Past Research News | 21 April 2022
Nova SBE congratulates PhD students
Nova SBE congratulates the two Tropical Knowledge and Management PhD students Cristino Fonseca and Ana Maria Figueira Gomes on successfully defending their doctoral thesis. Cristino Fonseca thesis was entitled The role of value chains analysis in agricultural sector. The case of pepper value chains in São Tomé e Príncipe and had the supervision of Augusto Manuel Correia and José Castro Coelho (both from Instituto Superior de Agronomia) and Fernando Brito Soares. Ana Gomes thesis was entitled Characterizing Central Mozambican Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Landraces: an integrated morphological, genetic, and physiological approach and had the supervision of Ana Isabel Faria Ribeiro-Barros and José Cochicho Ramalho (both from Instituto Superior de Agronomia), Rafael Abel Dos Santos Massinga (Instituto Superior Politecnico de Manica) and Luís Filipe Lages. Nova SBE also congratulates Joana Cardim on successfully defending her doctoral thesis entitled Essays in Economics of Education and Development which had the supervision of Pedro Vicente.