
Notícias recentes e destaques de investigação

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Um tesouro desconhecido - <p>Pradarias marinhas: Um tesouro desconhecido</p> <p>Artigo da investigadora do NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center, Carina Vieira da Silva na Visão Verde.</p> <p>As pradarias marinhas são polos de...</p>
"npj Ocean Sustainability" is now open for submissions! - <p>With an amazing Editorial Board, &quot;npj Ocean Sustainability&quot; is now open for submissions!<br /> <br /> Take a look ➡️&nbsp;<a data-attribute-index="0" href=""></a><br /> <br /> npj Ocean Sustainability equally welcomes research...</br></br></br></br></p>
New research project | Blue Forest - <p>🌱 Discover BLUE FORESTS, a brand-new project to support seaforestation to foster sustainable blue economy activities based on macroalgae. A key activity of BLUE FORESTS will be centred on...</p>
Alforreca gigante feita de embalagens de bebidas recicladas vai viajar pelo concelho de Cascais para promover melhores práticas ambientais - <p>Alforreca gigante feita de embalagens de bebidas recicladas vai viajar pelo concelho de Cascais para promover melhores práticas ambientais<br /> <br /> Realizada no âmbito do projeto-piloto iREC &ndash; Inovar a...</br></br></p>
Carros elétricos: um apoio para quem dele precisa? - <p>Carros elétricos: um apoio para quem dele precisa?<br /> <br /> Artigo da Co-diretora científica do&nbsp;<a data-attribute-index="0" data-entity-hovercard-id="urn:li:fs_miniCompany:12578502" data-entity-type="MINI_COMPANY" href="">NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center</a>, Maria Antonieta Cunha na Visão Verde.<br /> <br /> No contexto de...</br></br></br></br></p>
Call for papers - Sustainability Special Issue - <p>📣 Call for papers<br /> Sustainability Special Issue: &quot;Marine Sustainability: Socio-Economic Outcomes of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures...</br></p>
New Publication | The economic and ecological benefits of saving ecosystems to protect services - <p>The concept of Ecosystem Services (ES) defines the nature benefits in an anthropocentric way for sustainable development goals. However, a conservation dilemma arises from the question of how much the...</p>
New Publication | Participatory Geographic Information Systems (PGIS): Alternative approaches to identify potential conflicts and positional accuracy in marine and coastal ecosystem services - <p>New paper on participatory mapping of ecosystem services, and how it can be used to support sustainable <a dir="ltr" href="" role="link">#MarineSpatialPlanning</a>! By project members Dr. Carina Vieira da Silva, Dr. Renato Rosa and Prof....</p>
Nova SBE - Research Report - <p>Nova SBE published its 2020 Research Report, which showcases a selection of the projects and accomplishments of our research community. For the first time, it demonstrates how each research activity...</p>
Dasgupta Review - ...
Notícias . 16 novembro 2024 MozambES: Mangrove Conservation and Sustainable Development in Mozambique 🌍🌿

Empowering communities to restore mangroves and build economic resilience, the MozambES project showcases how conservation and development can go hand in hand.

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