18 Sep '19
NOVAFRICA Seminars | Wednesday Seminar with Mathias Thoenig

Mathias Thoenig, from University of Lausanne, will present his paper The Refugee’s Dilemma - Jewish Outmigration from Nazi Germany. In this paper are estimated the push and pull factors involved in the outmigration of Jews facing persecution in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1942. It was built a structural model of migration under uncertainty on the life threat and then it was performed counterfactual policy experiments in order to quantify how migration restrictions in destination countries affected the fate of Jews. The analysis particularly highlights the role of social learning and information spillovers by assessing how migration outflows within social networks provided a signal of the severity of the threat to the peers. The empirical investigation makes use of a unique dataset that records the migration history of almost the entire universe of Jews living in Germany over the period.

Seminar with Mathias Thoenig
  • From 18 September 2019 2:30 PM
  • To 18 September 2019 3:30 PM
  • Location A219
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