Maria was granted by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering, Major in Applied
Thermodynamics; a M.Sc. degree in Engineering Policy and Management of Technology; and a Ph.D. degree in Engineering and Industrial
Management, partially conducted at the Department of Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU | PA, USA). Maria
holds a diversified career in sustainable energy, having been employee of Agência de Inovação, the Portuguese National Innovation Agency;
employee of IrRadiare, De Viris and WIN ENERGY, private companies; founding partner and manager of wee-solutions and Green Egg; president of
APISOLAR, the Portuguese Solar Industry Association; in-house consultant of ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency; and Technical and Financial
Director of Lisbon's Energy and Environment Agency, Lisboa E-Nova.
Presently she is advisor to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate and
research fellow and member of the scientific council of IN+, Centre for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research at Instituto Superior Técnico