Aman Asija
Aman Asija
Assistant Professor
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Research Track

Aman Asija has a PhD in Strategic Management from ESADE Business School and is an Assistant Professor at NovaSBE since September 2021. 

Prior to joining the Ph.D. program at ESADE, he worked in the data science industry. Aman received his B.E. in Mechanical Engineering and M.Sc. in Chemistry from BITS-Pilani.

2021 - PHD in Management Sciences (Strategy) - ESADE Business School

2018 - Master in Management Sciences - ESADE Business School

2013 - Master in Chemistry  - BITS Pilani

2013 - Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering - BITS Pilani

Area of empirical strategic management, with the main focus on knowledge exploitation. Currently, I am investigatinghow firms respond to the challenges they face while exploiting their knowledge resources.

  • Asija, Aman, Moreira, Solon, Ringov, Dimo, Soares, Thiago J. (2024). Fragmentation of technology ownership and acquisition strategy of firms. British Journal of Management, 35 (3), 1392-1407.
  • Moreira, Solon, Klueter, Thomas Maximilian, Asija, Aman (2024). Contracting for Research & Development (R&D) and the emergence of the fee-for- service model. Rutgers Business Review, 9 (1), 1-5.
  • Moreira, Solon, Klueter, Thomas Maximilian, Asija, Aman (2023). Market for technology 2.0? Reassessing the role of complementary assets on licensing decisions. Research Policy, 52 (7).
  • Asija, Aman, Marisetty, Vijaya B. , Rangan, Srinivasan (2014), Do insiders who pledge their shares manipulate reported earnings?.