Paolo Leone
Paolo Leone
Assistant Professor
Management and Organizations
Research Track

Paolo V. Leone is an Assistant Professor of Social Innovation at Nova SBE. His research focuses on the organizational dynamics that drive social innovation processes. Particularly, he explores how new forms of organizing can generate beneficial outcomes for society by fostering groundbreaking knowledge collaborations in settings as different as scientific innovation and new ventures. His research has appeared in Academy of Management Review. Paolo teaches the master-level courses ""Organizing for Good in the Digital Age"" and ""Open Innovation"". He received a PhD in Management from McGill University, an MPhil in Innovation, Strategy and Organization from the University of Cambridge, and a Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza (5-year law degree) from Università Roma Tre.

2022 - PhD in Management - McGill University

2017 - Master in Innovation, Strategy & Organization - University of Cambridge

2016 - Bachelor in Law - Università Roma Tre

Social Innovation - New Forms of Organizing - Knowledge Collaboration - Technology & Organizing - Organization Theory

  • Leone, Paolo V., Mantere, Saku, Faraj, Samer (2021). Open theorizing in management and organization studies. Academy of Management Review, 46 (4), 725-749.