
Notícias recentes e destaques de investigação

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New paper - Integrating climate change in ocean planning - <p style="margin-left:.5in;">A new study on the importance of integrating climate change effects into marine spatial planning, to promote sustainable ocean use, was published this month in the journal Nature...</p>
PESCARDATA2 - <p>O projeto PESCARDATA2 (<a href="" id="ember2344" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a><span id="ember2348">/) trata-se de estudo de índole nacional que visa caracterizar a pesca lúdica que ocorre em Portugal, englobando as modalidades de pesca recreativa (Apeada,...</span></p>
Policy Briefs: Riding the Big Waves in Nazaré and Marine Renewable Energy in Portugal - <p dir="ltr" id="docs-internal-guid-b9ef88fb-7fff-c029-dcb9-a32de5ca3510">The policy briefs, &ldquo;Riding the Big Waves in Nazaré&rdquo; and &ldquo;Marine Renewable Energy in Portugal&rdquo;, are available. These publications highlight some of the policy implications...</p>
The Ocean Economy in Portugal: An Investors’ Guide - <p>Worldwide, the ocean economy is becoming more and more critical. This is also true for Portugal, which has a vast coastal area as well as a robust institutional framework for the development of blue...</p>
Summer School in Lima, Peru - <p>Como uma escola que está ansiosa para trabalhar com todos que se esforçam por mudanças positivas e para criar sinergias interculturais, temos orgulho de anunciar que a Universidad del Pacífico em...</p>
New Publication | Surface vs. groundwater: The effect of forest cover on the costs of drinking water (2018) - <p>Forests worldwide provide a variety of ecosystem services including carbon sequestration, soil protection, and water purification. In particular, the minimal use of pesticides and fertilizers in...</p>
New Publication: Preference for Landings’ Smoothing and Risk of Collapse in Optimal Fishery Policies: The Ibero-Atlantic Sardine Fishery - <p>A new paper by Renato Rosa and Rui Mota, entitled &ldquo;<a href="">Preference for Landings&rsquo; Smoothing and Risk of Collapse in Optimal Fishery Policies: The Ibero-Atlantic Sardine Fishery</a>&rdquo; has been...</p>
Best Paper Award: The Effects of Development Constraints on Forest Management at the Urban-Forest Interface - <p>Maria Antonieta Cunha-e-Sá and Sofia Franco&rsquo;s paper &ldquo;The Effects of Development Constraints on Forest Management at the Urban-Forest Interface&rdquo; received the Best Paper Award, by...</p>
Results of Concurso de Estímulo ao Emprego Científico – CEEC Individual 2017 are out - <p>The results of the FCT&rsquo;s first call Concurso de Estímulo ao Emprego Científico &ndash; CEEC Individual 2017 are out. Renato Rosa secured an employment contract in this competitive call for...</p>

A Conferência AERNA XI será realizada na Nova SBE em setembro de 2024. Estão convidadas submissões sobre temas económicos ambientais e de recursos naturais até o dia 5 de abril!

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