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Interview - The Application of the Funds from the Recovery and Resilience Plan - <p>Pedro Freitas, from the Nova SBE Economics of Education Knowledge Center, interviewed on the application of the funds from the Recovery and Resilience Plan&nbsp;on the education sector.</p>
Ministerial Conference: "Investing in Education" - <p>On February&nbsp;15<sup>th</sup>, the French Ministry for National Education, Youth, and Sports&nbsp;organized, which counted with the participation of our Scientific Director, Ana Balcão Reis.</p>
Podcast Da Capa à Contracapa - Where should public policies on education go? - <p><strong>Ana Balcão Reis</strong>&nbsp;participated in the program&nbsp;<a href="https://www.ffms.pt/podcasts/da-capa-a-contracapa/6046/para-onde-devem-caminhar-as-politicas-publicas-de-educacao" target="_parent">Da Capa à Contracapa</a>&nbsp;(Rádio Renascença and Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos) on public education policies.</p>
Comments on CNN - The effects of social isolation on students - <p><strong>Pedro Freitas</strong>, researcher from Nova SBE Economics of Education Knowledge Center, was on CNN commenting on the effects of social isolation on students.</p>
Podcast Explicador – Teachers coming from other areas? “We must not drop in quality?” - <p>Pedro Freitas, from the Nova SBE Economics of Education Knowledge Center, participated in the Podcast Explicador from Rádio Observador.</p>
Results of the Forecast of Teacher Demand and Supply between 2021 and 2030 - <p>Presentation of the results of a project in partnership of the Directorate-General for Statistics of Education and Science which forecasted teacher demand and supply between 2021 and 2030.</p>
The Intergenerational Equity of Labour in Portugal - <p>Study on the Portuguese Labour Market by Pedro S. Martins.</p>
Ana Balcão Reis and Pedro Martins commented the Nobel Prize in Economics - <p>Ana Balcão Reis and Pedro Martins commented the Nobel Prize in Economics awarded to David Card, and Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens.</p>
Doctoral Thesis Defense - Madhuri Agarwal - <p>We congratulate our member&nbsp;<strong>Madhuri Agarwal&nbsp;</strong>on successfully defending her&nbsp;doctoral thesis entitled <em>&quot;Essays in Economics of Education&quot;</em>.</p>
Newspaper Article in Jornal Público - Short-term and structural aspects of the Budget for Education - <p>Our member Pedro Freitas&nbsp;has just published an article entitled &quot;<em>O conjuntural e o estrutural do Orçamento para a Educação</em>&quot; in the Portuguese newsaper <em>Público</em>.</p>
News . 12 July 2024 2023 School Rankings from Observador

PUBLICATION: Our Knowledge Center has produced, for the 8th consecutive year, Observador's School Rankings. One is based on final exam scores, the other on equity. 

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