The MozambES team is in the field, preparing the implementation of the mangrove conservation scheme which will be developed in Nhangau. This innovative program will engage the grupos de poupança comunitários (savings groups) that are located in different areas of Nhangau, drawing participants into a series of conservation activities. Participants will play a key role, from gathering seeds to nurturing a mangrove nursery and participating in reforestation efforts within a designated area. In return, they will enjoy better credit conditions, as a lower interest rate and also a wave in their contribution to the group's social fund.

About MozambES
70% of Mozambicans depend on natural resources for their livelihoods. For poverty to decrease, growth must become more inclusive, and solutions that promote sustainable management of natural resources by rural communities must be found.
Thus, rural poverty, community rights and land management cannot be ignored for resource conservation. Sofala Province (SP) is especially vulnerable to extreme climatic events, holding of the most productive mangrove ecosystems in the country.
This project aims to improve rural livelihoods of those highly-resource dependent and vulnerable communities by promoting sustainable management of urban/peri-urban mangrove ecosystems.
By collaborating with local communities and NGOs and taking advantage of their experience in the field, we place rigorous research at the service of the local communities and authorities, accounting for the cultural and socioeconomic diversity of the region.
MozambES receives funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) under grant agreement contract FCT-AGAKHAN/541744715/2019
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