The VCW Lab at Nova SBE, headed by Luis Filipe Lages, has just initiated its second European Horizon 2020 project in the fields of Innovation, Sustainability, Space Business, Earth Observation, Oceans, Fishing, Aquaculture, Forestry and Agriculture. The Next Ocean project is coordinated by Elecnor Deimos, and involves 11 European partners. Similarly to the NextLand project initiated in 2020, Nova SBE will be responsible for coordinating the "Innovation Management Board" of the consortium and the Workpackage on “Technology-Market Transfer, Commercialization and Sustainability" during a 3-year period. Both projects will be supported by the VCW-Value Creation Wheel framework. The NextOcean has a total budget of EUR 3.7M, of which EUR 3M are funded by the European Commission. Overall, our school has been awarded over EUR 1.1M for both NextLand and NextOcean European Horizon 2020 Projects.