Nicholas Hirschey
Nicholas Hirschey
Assistant Professor
Research Track
Finance Knowledge Center

Nicholas Hirschey is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Nova SBE, where he teaches in the Masters program.

Professor Hirschey holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Texas and B.A.´s in Mathematics and Economics from Grinnell College. His research interests include asset pricing, microstructure, and international finance.

2012 - PH.D. in Finance - University of Texas at Austin

2005 - B.A. in Economics and Mathematics - Grinnell College

 Asset pricing; Microstructure; International finance

  • Griffin, John M., Hirschey, Nicholas H., Kruger, Samuel (2023). Do municipal bond dealers give their customers 'fair and reasonable' pricing?. The Journal of Finance, 78 (2), 887-934.
  • Hirschey, Nicholas H. (2021). Do high-frequency traders anticipate buying and selling pressure?. Management Science, 67 (6), 3321-3345.
  • Griffin, John M., Hirschey, Nicholas H., Kelly, Patrick J. (2011). How important is the financial media in global markets?. Review Of Financial Studies, 24 (12), 3941-3992.