Luciano Amaral
Luciano Amaral
Associate Professor
Management and Organizations
Teaching Track

Luciano Amaral is Adjunct Associate Professor at Nova School of Business and Economics. His research has been mostly dedicated to economic growth in the twentieth century; but also to banking history and the history of business groups in the same period; with particular attention to Portugal.

He has taught general Economic History of the period ranging from the eighteenth century to the twentieth century; and Portuguese Economic History of the same period. Currently he teaches the course of Modern and Contemporary History at the undergraduate level.

2002 - PhD in History and Civilization at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy

1993 - MA in History of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (specialization in the twentieth century) at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

1988 - BA in History at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

His research has been mostly dedicated to economic growth in the twentieth century.

  • Amaral, Luciano (2018). A monetary plethora and what to do with it: the Bank of Portugal during the Second World War and the postwar period (1931-60). The Economic History Review, 71 (3), 795-822.
  • Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da, Amaral, Luciano, Neves, Pedro (2016). Business groups in Portugal in the Estado Novo period (1930–1974) Family, power and structural change. Business History, 58 (1), 49-68.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2015). Measuring competition in Portuguese commercial banking during the Golden Age (1960–1973). Business History, 57 (8), 1192-1218.
  • de Sousa, Luís, Magalhães, Pedro C., Amaral, Luciano (2014). Sovereign debt and governance failures: Portuguese democracy and the Financial Crisis. American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (12), 1517-1541.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2013). Imperfect but true competition: innovation and profitability in Portuguese banking during the golden age (1950-1973). Financial History Review, 20 (3), 305-333.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2012). Institutions, property, and economic growth: Back to the passage from the Ancien Régime to liberalism in Portugal. Análise Social, 47 (1), 28-55.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2009). New series of Portuguese population and employment, 1950-2007: implications for GDP per capita and labor productivity. Análise Social, 44 (193), 767-791.
  • Amaral, Luciano (1998). Convergência e crescimento económico em Portugal no pós-guerra. Análise Social, 33 (148), 741-776.
  • Amaral, Luciano (1996). Política e economia: O Estado Novo, os latifundiários alentejanos e os antecedentes da EPAC. Análise Social, 31 (136-137), 465-486.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2022). Economia portuguesa: As últimas décadas. Ed. revista ed. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2019). The modern Portuguese economy in the Twentieth and Twenty-First centuries. 1 ed. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2015). Em Nome do Pai e do Filho... O grupo Espírito Santo, da privatização à queda. 1st ed. Dom Quixote.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2014). Rica vida: crise e salvação em 10 momentos da história de Portugal. Dom Quixote.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2011). Outubro: a Revolução Republicana em Portugal (1910-1926). Edições 70.
  • Braga de Macedo, Jorge, do Amaral, Luciano, Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da, de Castro Henriques, António (2009). Nove ensaios na tradição de Jorge Borges de Macedo. Tribuna da História.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2020). Jorge Braga de Macedo as an economic historian: The transition of the Portuguese economy from the authoritarian to the democratic period (1960–1979). Economic Globalization and Governance. : Essays in Honor of Jorge Braga de Macedo. Brites Pereira, Luís, Mata, Maria Eugénia, Rocha de Sousa, Miguel (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 3-11.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2018). European misfit: The portuguese economy after EU membership. Portugal Since the 2008 Economic Crisis. : Resilience and Change. Taylor & Francis, 32-51.
  • Amaral, Luciano, Freire, Dulce (2017). Agricultural policy, growth and demise, 1930-2000. An Agrarian History of Portugal, 1000-2000. : Economic Development on the European Frontier. Lains, Pedro, Freire, Dulce (Eds.), Brill Academic Publishers, 245-276.
  • Amaral, Luciano, Freire, Dulce (2017). Economic policy, growth and the demise, 1929-2000. An Agrarian History of Portugal, 1000-2000. : Economic Development on the European Frontier. Freire, Dulce, Lains, Pedro (Eds.), Brill, Vol. 7, 245-276.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2017). Manuel de Lucena historiador. História e Historiadores no ICS. Silva, Isabel Corrêa da, Monteiro, Nuno Gonçalo (Eds.), ICS-Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 75-89.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2012). Ainda a evolução do sistema corporativo português?. Estado, regimes e revoluções : Estudos em homenagem a Manuel de Lucena. Gaspar, Carlos (Eds.), ICS-Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 277-282.
  • do Amaral, Luciano, Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da (2012). A economia portuguesa na I República. A Primeira República. M. F. Rollo (Ed.), 235-248.
  • Amaral, Luciano, Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da (2011). A Economia portuguesa durante a I República. Outubro: A Revolução Republicana em Portugal (1910-1926). Amaral, Luciano (Eds.), Edições 70.
  • Amaral, Luciano (2011). Economic development: evolution and prospects. Portugal in the Era of the Knowledge Society. Belyaev, Demyan, Roca, Zoran (Eds.), Edições Universitárias - Lusófona, 220-240.
  • Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da, Amaral, Luciano (2011). A crise orçamental e monetária portuguesa no contexto internacional (1914‑1931). 1 ed. A Primeira República Portuguesa: Diplomacia, Guerra e Império. Meneses, Filipe Ribeiro de, Oliveira, Pedro Aires (Eds.), Tinta da China, 51-80.
  • do Amaral, Luciano, Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da (2009). Introdução. Nove Ensaios na Tradição de Jorge Borges de Macedo. Braga de Macedo, J., Amaral, Luciano, Ferreira da Silva, J. A., Castro Henriques, António (Eds.), Centro de Globalização e Governação (FEUNL) e Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (col.), 33-43.
  • do Amaral, Luciano, Silva, Álvaro Ferreira da (2009). Padrões de mobilidade interna em Portugal na segunda metade do século XIX. Desenvolvimento económico e mudança social. Serrão, José Vicente (Eds.), Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 375-392.