She is a radio host at Renascença and a consultant "); border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; background-size: 3px; vertical-align: -0.518333px; line-height: 0px; position: relative;">in the area of communication. She is a curator of TEDxULisboa and coordinator of the Athlete Speakers Program, carried out by the Portugal Olympic Commitiee. She has a degree in Communication Science, a post-graduation in Marketing, Communication, and Multimedia Management from Lisbon School of Economics and Management and a post-graduation in Applied Management from Nova School of Business and Economics. She has participated in several conventions and intensive training courses about public speaking by the National Speakers Association in the USA (Philadelphia 2013, San Diego 2014, Washington 2015, Phoenix 2016, Orlando 2017, and Denver 2019). She has completed the following courses in Harvard Business School Online: Principles of Leadership (2021), Management Essentials (2021) and Negotiation Mastery (2022). She has a Certificate of Specialization in Leadership and Management.