Roberto Ragozzino is a Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Nova SBE. He holds a doctorate degree in Business Policy and Strategy from Ohio State University.
Roberto's research is in the broad areas of corporate strategy, entrepreneurship and international management. He usually studies business phenomena in these areas using an economic lens, drawing mostly from such theoretical frameworks as information economics, agency theory and transaction cost economics. His work has been published in several journals, such as Academy of Management Review, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal, and several others. Roberto has also written articles for professional audiences in such outlets as Financial Times, Journal of Applied Corporate Finance and Forbes India. Roberto is on the editorial board of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Global Strategy Journal and he is a member of the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business and the Strategic Management Society.
Roberto teaches strategy, entrepreneurship and international business from the undergraduate to the doctoral levels. He is engaged in executive education programs in North America and Europe and he has worked with several companies from multinationals to entrepreneurial ventures.