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A Nova SBE produz investigação que impacta o meio académico, a sociedade e a economia. Este impacto é visível  nos resultados diretos obtidos nos projetos de investigação e na inclusão de artigos conjuntos nas mais prestigiadas revistas científicas, incluindo os rankings do Financial Times ou da Association of Business Schools, bem como outros artigos, livros, capítulos, estudos e outras contribuições.

Publicações selecionadas 2024-2018

  • Armand, A., Fracchia, M., & Vicente, P. C. (2024). Let’s Call! Using the phone to increase vaccine acceptance. Health Economics, 33(1), 82-106.
  • Martins, P. S., & Melo, A. (2024). Making their own weather? Estimating employer labour-market power and its wage effects. Journal of Urban Economics, 139, Article 103614.
  • Carvalho, A., Valle e Azevedo, J., & Ribeiro, P. (2024). Permanent and temporary monetary policy shocks and the dynamics of exchange rates. Journal Of International Economics, 147, Article 103871.
  • He, Q., Meadows, M., Angwin, D., Gomes, E., & Child, J. (2024). Problematizing strategic alliance research: Challenges, issues and paradoxes in the new era. International Journal of Management Reviews, 26 (special issue), 3-7.
  • Delgado, J. P., Gomes, E., & Neves, P. (2024). Not all friends are alike: A categorization of friendly acquisitions integrating the acquired firm profile with the acquirer's approach. British Journal of Management, 35(1), 503-518.
  • Zsurkis, G., Nicolau, J., & Rodrigues, P. M. M. (2024). First passage times in portfolio optimization: A novel nonparametric approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(3), 1074-1085.
  • Pestana, J., Frutuoso, J., Costa, E., & Fonseca, F. (2024). Heterogeneity in physician's job preferences in a dual practice context: Evidence from a DCE. Social Science and Medicine, 343, Article 116551.
  • Ragozzino, R., & Reuer, J. J. (2024). Implications of mergers and acquisitions for information disclosures in earnings calls. Long Range Planning, 57(1), Article 102393.
  • Hoobler, J. M., Masterson, C. R., & Rogers, K. (2024). Self-ambivalence: Naming a contemporary work-family problem that has no name. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(2), 252-265.
  • Jalles, J. T., & Karras, G. (2024). Tax progressivity and output in the US. Economics Letters, 235, Article 111545.
  • Palma, N., & Silva, A. C. (2024). Spending a windfall. International Economic Review, 65(1), 283-313.
  • Plosser, M. C., & Santos, J. A. C. (2024). The cost of bank regulatory capital. Review Of Financial Studies, 37(3), 685-726.
  • Cao, Z., & Belo, R. (2024). Effects of explicit sponsorship disclosure on user engagement in social media influencer marketing. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 48(1), 375-392.
  • Fayard, A-L., Majekodunmi, J., Mendola, M., & Kenny, R. (2024). Nurturing innovation. Harvard business review, 102(2).
  • Gómez, J. P., Prado, M. P., & Zambrana, R. (2024). Capital commitment and performance: The role of mutual fund charges. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59(2).
  • Halvorsen, E., Holter, H. A., Ozkan, S., & Storesletten, K. (2024). Dissecting idiosyncratic earnings risk. Journal Of The European Economic Association, 22(2), 617–668. Article jvad047.
  • Sarmento, M., Simões, C., & Lages, L. F. (2024). From organizational ambidexterity to organizational performance: The mediating role of value co-creation. Industrial Marketing Management, 118, 175-188.
  • Maro, V. D., Leeffers, S., Serra, D., & Vicente, P. C. (2024). Mobilizing parents at home and at school: An experiment on primary education in Angola. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 72(3), 1069–1116.
  • Pollock, T. G., Ragozzino, R., & P. Blevins, D. (2024). Not like the rest of us? How CEO celebrity affects quarterly earnings call language. Journal of Management, 50(4), 1198 - 1229.
  • Baba-Yara, F., Boons, M., & Tamoni, A. (2024). Persistent and transitory components of firm characteristics: Implications for asset pricing. Journal of Financial Economics, 154, Article 103808.
  • Ciancio, A., Delavande, A., Kohler, H-P., & Kohler, I. V. (2024). Mortality risk information, survival expectations and sexual behaviours. Economic Journal, 134(660), 1431–1464.
  • Lancastre, F., Lages, C., & Santos, F. (2024). Social entrepreneurship as a family resemblance concept with distinct ethical views. Journal of Business Ethics, 191, 611-632.
  • Jalles, J. T., & Karras, G. (2024). Tax progressivity and income inequality in the US. Economics Letters, 238, Article 111715.
  • Power, S., Di Domenico, M. L., & Miller, G. (2024). A longitudinal analysis of judgement approaches to sustainability paradoxes. Tourism Management, 102, Article 104877.
  • Armand, A., Augsburg, B., Bancalari, A., & Kameshwara, K. K. (2024). Religious proximity and misinformation: Experimental evidence from a mobile phone-based campaign in India. Journal Of Health Economics, 96, Article 102883.
  • Bullock, K., Domenico, M. D., Miller, G., Shirgholami, Z., & Wong, Y. N. (2024). Under the radar? Modern slavery and labour exploitation risks for the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 102, Article 104857.
  • Eisert, T., Acharya, V. V., Crosignani, M., & Eufinger, C. (2024). Zombie credit and (dis-)inflation: Evidence from Europe. Journal of Finance, 79(3), 1883-1929.,
  • Lee, J., Carvalho, M. D., Rua, A., & Avila, J. (2024). Bayesian smoothing for time-varying extremal dependence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics, 73(3), 581-597. Article qlae002.
  • Fayard, A-L. (2024). Making time for social innovation: How to interweave clock time and event time in open social innovation to nurture idea generation and social impact. Organization Science, 35(3), 769-1202.
  • Bardon T., E. Josserand, R. Sferrazzo & S. Clegg, 2023. Tensions between (post)bureaucratic and neo-normative demands, British Journal of Management, 34(1), 57-71.
  • Adelino M., M.A. Ferreira, M. Giannetti & P. Pires, 2023. Trade credit and the transmission of unconventional monetary policy, Review Of Financial Studies, 36(2), 775–813.
  • Binsbergen J.H., M. Boons, C.C. Opp & A. Tamoni, 2023. Dynamic asset (mis)pricing, Journal of Financial Economics, 147(2), 406-431.
  • Frick T.W., R. Belo & R. Telang, 2023. Incentive misalignments in programmatic advertising, Management Science, 69(3), 1665 – 1686.
  • Shymko Y., T.J. Roulet & B. Pimentel, 2023. The Façade, the Face, and the Sympathies: Opening the Black Box of Symbolic Capital as a Source of Philanthropic Attractiveness, Organization Science, 34(2), 870-893.
  • Carneiro A., P. Portugal, P. Raposo & P.M.M. Rodrigues, 2023. The persistence of wages, Journal of Econometrics, 233(2), 596-611.
  • Addison J.T., P. Portugal & H. Vilares, 2023. Union membership density and wages: The role of worker, firm, and job-title heterogeneity, Journal of Econometrics, 233(2), 612-632.
  • Donges A., J.M. Meier & R.C. Silva, 2023. The impact of institutions on innovation, Management Science, 69(4), 1935-2545.
  • Griffin J.M., N. Hirschey & S. Kruger, 2023. Do municipal bond dealers give their customers 'fair and reasonable' pricing?, Journal of Finance, 78(2), 887-934.
  • Bicho M., R. Nikolaeva & C. Lages, 2023. Complementary and alternative medicine legitimation efforts in a hostile environment, Sociology of Health and Illness, 45(4), 890-913.
  • Cassella S. & E. Rizzo, 2023. The equity value implications of court ideology, Journal of Corporate Finance, 79, 102390.
  • Berti M. & M.P. Cunha, 2023. Paradox, Dialectics or Trade-Offs? A Double Loop Model of Paradox, Journal of Management Studies, 60(4), 861-888.
  • Li J., A. Mukherjee & L. Vasconcelos, 2023. What Makes Agility Fragile? A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Rigidity, Management Science, 69(6), 3578-3601.
  • Berman N., M. Couttenier & V. Girard, 2023. Mineral resources and the salience of ethnic identities, The Economic Journal, 133(653), 1705-1737.
  • Cerar J., B. Decreton & P.C. Nell, 2023. What's in a Name? How Senior Managers use Name-Based Heuristics to Allocate Financial Resources in Multinational Corporations, Journal of Management Studies, 60(5), 1147-1177.
  • Brunner F. & R. Hipp, 2023. Estimating large-dimensional connectedness tables: The great moderation through the lens of sectoral spillovers, Quantitative Economics, 14(3), 1021-1058.
  • Pradies C., M. Berti, M.P. Cunha, A. Rego, A. Tunarosa & S. Clegg, 2023. A Figure is Worth a Thousand Words: The role of visualization in paradox theorizing, Organization Studies, 44(8), 1231–1257.
  • Nicolau J., P.M.M. Rodrigues & M.Z. Stoykov, 2023. Tail index estimation in the presence of covariates: Stock returns’ tail risk dynamics, Journal of Econometrics, 235(2), 2266-2284.
  • Laghaie A. & T. Otter, 2023. Measuring evidence for mediation in the presence of measurement error, Journal Of Marketing Research, 60(5), 847–869.
  • Moreira S., T.M. Klueter & A. Asija, 2023. Market for technology 2.0? Reassessing the role of complementary assets on licensing decisions, Research Policy, 52(7), 104787.
  • Callen, A., B. Bechky & A.-L. Fayard, 2023. “Collaborating” with AI: Taking a System View to Explore the Future of Work, Organization Science, 34(5), 1672-1694.
  • Decreton B. , E. Tippmann, P.C. Nell & A. Parker, 2023. More effective solutions? Senior managers and non-routine problem solving, Strategic Management Journal, 44(10), 2566-2593.
  • Boons M., G. Ottonello & R. Valkanov, 2023. Do Credit Markets Respond to Macroeconomic Shocks? The Case for Reverse Causality, Journal of Finance, 78(5), 2901-2943.
  • Seifert M., Ulu C. & S. Guha, 2023. Decision making under impending regime shifts, Management Science, 69(10), 6165-6180.
  • Díaz-Saavedra J., R. Marimon & J. B. Sousa, 2023. A worker's backpack as an alternative to PAYG Pension Systems. Journal Of The European Economic Association, 21(5), 1944-1993.
  • Batista C. & D. McKenzie, 2023. Testing classic theories of migration in the lab, Journal Of International Economics, 145, 103826.
  • Custódio C., M.A. Ferreira & E. Garcia-Appendini, 2023. Indirect costs of financial distress, Review of Finance, 27(6), 2233 – 2270.
  • Demetrescu M., I. Georgiev, P.M.M. Rodrigues & A.M.R. Taylor, 2023. Extensions to IVX methods of inference for return predictability, Journal of Econometrics, 237(2), 105271.
  • Hawk A., D. Lahiri & G. Pacheco-de-Almeida, 2023. The half-life of political capital: An examination of the temporal effects of board political connections, Strategic Management Journal, 44(13), 3252-3288.
  • Demetrescu M., P.M.M. Rodrigues & A.M.R. Taylor, 2023. Transformed regression-based long-horizon predictability tests, Journal of Econometrics, 237(2), 105316.
  • Fracchia M., T. Molina-Millán & P.C. Vicente, 2023. Motivating volunteer health workers in an African capital city, Journal of Development Economics, 163, 103096.
  • Branco C., D.C. Dohse, J.P. Santos & J. Tavares, 2023. Nobody’s gonna slow me down? The effects of a transportation cost shock on firm performance and behavior, Journal of Urban Economics, 136, 103569.
  • Ábrahám Á., J.B. Sousa, R. Marimon & L. Mayr, 2023. On the design of a European Unemployment Insurance System, European Economic Review, 156, 104469.
  • Cardim J., T. Molina-Millán & P.C. Vicente, 2023. Can technology improve the classroom experience in primary education? An African experiment on a worldwide program, Journal of Development Economics, 164, 103145.
  • Bah T.L., C. Batista, F. Gubert & D. McKenzie, 2023. Can information and alternatives to irregular migration reduce "backway" migration from The Gambia?, Journal of Development Economics, 165, 103153.
  • Clegg, S., M.P. Cunha & M. Berti, 2022. Research movements and theorizing dynamics in management and organization studies, Academy of Management Review, 47(3), 382-401.
  • Duan W. & P. Martins, 2022. Rent sharing in China, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 60(1), 176-219.
  • Castanheira F., F. Sguera & J. Story, 2022. Organizational politics and its impact on performance and deviance through authenticity and emotional exhaustion, British Journal of Management, 33(4), 1887-1904.
  • Santos C., L.F. Costa & P. B. Brito, 2022. Demand, supply and markup fluctuations, Economic Journal, 132(644), 1620-1645.
  • Valle e Azevedo J., J. Ritto & P. Teles, 2022. The neutrality of nominal rates, International Economic Review, 63(4), 1745-1777.
  • Delavande A., E. Del Bono & A. Holford,               2022. Academic and non-academic investments at university, Journal of Econometrics, 231(1), 74-97.
  • Demetrescu M. & P.M.M. Rodrigues, 2022. Residual-augmented IVX predictive regression, Journal of Econometrics, 227(2), 429-460.
  • Demetrescu M., I. Georgiev & P.M.M. Rodrigues, 2022. Testing for episodic predictability in stock returns, Journal of Econometrics, 227(1), 85-113.
  • Vendrell-Herrero F., C.K. Darko & E. Gomes, 2022. Home-market economic development as a moderator of the self-selection and learning-by-exporting effects, Journal Of International Business Studies, 53, 1519-1535.
  • Cuypers I.R.P., C. Patel, G. Ertug & Y. Cuypers, 2022. Top management teams in international business research, Journal Of International Business Studies, 53, 481-515.
  • Corsetti G., J.B. Duarte & S. Mann, 2022. One money, many markets, Journal Of The European Economic Association, 20(1), 513-548.
  • Batista C., S. Sequeira & P.C. Vicente, 2022. Closing the gender profit gap?, Management Science, 68(12), 8553–8567.
  • Belo R. & T. Li, 2022. Social referral programs for freemium platforms, Management Science, 68(12), 8933-8962.
  • Belo R. & P. Ferreira, 2022. Free riding in products with positive network externalities, MIS Quarterly, 46(1), 401-430.
  • Seremani T.W., C. Farias & S. Clegg, 2022. New order and old Institutions, Organization Studies, 43(4), 573-593.
  • Queiró F., 2022. Entrepreneurial human capital and firm dynamics, Review of Economic Studies, 89(4), 2061-2100.
  • Cunha I., M.A. Ferreira & R.C. Silva, 2022. Do credit rating agencies influence elections?, Review Of Finance, 26(4), 937-969.
  • Demirci I., M.A. Ferreira & P. Matos, 2022. How global is your mutual fund?, Review Of Financial Studies, 35(7), 3337-3372.
  • Wiedeman N., M.P. Cunha & S. Clegg, 2021. Rethinking resistance as an act of improvisation, Organization Studies, 42(4), 615-635.
  • Wright M., G. Wood, A. Musacchio & I. Okhmatovskiy, 2021. State capitalism in international context, Journal of World Business, 56(2), 101160.
  • Brinca P., M.H. Ferreira & F. Franco, 2021. Fiscal consolidation programs and income inequality, International Economic Review, 62(1), 405-460.
  • Gardete P. & L. Guo, 2021. Prepurchase information acquisition and credible advertising, Management Science, 67(3), 1696-1717.
  • Barroso P., M. Boons & P. Karehnke, 2021. Time-varying state variable risk premia in the ICAPM, Journal of Financial Economics, 139(2), 428-451.
  • Baba Yara F., M. Boons & A. Tamoni, 2021. Value return predictability across asset classes and commonalities in risk premia, Review Of Finance, 25(2), 449-484.
  • Rego A., F. Cavazotte & M.P. Cunha, 2021. Gritty leaders promoting employees’ thriving at work, Journal of Management, 47(5), 1155-1184.
  • Clegg S. & S. Burdon, 2021. Exploring creativity and innovation in broadcasting, Human Relations, 74(6), 791-813.
  • Silva R.C., 2021. Internal labor markets, wage convergence, and investment, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56(4), 1192-1227.
  • Gaim M., S. Clegg & M.P. Cunha, 2021. Managing impressions rather than emissions, Organization Studies, 42(6), 949-970.
  • Neves P., D. Pires & S. Costa, 2021. Empowering to reduce intentions to resist future change, British Journal of Management, 32(3), 872-891.
  • Gomes E., D.W. Lehman & F. Vendrell-Herrero, 2021. A history-based framework of servitization and deservitization, International Journal Of Operations and Production Management, 41(5), 723-745.
  • Choi D.B., J.A.C. Santos & T. Yorulmazer, 2021. A theory of collateral for the lender of last resort, Review Of Finance, 25(4), 973-996.
  • Truninger M., M. Ruderman,  C. Clerkin, K. Fernandez & D. Cancro, 2021. Sounds like a leader, Leadership Quarterly, 32(5), 101420.
  • Beck T., S. Da-Rocha-Lopes & A.F. Silva, 2021. Sharing the pain?, Review Of Financial Studies, 34(4), 1747-1788.
  • Masters-Waage T., J. Nai, J. Reb & S. Sim, 2021. Going far together by being here now, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 167, 189-205.
  • Gonçalves J., F. von Hafe & L. Filipe, 2021. Formal home care use and spousal health outcomes, Social Science and Medicine, 287, 114373.
  • Tureta C., B.L. Américo & S. Clegg, 2021. Controversies as method for anti-history, Organization Studies, 28(6), 1018-1035.
  • Demiroglu C., O. Ozbas & R.C. Silva, 2021. Do physiological and spiritual factors affect economic decisions?, Journal of Finance, 76(5), 2481-2523.
  • Costa A.A. & P. Zemsky, 2021. The choice of value‐based strategies under rivalry, Strategic Management Journal, 42(11), 2020-2046.
  • Baghai R.P., R.C. Silva & V. Thell, 2021. Talent in distressed firms, Journal of Finance, 76(6), 2907-2961.
  • Zorina A., F. Bélanger, N. Kumar & S. Clegg, 2021. Watchers, watched, and watching in the digital age, Organization Science, 32(6), 1571-1596.
  • Martins P.S., 2021. 30,000 minimum wages, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 59(2), 335-369.
  • Li J., A. Mukherjee & L. Vasconcelos, 2021. Learning to game the system, Review of Economic Studies, 88(4), 2014–2041.
  • Zsurkis G., J. Nicolau & P.M.M. Rodrigues, 2021. The expected time to cross a threshold and its determinants, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 122, 104047.
  • Santos J.P., J. Tavares & P.C. Vicente, 2021. Can ATMs get out the vote?, European Economic Review, 134, 103691.
  • Mbanze A.A., C.V. Silva, N.S. Ribeiro & J.L. Santos, 2021. Participation in illegal harvesting of natural resources and the perceived costs and benefits of living within a protected area, Ecological Economics, 179, 106825.
  • Grácio M. & P.C. Vicente, 2021. Information, get-out-the-vote messages, and peer influence, Journal of Development Economics, 151, 102665.
  • Girard V., 2021. Stabbed in the back?, Social Choice and Welfare, 56(4), 595-634.
  • Adão B & A.C. Silva, 2021. Government financing, inflation, and the financial sector, Economic Theory, 71(4), 1357-1396.
  • Raposo P., P. Portugal & A. Carneiro, 2021. The sources of the wage losses of displaced workers, Journal of Human Resources, 56(3), 586-820.
  • Balboa M., P.M.M. Rodrigues, A. Rubia & A.M.R. Taylor, 2021. Multivariate fractional integration tests allowing for conditional heteroskedasticity with an application to return volatility and trading volume, Journal Of Applied Econometrics, 36(5), 544 – 565.
  • Martins P.S., 2021. Should the maximum duration of fixed-term contracts increase in recessions?, International Review Of Law And Economics, 68, 106009.
  • Cui Y. & P.S. Martins, 2021. What drives social returns to education?, World Development, 148, 105561.
  • Brinca P., J.B. Duarte & M. Faria-e-Castro, 2021. Measuring labor supply and demand shocks during COVID-19, European Economic Review, 139, 103901.
  • Santos J.P., J. Tavares & J. Mesquita, 2021. Leave them kids alone!, Public Choice, 189(3-4), 405-426.
  • Armand A., A. Coutts & P.C. Vicente, 2020. Does information break the political resource curse?, American Economic Review, 110(11), 3431–3453.
  • Armand A., P. Atwell & J.F. Gomes, 2020. The reach of radio, American Economic Review, 110(5), 1395-1429.
  • He Q., M. Meadows, D. Angwin & E. Gomes, 2020. Strategic alliance research in the era of digital transformation, British Journal of Management, 31(3), 589-617.
  • Armand A., O. Attanasio & P. Carneiro, 2020. The effect of gender-targeted cash transfers on household expenditures, Economic Journal, 130(631), 1875-1897.
  • Santos C.D., 2020. Identifying demand shocks from production data, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 38(1), 93-106.
  • Audretsch D.B., D.C. Dohse & J.P. Santos, 2020. The effects of highway tolls on private business activity - results from a natural experiment, Journal of Economic Geography, 20(6), 1331-1357.
  • Boons M., F. Duarte & F. Roon, 2020. Time-varying inflation risk and stock returns, Journal of Financial Economics, 136(2), 444-470.
  • Evans R.B., M.P. Prado & R. Zambrana, 2020. Competition and cooperation in mutual fund families, Journal of Financial Economics, 136(1), 168-188.
  • Okhmatovskiy I., O. Suhomlinova & L. Tihanyi, 2020. Legacy of the state, Journal of Management, 46(4), 503-529.
  • Rodrigues F., M.P. Cunha & F. Castanheira, 2020. Person-job fit across the work lifespan, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, 103400.
  • Demirci I., U.G. Gurun & E. Yönder, 2020. Shuffling through the Bargain Bin, Review Of Finance, 24(3), 647-675.
  • Gonçalves J. & J.P. Santos, 2020. Brown sugar, how come you taste so good?, Social Science and Medicine, 264, 113332.
  • Fafchamps M., A. Vaz & P.C. Vicente, 2020. Voting and peer effects, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 68(2), 567-605.
  • Adão B. & A.C. Silva, 2020. The effect of firm cash holdings on monetary policy, European Economic Review, 128, 103508.
  • Portugal P. & A. Rua, 2020. How the ins and outs shape differently the U.S. unemployment over time and across frequencies, European Economic Review, 121, 103348.
  • Moura A. & P.P. Barros, 2020. Entry and price competition in the over-the-counter drug market after deregulation, Health Economics, 29(8), 865-877.
  • Millán T.M., K. Macours, J.A. Maluccio & L. Tejerina, 2020. Experimental long-term effects of early-childhood and school-age exposure to a conditional cash transfer program, Journal of Development Economics, 143, 102385.
  • Bazillier R. & V. Girard, 2020. The gold digger and the machine. Evidence on the distributive effect of the artisanal and industrial gold rushes in Burkina Faso, Journal of Development Economics, 143, 102411.
  • Peralta S. & J.P. Santos, 2020. Who seeks reelection, Public Choice, 184(1-2), 105-134.
  • Batista C. & P.C. Vicente, 2020. Improving access to savings through mobile money, World Development, 129, 104905.
  • Sengul M., A.A. Costa & J. Gimeno, 2019. The allocation of capital within firms, Academy of Management Annals, 13(1), 43-83.
  • Okhmatovskiy I. & D. Shin, 2019. Changing corporate governance in response to negative media reports, British Journal of Management, 30(1), 169-187.
  • Cunha M.P., A.V. Simpson & S. Clegg, 2019. Speak! Paradoxical effects of a managerial culture of ‘speaking up’, British Journal of Management, 30(4), 829-846.
  • Cunha M.P., A. Rego & I. Munro, 2019. Dogs in organizations, Human Relations, 72(4), 778-800.
  • Coldevin G.H., A. Carlsen & S. Clegg, 2019. Organizational creativity as idea work, Human Relations, 72(8), 1369-1397.
  • Consiglio I., M. Stijn &  J. Van Osselaer, 2019. The devil you know, Journal of Consumer Research, 46(3), 590-605.
  • Machado J.A.F & J. M.C. Santos Silva, 2019. Quantiles via moments, Journal of Econometrics, 213(1), 145-173.
  • Faust N.Y., A. Chatterjee & G.I. Christopoulos, 2019. Beauty in the eyes and the hand of the beholder, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85, 103884.
  • Boons M. & M.P. Prado, 2019. Basis-momentum, Journal of Finance, 74(1), 239-279.
  • Demirci I., J. Huang & C. Sialm, 2019. Government debt and corporate leverage, Journal of Financial Economics, 133(2), 337-356.
  • Santos J.A.C & J. Suarez, 2019. Liquidity standards and the value of an informed lender of last resort, Journal of Financial Economics, 132(2), 351-368.
  • Peristiani S. & J.A. C. Santos, 2019. CLO trading and collateral manager bank affiliation, Journal of Financial Intermediation, 39, 47-58.
  • Rego A., B. Owens, K.C. Yam & M.P. Cunha, 2019. Leader humility and team performance, Journal of Management, 45(3), 1009-1033.
  • Rego A., K.C. Yam, B. Owens & M.P. Cunha, 2019. Conveyed leader PsyCap predicting leader effectiveness through positive energizing, Journal of Management, 45(4), 1689-1712.
  • Delavande A. & B. Zafar, 2019. University choice, Journal of Political Economy, 127(5), 2343-2393.
  • Custódio C., M.A. Ferreira & Pedro Matos, 2019. Do general managerial skills spur innovation?, Management Science, 65(2), 459-476.
  • Nicolau J. & P.M.M. Rodrigues, 2019. A new regression-based tail index estimator, Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(4), 667-680.
  • Albuquerque R., L. Brandao-Marques & M.A. Ferreira, 2019. International corporate governance spillovers, Review Of Financial Studies, 32(2), 738-770.
  • Iannotta G., G. Pennacchi & J.A.C. Santos, 2019. Ratings-based regulation and systematic risk incentives, Review Of Financial Studies, 32(4), 1374-1415.
  • Santos J.A.C. & A. Winton, 2019. Bank capital, borrower power, and loan rates, Review Of Financial Studies, 32(11), 4501-4541.
  • Mota R.P. & M.A. Cunha-e-Sá, 2019. The role of technological progress in testing adjusted net savings, Ecological Economics, 164, 106382.
  • Delavande A. & B. Zafar, 2019. Gender discrimination and social identity, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 68(1), 1-40.
  • Adão B. & A.C. Silva, 2019. Real transfers and the Friedman rule, Economic Theory, 67(1), 155-177.
  • Coutts A., 2019. Good news and bad news are still news, Experimental Economics, 22(2), 369-395.
  • Coutts A., 2019. Testing models of belief bias, Games And Economic Behavior, 113, 549-565.
  • Kaufmann D., E.F. McGuirk & P.C. Vicente, 2019. Foreign aid preferences and perceptions in donor countries, Journal Of Comparative Economics, 47(3), 601-617.
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