Pedro Portugal
Pedro Portugal
Professor Catedrático Convidado

Pedro Portugal estudou economia na Universidade do Porto e obteve o seu doutoramento na Universidade da Carolina do Sul; em 1991.

É actualmente investigador sénior no Banco de Portugal e professor convidado de economia na Nova School of Business and Economics. A sua principal área de interesse é a economia do trabalho aplicada; centrando-se em questões de microeconomia do desemprego; subsídio de desemprego; negociação salarial; segurança do emprego; e deslocação de trabalhadores. Pedro Portugal publicou nas principais revistas de economia e economia do trabalho, incluindo a American Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of the European Economic Association, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Economic Policy, Economica, Oxford Economic Papers, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Labour Economics and Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Publicou também noutros campos, nomeadamente, em Economia Industrial e Gestão Estratégica: incluindo o Journal of Industrial Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Small Business Economics e Strategic Management Journal.

1999 - Agregação, Universidade do Porto

1991 - Doutoramento em Economia, Universidade da Carolina do Sul

1982 - Licenciatura em Economia, Universidade do Porto

Salários, Desemprego, Métodos Microeconométricos, Trabalho Macro, Sobrevivência das Empresas, e Política de Drogas.

  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro, de Almeida Vilares, Hugo (2023). Union membership density and wages: The role of worker, firm, and job-title heterogeneity. Journal of Econometrics, 233 (2), 612-632.
  • Carneiro, Anabela, Portugal, Pedro, Raposo, Pedro, Rodrigues, Paulo M.M. (2023). The persistence of wages. Journal of Econometrics, 233 (2), 596-611.
  • Portugal, Pedro, Varejão, José (2022). Why do firms use fixed-term contracts?. Portuguese Economic Journal, 21, 401–421.
  • Raposo, Pedro, Portugal, Pedro, Carneiro, Anabela (2021). The sources of the wage losses of displaced workers: The role of the reallocation of workers into firms, matches, and job titles. Journal of Human Resources, 56 (3), 586-820.
  • Portugal, Pedro, Rua, António (2020). How the ins and outs shape differently the U.S. unemployment over time and across frequencies. European Economic Review, 121.
  • Torres, Sónia, Portugal, Pedro, Addison, John T., Guimarães, Paulo (2018). The sources of wage variation and the direction of assortative matching: evidence from a three-way high-dimensional fixed effects regression model. Labour Economics, 54, 47-60.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro, Vilares, Hugo (2017). Unions and collective bargaining in the wake of the Great Recession: Evidence from Portugal. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 55 (3), 551-576.
  • Blanchard, Olivier, Portugal, Pedro (2017). Boom, slump, sudden stops, recovery, and policy options. Portugal and the Euro. Portuguese Economic Journal, 16 (3), 149-168.
  • Félix, Sónia, Portugal, Pedro (2017). Drug decriminalization and the price of illicit drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy, 39, 121-129.
  • Cardoso, Ana Rute, Guimarães, Paulo, Portugal, Pedro (2016). What drives the gender wage gap? A look at the role of firm and job-title heterogeneity. Oxford Economic Papers-New Series, 68 (2), 506-524.
  • Mata, José, Portugal, Pedro (2015). The termination of international joint ventures: Closure and acquisition by domestic and foreign partners. International Business Review, 24 (4), 677-689.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro, Varejão, José (2014). Labor demand research: toward a better match between better theory and better data. Labour Economics, 30 (SI), 4-11.
  • Carneiro, Anabela, Portugal, Pedro, Varejão, José (2014). Catastrophic job destruction during the Portuguese economic crisis. Journal of Macroeconomics, 39 (Part B), 444-57.
  • Addison, John T., Machado, José A. F., Portugal, Pedro (2013). The reservation wage unemployment duration nexus. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 75 (6), 980-987.
  • Carneiro, Anabela, Guimarães, Paulo, Portugal, Pedro (2012). Real Wages and the business cycle: Accounting for worker, firm, and job title heterogeneity. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 4 (2), 133-152.
  • Addison, John T., Centeno, Mario, Portugal, Pedro (2010). Unemployment benefits and reservation wages: key elasticities from a stripped-down job search approach. Economica, 77 (305), 46-59.
  • Geroski, P. A., Mata, José, Portugal Dias, José Pedro (2010). Founding conditions and the survival of new firms. Strategic Management Journal, 31 (5), 510-529.
  • Guimaraes, Paulo, Portugal Dias, José Pedro (2010). A simple feasible procedure to fit models with high-dimensional fixed effects. Stata Journal, 10 (4), 628-649.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal Dias, José Pedro, Centeno, Mário José Gomes de Freitas (2009). Do Reservation Wages Really Decline? Some International Evidence on the Determinants of Reservation Wages. Journal Of Labor Research, 30 (1), 1-8.
  • Louro, Carlota, Portugal, Pedro (2009). Loxodromia da Vida Humana - Uma introdução à análise estatística da Duração: Uma introdução à análise estatística da Duração. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, , 50-54.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro (2008). How do different entitlements to unemployment benefits affect the transitions from unemployment into employment?. Economics Letters, 101 (3), 206-209.
  • Carneiro, Anabela, Portugal, Pedro (2008). Market power, dismissal threat, and rent sharing: The role of insider and outsider forces in wage bargaining. International Journal of Manpower, 29 (1), 30-47.
  • Portugal, Pedro, Addison, John T. (2008). Six ways to leave unemployment. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55 (4), 393-419.
  • Varejão, José, Portugal, Pedro (2007). Employment dynamics and the structure of labor adjustment costs. Journal Of Labor Economics, 25 (1), 137-165.
  • Portugal, Pedro, Cardoso, Ana Rute (2006). Disentangling the minimum wage puzzle: An analysis of worker accessions and separations. Journal Of The European Economic Association, 4 (5), 988-1013.
  • Cardoso, Ana Rute, Portugal, Pedro (2005). Contractual wages and the wage cushion under different bargaining settings. Journal Of Labor Economics, 23 (4), 875-902.
  • John T., Addison, Portugal Dias, José Pedro (2004). How does the unemployment insurance system shape the time profile of jobless duration?. Economics Letters, 85 (2), 229-234.
  • Mata, José, Portugal, Pedro (2004). Patterns of entry, post-entry growth and survival. Small Business Economics, 22 (3-4), 283-298.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro (2003). Unemployment duration: Competing and defective risks. Journal of Human Resources, 38 (1), 156-191.
  • John T., Addison, Portugal Dias, José Pedro (2002). Job search methods and outcomes. Oxford Economic Papers-New Series, 54 (3), 505-533.
  • Mata, José, Portugal, Pedro (2002). The survival of new domestic and foreign-owned firms. Strategic Management Journal, 23 (4), 323-343.
  • Blanchard, Olivier, Portugal, Pedro (2001). What hides behind an unemployment rate: Comparing Portuguese and U.S. labor markets. American Economic Review, 91 (1), 187-207.
  • Bover, Olympia, García-Perea, Pilar, Portugal, Pedro (2000). Labour market outliers: Lessons from Portugal and Spain. Economic Policy, (31), 381-428.
  • Mata, José, Portugal, Pedro (2000). Closure and divestiture by foreign entrants: The impact of entry and post-entry strategies. Strategic Management Journal, 21 (5), 549-562.
  • Portugal, Pedro, Addison, John T. (2000). Short- and long-term unemployment. Economics Letters, 66 (1), 107-112.
  • T. Addison, John, Portugal, Pedro (1998). Some specification issues in unemployment duration analysis. Labour Economics, 5 (1), 53-66.
  • Mata, José, Portugal, Pedro, Guimarães, Paulo (1995). The survival of new plants: Start-up conditions and post-entry evolution. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 13 (4), 459-481.
  • Portugal, Pedro, Addison, John T. (1995). Short‐and long-term unemployment. A parametric model with time-varying effects. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 57 (2), 205-227.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro (1992). Advance notice: from voluntary exchange to mandated benefits. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 31 (1), 159-178.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro (1991). Does advance notice facilitate better job matches?. Economics Letters, 36 (2), 209-212.
  • Addison, J. T., Portugal, P. (1989). On the costs of worker displacement: the case of dissipated firm- specific training investments. Southern Economic Journal, 56 (1), 166-182.
  • Addison, John T., Portugal, Pedro (1989). The endogeneity of union status and the application of the hausman test. Journal Of Labor Research, 10 (4), 437-441.
  • Portugal Dias, José Pedro (2009). A Formação de Preços e Salários em Portugal. A Economia Portuguesa no Contexto da Integração Económica, Financeira e Monetária. Portugal, Departamento de Estudos Económicos do Banco de (Eds.), Banco de Portugal, 155-217.
  • Portugal Dias, José Pedro (2009). Subsídios e Duração do Desemprego. Portugal sem Fronteiras. Sociais, Imprensa de Ciências (Eds.), ICS, 291-307.
  • Carneiro, Anabela, Portugal, Pedro (2008). Wages and the Risk of Displacement. Work, Earnings and Other Aspects of the Employment Relation. Vol. 28, 251-276.
  • Varejão, José M., Portugal, Pedro, Messina, Julián (2005). Matching workers to jobs in the fast lane: The operation of fixed-term contracts. Labour Supply and Incentives to Work in Europe. Edward Elgar Publishing, 312-331.
  • Machado, José a. f., Portugal, Pedro (2002). Exploring Transition Data through Quantile Regression Methods: An Application to U.S. Unemployment Duration. Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L1-Norm and Related Methods. Dodge, Yadolah (Eds.), Birkhäuser Basel, Chapter 7. 77-94.
  • Carneiro, Anabela, Portugal, Pedro, Raposo, Pedro, Rodrigues, Paulo M. M. (out 2021), 38 p., (IZA Institute of Labor Economics, n. 14798), The persistence of wages.