Three of the guest speakers at the 5th edition of the conference “Comunicação em Debate” [Debating Communication], organized by Meios e Publicidade, are Nova School of Business and Economics Alumni.
Inês Condeço*, Fnac’s Marketing and Communication Director, and Ricardo Tomaz**, Volkswagen’s Marketing Director and SIVA’s Communication Director, were two of the alumni who were invited to participate in the first debate “Frente-A-Frente: Agências e Clientes” [One on one: Agencies and Clients]. When questioned about the significance of this discussion, both stated that it is “extremely important because there are so many perspectives about the relation between agencies and clients, the boundaries between them, and if there is a strategic partnership or not”. About their participation, both strengthened the relevance of sharing their experience and expertise: Inês with FNAC, due to the quantity “of free events per year and for disclosing culture through media,” and Ricardo with the automotive industry and the need to “have no ambiguity so that contents are not devalued.”
Paulo Padrão***, Ecos’ General Director and also a Nova SBE alumnus, will participate in a debate about “Jornalismo, Conteúdos, Entretenimento e Marca: Qual A Fronteira?” [Journalism, Contents, Entertainment, and Brands: What is the frontier?]. He says that this is becoming increasingly a more pertinent subject due to new formats of communication and companies. In what concerns his participation, he expects to contribute with “the experience of who already worked in several dimensions of this complex reality.”
When questioned about Nova SBE’s contribution, all of them referred the importance that the school had in their professional life. Inês stated that it was her first “option and probably one of the best decisions” she made. Paulo said that Nova SBE gave him the work and analysis tools “in an eclectic and multidisciplinary way,” and he has been using them ever since. And Ricardo Tomaz declared that, like Inês, it was a decision that he never regretted due to the “excellence of its education, that only improved over the years.” To the students that are thinking of enrolling, they assure that the school is “very demanding, dynamic, and an excellent preparation for the job market” and that this academic journey contributed to where they are now.
The conference “Comunicação em Debate” [Debating Communication] will take place October 31st, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., in Teatro Tivoli BBVA.
* BSc Management ‘95
** BSc Economics ‘80
*** BSc Economics ‘86