Duarte Pitta Ferraz is a Professor of Governance & Banking at Nova School of Business & Economics – Executive Education, and a Visiting Fellow at Nottingham Business School, and Managing Partner of IVENS Governance Advisors. Co-author of the “Manual of Corporate Governance – Theory and Practice for Scholars, Executive and Non-Executive Directors” (2022).
Holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Nottingham Business School (UK), having the Habilitation (Agregação) in Political Science in the specialization of Corporate Governance and Decision Making from the Universidade de Lisboa | ISCSP, as well as degrees in Law (Universidade de Lisboa) and Accounting & Management (ISCAL). Qualified as Statutory Auditor (ROC) and Lawyer.
Holds Non-Executive Independent Director positions at Red Cross Portugal (Vice-Chair), Infraestruturas de Portugal (Supervisory Board and Audit Committee), Grupo Manuel Champalimaud Holdings (Audit Board), Oversight Committee of EU’s PRR – Plan of Recovery and Resilience of RAM (Chair), and Fundação D. Luíz I (Founders’ Council).
Published over 15 scientific papers, including in the International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, Measuring Business Excellence, Corporate Ownership & Control, IJBEX – International Journal of Business Excellence and in the International Journal of Business Performance Management.
Served at the European Investment Bank (Chair of the Audit Committee and Ethics and Compliance Committee, and Member), Member of the Continuous Professional Development Committee of the Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Senior Advisor of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of EDP – Energias de Portugal, member of the Independent Oversight Privatization Committee of TAP Air Portugal and of CTT (Portuguese Postal Service). He was a Member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the Bankers Association for Finance and Trade (Washington, DC), and Co-Chair of its European Council. He was Chair and a Member of various audit boards.Worked for Banco Comercial Português (20 years) leading several divisions of the bank as Managing Director (MD) and member of Boards and Executive Committees (Millennium Bank Greece, Millennium Bank Turkey, Banco Millennium Angola and SOFID Development Bank). As an Auditor, he worked at Deloitte (9 years) and at Philip Morris USA (4 years).
He has spoken widely at conferences in Amsterdam, Hong-Kong, London, Luanda, Maputo, Japan (Osaka and Kyoto), Vienna, the USA (Boston, MA, Washington, DC, and New York City), and Canada (Winnipeg and Toronto).