The Portuguese finals of Brandstorm 2019, aimed at senior university students from all over the world, will take place on May 3rd and Nova School of Business & Economics (Nova SBE) has five teams in the finals becoming, once again, the school with the highest number of teams in this competition.
Every year, the L’Óreal group challenges students from all over the world, through the Brandstorm competition, to come up with innovative ideas in the Beauty industry that may be implemented by one of the group’s top brands. The 2019 edition challenged them to think of a revolutionary skin care experience for health-conscious consumers, and five Nova SBE teams were selected to participate in the Portuguese finals. The Nova SBE finalists developed either disruptive skincare products or technological platforms to improve the consumer – who cares about their health and simultaneously looks for sustainable solutions – skincare experience. The teams’ names and members are as follows:

Ana Clara Vianna
Fien Decavel
Pedro Oliveira
Be active

Lieze Verberght
Sara Pinto
Carolina Castro

Freya Grosse Hokamp
Beatriz Xavier
Marta Gomes

Matilde Tito
Serenela Moreira
Nieves Rojas

Tatiana Bernardes
Mafalda Monteiro
Mariana Marques
The Portuguese final will take place on May 3rd, at L’Óreal Portugal’s headquarters, in Algés, and the winning team will have the chance to represent Portugal in Brandstorm’s 2019 world finals, which will take place in May 23rd, in Paris. To learn more about this innovative challenge and have a look at all the finalists, visit the event’s official page.