Gonçalo Rocha
Gonçalo Rocha
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)

Gonçalo Rocha is a Visitng Professor at NovaSBE teaching Financial Management in the management, economics and finance masters.

He is currently Head of Investments at Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Chief of Financial Office (CFO) at Antarr - Florestas.

Previously, Gonçalo Rocha had a career in banking where he worked mainly for Millenium bcp in different areas.

He was also a Member of the Board of Postal Bank and the Previsão pension fund, as well as CEO of the payments company Payshop.

He was also Director of Strategy for Portuguese public television, RTP, CFO of CTT - Correios de Portugal, and CFO of Partex - Oil & Gas.  

1989 - Degree in Management, Universidade Católica de Lisboa 

1993 - MBA in Finance,  Universidade Católica de Lisboa 

2015 - PhD in Finance, Nova School of Business and Economics 

Banking; Risk Management; Corporate Finance; Asset Pricing.