Knowing the importance of the plurality of thought, Nova School of Business & Economics created a page on the online platform known as Medium, in order to emphasize several articles written by its community on diverse and pressing subjects.
Launched in 2012, Medium is one of the prominent examples of social journalism, given that it consists of a hybrid collection of publications written by amateurs and professionals. With this platform, any user can read, write, and interact with the most meaningful stories. It was created to not only convey several different ideas and perspectives, but also as a way to tap what some of the most influential writers, thinkers, and storytellers of nowadays think about a number of topics.
Knowing how its community is dedicated to the promotion of knowledge, Nova SBE decided to create its own page to bestow its talented people a voice and their views the rightful prominence. The page is titled “Future Talks” and it aims to approach and discuss all topics regarding the future, society, and the world in general. Thus, any person related to Nova SBE – whether students, Alumni, corporate partners, or friends – has now a platform in which they have the freedom to explore new ideas.
On November 22nd, the first article, About Magic — The two waves, written by Professor João Castro about the Nova SBE Center for Digital Business and Technology and its initiatives, was published. After that, 13 other articles on topics such as the future of communication, the future of Human Resources, Portuguese lifestyle, etc. were published. Bellow, you can find the ten most read articles.

1. Exporting the Portuguese way of life… by Professor Pedro Santa-Clara
2. How I convinced Nova SBE to pay me a seven-month vacation, by student Bernardo Silva
3. How Portugal has become the crush of German students, by alumnus Carlos Teixeira
4. A Portuguese in Taiwan – My Great New Adventure, by student Madalena Gomes
5. Unfortunately, Mismatched, by student Vítor Pereira
6. How Can Companies Leverage Crowded Environments To Increase Word Of Mouth?, by Professors Irene Consiglio, Matteo de Angelis, and Michele Costabile
7. Europe: Our Cashless Future?, by student José Ferreira
8. The future of communication in a era of (dis)information, by Professor Joana Story
9. Technology, Globalization, Millenials: The Future of HR in 545 words, by Professor Rita Cunha
10. Amazon Go, Innovations, and Retail Customer Service, by Professor Jorge Velosa
With Medium, you can read, explore several topics, share, applaud articles (a different way of “liking” a post) and even highlight the quotes you liked best and that you want to bring out. Explore Nova SBE’s Medium and start engaging with these “Future Talks”.