Maria Clara Costa Duarte was an Associate Professor of Economics at Nova School of Business and Economics. Her research interests included natural resources modeling and management and environmental policy analysis. Her research has been published in academic journals including Environmental and Resource Economics, Marine Resource Economics and Resource and Energy Economics . She has participated in several international research projects financed by EU and FCT. She currently teaches Principles of Microeconomics at the undergraduate Program and Environmental Policy and Tools for Applied Policy Analysis in Masters Programs. She has also been a consultant to some institutions and government agencies. For some periods in her career she was President of the Pedagogical Council and Director of Undergrad and Masters Programs at Nova School of Business and Economics.
1991 - Ph.D in Economics, UniversidadeNova de Lisboa, Portugal.
1985 - Master in Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
Economics. Microeconomics. Natural Resources Modeling and Management, Environmental Policy Analysis