade de Surrey, responsável a nível universitário pela sustentabilidade e empregabilidade, e foi também Diretor Executivo da Faculdade de Artes e Ciências Sociais. Até há pouco tempo, Graham foi presidente do Considerate Group, uma empresa criada para promover práticas sustentáveis no sector hoteleiro através da análise de dados sobre a utilização de energia e água. Graham é o antigo co-editor do Journal of Sustainable Tourism, a principal revista académica dedicada à investigação sobre a promoção da sustentabilidade da indústria do turismo e da sustentabilidade através da indústria do turismo. De 2014 a 2019, Graham foi o juiz principal dos prémios Tourism for Tomorrow do Conselho Mundial de Viagens e Turismo. Estes prémios globais reconhecem anualmente os melhores exemplos de sustentabilidade na indústria das viagens e do turismo. Graham foi também membro nomeado do Conselho da Agenda Global do Fórum Económico Mundial para o Futuro do Turismo Sustentável. Este grupo procura fornecer soluções imaginativas e arrojadas para os desafios globais que a sociedade enfrenta e, em particular, para a forma como as viagens e o turismo se cruzam com esses desafios.

2002 - PGCE HE, Universidade de Westminster

2001 - Doutoramento em Gestão, Universidade de Surrey

1997 - Mestrado em Gestão do Turismo, Universidade de Surrey

1992 - Licenciatura em Gestão, Estudos Universidade de Salford

O Prof. Miller está a desenvolver uma investigação sobre empresas regenerativas e orientadas para objectivos. Está interessado em ouvir potenciais estudantes de doutoramento que gostariam de apoiar este trabalho, investigando qualquer aspeto desta abordagem crescente às empresas. Um elemento importante da investigação do Prof. Miller tem sido a sustentabilidade do sector das viagens e do turismo e, em particular, a melhoria da medição da sustentabilidade através de indicadores. Com um número crescente de sistemas a serem desenvolvidos, é encorajada a investigação em torno da consolidação e uma maior utilização da tecnologia para melhorar os dados de gestão da sustentabilidade. Um último tema da sua investigação diz respeito às intervenções para acelerar a transição para a sustentabilidade entre os líderes seniores das organizações.

  • Bullock, Karen, Domenico, MariaLaura Di, Miller, Graham, Shirgholami, Zahra, Wong, Yen Nee (2024). Under the radar? Modern slavery and labour exploitation risks for the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 102.
  • Crabolu, Gloria, Font, Xavier, Miller, Graham (2024). The hidden power of sustainable tourism indicator schemes: Have we been measuring their effectiveness all wrong?. Journal of Travel Research, 63 (7), 1741 - 1760.
  • Power, Susann, Di Domenico, Maria Laura, Miller, Graham (2024). A longitudinal analysis of judgement approaches to sustainability paradoxes. Tourism Management, 102.
  • Font, Xavier, Torres-Delgado, Anna, Crabolu, Gloria, Palomo Martinez, J., Kantenbacher, Joseph, Miller, Graham (2023). The impact of sustainable tourism indicators on destination competitiveness: The European Tourism Indicator System. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31 (7), 1608-1630.
  • Miller, Graham, Torres-Delgado, Anna (2023). Measuring sustainable tourism: a state of the art review of sustainable tourism indicators. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31 (7), 1483-1496.
  • Tussyadiah, Iis P., Tuomi, Aarni, Ling, Erin Chao, Miller, Graham, Lee, Geunhee (2022). Drivers of organizational adoption of automation. Annals of Tourism Research, 93.
  • Winchenbach, Anke, Hanna, Paul, Miller, Graham (2022). Constructing identity in marine tourism diversification. Annals of Tourism Research, 95.
  • Ioannou, Athina, Tussyadiah, Iis, Miller, Graham (2021). That’s Private! Understanding travelers’ privacy concerns and online data disclosure. Journal of Travel Research, 60 (7), 1510-1526.
  • Ioannou, Athina, Tussyadiah, Iis, Miller, Graham, Li, Shujun, Weick, Mario (2021). Privacy nudges for disclosure of personal information: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE, 16 (8 August).
  • Power, Susann, Di Domenico, Maria Laura, Miller, Graham (2020). Risk Types and Coping Mechanisms for Ethical Tourism Entrepreneurs: A New Conceptual Framework. Journal of Travel Research, 59 (6), 1091-1104.
  • Tuomi, Aarni, Tussyadiah, Iis, Ling, Erin Chao, Miller, Graham, Lee, Geunhee (2020). x=(tourism_work) y=(sdg8) while y=true: automate(x). Annals of Tourism Research, 84.
  • Tussyadiah, Iis, Miller, Graham (2020). Imagining the future of travel: Technology and sustainability transitions. e-Review of Tourism Research, 17 (5), 674-684.
  • Eger, Claudia, Scarles, Caroline, Miller, Graham (2019). Caring at a distance: A model of business care, trust and displaced responsibility. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27 (1), 34-51.
  • Eger, Claudia, Miller, Graham, Scarles, Caroline (2019). Corporate philanthropy through the lens of ethical subjectivity. Journal of Business Ethics, 156 (1), 141-153.
  • Hejjas, Kelsy, Miller, Graham, Scarles, Caroline (2019). “It’s like hating puppies!” employee disengagement and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 157 (2), 319-337.
  • Kantenbacher, Joseph, Hanna, Paul, Miller, Graham, Scarles, Caroline, Yang, Jingjing (2019). Consumer priorities: What would people sacrifice in order to fly on holidays?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27 (2), 207-222.
  • Tussyadiah, Iis, Miller, Graham (2019). Nudged by a robot: Responses to agency and feedback. Annals of Tourism Research, 78.
  • Winchenbach, Anke, Hanna, Paul, Miller, Graham (2019). Rethinking decent work: The value of dignity in tourism employment. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27 (7), 1026-1043.
  • Atzori, Roberta, Fyall, Alan, Miller, Graham (2018). Tourist responses to climate change: Potential impacts and adaptation in Florida's coastal destinations. Tourism Management, 69, 12-22.
  • Eger, Claudia, Miller, Graham, Scarles, Caroline (2018). Gender and capacity building: A multi-layered study of empowerment. World Development, 106, 207-219.
  • Kantenbacher, Joseph, Hanna, Paul, Cohen, Scott, Miller, Graham, Scarles, Caroline (2018). Public attitudes about climate policy options for aviation. Environmental Science and Policy, 81, 46-53.
  • Power, Susann, Di Domenico, Maria Laura, Miller, Graham (2017). The nature of ethical entrepreneurship in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 65, 36-48.
  • Hadjikakou, Michalis, Miller, Graham, Chenoweth, Jonathan, Druckman, Angela, Zoumides, Christos (2015). A comprehensive framework for comparing water use intensity across different tourist types. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23 (10), 1445-1467.
  • Hadjikakou, Michalis, Chenoweth, Jonathan, Miller, Graham, Druckman, Angela, Li, Gang (2014). Rethinking the economic contribution of tourism: Case study from a Mediterranean Island. Journal of Travel Research, 53 (5), 610-624.
  • Eichhorn, Victoria, Miller, Graham, Tribe, John (2013). Tourism: A site of resistance strategies of individuals with a disability. Annals of Tourism Research, 43, 578-600.
  • Hadjikakou, Michalis, Chenoweth, Jonathan, Miller, Graham (2013). Estimating the direct and indirect water use of tourism in the eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Environmental Management, 114, 548-556.
  • Di Domenico, Maria Laura, Miller, Graham (2012). Farming and tourism enterprise: Experiential authenticity in the diversification of independent small-scale family farming. Tourism Management, 33 (2), 285-294.
  • Miller, Graham, Rathouse, Kathryn, Scarles, Caroline, Holmes, Kirsten, Tribe, John (2010). Public understanding of sustainable tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 37 (3), 627-645.
  • Benckendorff, Pierre, Edwards, Deborah, Jurowski, Claudia, Liburd, Janne J., Miller, Graham, Moscardo, Gianna (2009). Exploring the future of tourism and quality of life. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9 (2), 171-183.
  • Minnaert, Lynn, Maitland, Robert, Miller, Graham (2009). Tourism and social policy: The value of social tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 36 (2), 316-334.
  • Stevenson, Nancy, Airey, David, Miller, Graham (2009). Complexity theory and tourism policy research. International Journal Of Tourism Policy, 2 (3), 206-220.
  • Edwards, Deborah, Martinac, Ivo, Miller, Graham (2008). Research agenda for innovation in sustainable tourism. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 8 (1), 56-61.
  • Eichhorn, Victoria, Miller, Graham, Michopoulou, Eleni, Buhalis, Dimitrios (2008). Enabling access to tourism through information schemes?. Annals of Tourism Research, 35 (1), 189-210.
  • Kim, Nan Young, Miller, Graham (2008). Perceptions of the ethical climate in the Korean tourism industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 82 (4), 941-954.
  • Stevenson, Nancy, Airey, David, Miller, Graham (2008). Tourism policy making: The policymakers' perspectives. Annals of Tourism Research, 35 (3), 732-750.
  • Holmes, Kirsten, Jones, Peter, Lockwood, Andrew, Miller, Graham, Scarles, Caroline, Szivas, Edith, Tribe, John (2006). An eclectic agenda for tourism and hospitality research. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7 (1), 76-82.
  • Hudson, Simon, Miller, Graham A. (2006). Knowing the difference between right and wrong: The response of tourism students to ethical dilemmas. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 6 (2), 41-59.
  • Minnaert, Lynn, Maitland, Robert, Miller, Graham (2006). Social tourism and its ethical foundations. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 7 (1), 7-17.
  • Haley, A. J., Snaith, Tim, Miller, Graham (2005). The social impacts of tourism: A case study of Bath, UK. Annals of Tourism Research, 32 (3), 647-668.
  • Hudson, Simon, Miller, Graham A. (2005). The responsible marketing of tourism: The case of Canadian Mountain Holidays. Tourism Management, 26 (2), 133-142.
  • Hudson, Simon, Miller, Graham (2005). Ethical orientation and awareness of tourism students. Journal of Business Ethics, 62 (4), 383-396.
  • Hudson, Simon, Hudson, Paul, Miller, Graham A. (2004). The measurement of service quality in the tour operating sector: A methodological comparison. Journal of Travel Research, 42 (3), 305-312.
  • Ritchie, Brent W., Dorrell, Humphrey, Miller, Daniela, Miller, Graham A. (2004). Crisis communication and recovery for the tourism industry: Lessons from the 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak in the United Kingdom. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 15 (2-3), 199-216.
  • Miller, Graham A., Ritchie, Brent W. (2003). A farming crisis or a tourism disaster? An analysis of the foot and mouth disease in the UK. Current Issues in Tourism, 6 (2), 150-171.
  • Miller, Graham A. (2003). Consumerism in sustainable tourism: A survey of uk consumers. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11 (1), 17-39.
  • Miller, Graham A., Kirk, Emma (2002). The disability discrimination act: Time for the stick?. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10 (1), 82-88.
  • Miller, Graham, Ritchie, Brent W. (2002). When disaster strikes: The effect of relying on events for rural economies. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 7 (3), 15-16.
  • Hudson, Simon, Snaith, Tim, Miller, Graham A., Hudson, Paul (2001). Distribution channels in the travel industry: Using mystery shoppers to understand the influence of travel agency recommendations. Journal of Travel Research, 40 (2), 148-154.
  • Miller, Graham (2001). The development of indicators for sustainable tourism: Results of a Delphi survey of tourism researchers. Tourism Management, 22 (4), 351-362.
  • Turner, Rochelle, Miller, Graham, Gilbert, David (2001). The role of UK charities and the tourism industry. Tourism Management, 22 (5), 463-472.
  • Miller, Graham, Twining-Ward, Louise, Bakker, Martine, Carbone, Giulia, Duka, Toni, Farrell, Bryan, Font, Xavier, Jack, Elizabeth, Tapper, Richard (2005). Monitoring for a sustainable tourism transition: The challenge of developing and using indicators. CAB International (CABI).
  • Hadjikakou, Michalis, Chenoweth, Jonathan, Miller, Graham (2012). Water and tourism. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and the Environment. Taylor & Francis, 435-446.
  • Hudson, Simon, Miller, Graham (2012). Ethical considerations in sustainable tourism. Global Tourism. : Third Edition. Taylor & Francis, 248-266.
  • Hudson, Simon, Getz, Donald, Miller, Graham, Brown, Graham (2012). The future role of sporting events: Evaluating the impacts on tourism. The Tourism and Leisure Industry. : Shaping the Future. Taylor & Francis, 237-252.
  • Ritchie, Brent W., Dorrell, Humphrey, Miller, Daniela, Miller, Graham A. (2012). Crisis communication and recovery for the tourism industry: Lessons from the 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak in the United Kingdom. Safety and Security in Tourism. : Relationships, Management, and Marketing. Taylor & Francis, 199-216.
  • Di Domenico, Marialaura, Miller, Graham (2007). Are plastic cows the future for farming? Implications of an alternative diversification model. Developments in Tourism Research. Taylor & Francis, 21-32.
  • Hudson, Simon, Miller, Graham A., Hudson, Paul (2006). The role of research in improving tourism and hospitality services: Measuring service quality. Managing Tourism and Hospitality Services. : Theory and International Applications. CAB International (CABI), 237-250.
  • Miller, Graham, Twining-Ward, Louise (2006). Monitoring as an approach to sustainable tourism. Tourism Management Dynamics. : Trends, Management and Tools. Taylor & Francis, 51-57.
  • Miller, Graham, Hudson, Simon, Turner, Rochelle (2005). Applying the mystery shopping technique: The case of Lunn Poly. Tourism Research Methods. : Integrating Theory with Practice. CAB International (CABI), 119-130.