Lisbeth Rodrigues
Lisbeth Rodrigues
Assistant Professor (Adjunct)

Lisbeth Rodrigues received her BA in History from the University of Minho (Portugal, 2007) and her PhD from the same University (2013) with a thesis titled “The Portuguese Hospitals in the Renaissance: The Case of Nossa Senhora do Pópulo.” She was a postdoc researcher (2014-2019)and a Junior Research Associate (2019-2022) at CSG/GHES, Lisbon School of Economics & Management, and she is a member of the research project “Sovereign debt and private credit in Portugal (1668-1797)” (PTDC/HAR- HIS/28809/2017). She specialized in early modern financial markets. More recently, her primary research interest has been the study of Misericórdias (Portuguese lay brotherhoods) and credit markets in Portugal, mainly the financial functions of these brotherhoods as one of the most relevant institutional creditors of private and public credit in the 17thand 18th centuries.

2013 - PhD in History, University of Minho

2007 - Bachelor in History, University of Minho

Her research interests span several fields in early modern history and include social and economic history, financial history, financial risk and management risk, investment decisions, capital markets in the long run, law and economics, and welfare institutions and poor relief.