Past Research News | 11 July 2022
Rui Silva and Rodrigo Belo just defended the academic title “agregação”
Rui Silva and Rodrigo Belo just successfully defended the academic title “agregação”. Rodrigo Belo (Incentive Misalignments in Programmatic Advertising: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment) had for jury: Luís Filipe Lages (Presidente); Pedro Gardete; Roberto Ragozzino; Ana Póvoa (Instituto Superior Técnico); Mário Figueiredo (Instituto Superior Técnico) e Galit Shmueli (National Tsing Hua University). Rui Silva (How Do Acquisitions Affect the Mental Health of Employees?) had for jury: Miguel Ferreira (Presidente); António Nogueira Leite; João Amaro de Matos; João Cocco (London Business School); João Manuel Duque (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão) e João Pedro Nunes (ISCTE).