The Nova SBE Open & User Innovation Knowledge Center (OUI) brings together a worldwide network of leading researchers and practitioners with the goal of producing and disseminating high-quality research-based knowledge in the field of innovation management, open user, patient innovation and entrepreneurship. The research team is composed of an interdisciplinary group of scholars from innovation management, entrepreneurship, data science, healthcare platforms and bioengineering. The Scientific Director is Pedro Oliveira, the Deputy Scientific Director is Leid Zejnilovic and the Executive Director is Maria João Jacinto, Nova SBE Post-doc Fellow. With the ambition of becoming a leading center in its areas of expertise, it will work in close collaboration with the Nova SBE’s Innovation Ecosystem and will generate distinctive expertise on business and economic development of new ventures based on open innovation and/or new solutions developed by users with a focus on real social and economic impact. The center also hosts the research activities of Patient Innovation (, a non-profit association and digital platform aimed at promoting the sharing of innovative solutions developed by patients and caregivers to overcome problems imposed by a disease or health condition.