Data Science Knowledge Center

Where hypotheses meet reality

An initiative of the Data Science Knowledge Center, the X-Collider develops scalable infrastructure and support for field experiments​ while putting them at the core of the research and teaching at Nova SBE.


Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant research ecosystem that fosters collaboration between forward-thinking organizations looking to assess the impact of their innovations and expert researchers driven to explore causal hypotheses in real-world environments through field experiments.


Companies that were pioneers in experimenting with new technologies experienced more growth


An initiative of the Data Science Knowledge Center, the X-Collider develops scalable infrastructure and support for field experiments while putting them at the core of the research and teaching at Nova SBE.

But… what are field experiments?

Field experiments are research studies conducted in real-world environment that involve manipulating variables and measuring outcomes in everyday settings. They provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of interventions, strategies, or innovations, helping companies make evidence-based decisions and drive meaningful change.

How can we help?


Define research question, design the experimental study, address ethical and data protection issues, define roles and timelines.

Preparation & Pre-Test

Deliver informative materials, obtain consent, test treatments, and collect pre-test data.


Monitor study progress, oversee treatment delivery and data collection, and provide support to participants and organizations.


Analyze data, interpret results, draw conclusions, and potentially make recommendations based on findings.

Advantages for your Company

We provide support in developing and nurturing an experimentation culture within your organization. By incorporating research-driven methodologies, we help boost the effectiveness of your R&D spending, ensuring that resources are efficiently allocated, and results are maximized.

Collaborate with our academic staff in organized brainstorming sessions to develop high-potential and valid hypotheses. Leveraging the expertise of our academic partners, we guide you through the hypothesis development process, ensuring that your research questions are robust and actionable.

Participate in educational workshops tailored to your needs, covering topics such as applied A/B testing, study design, and statistical analysis. These workshops empower your team with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct rigorous field experiments and extract meaningful insights from your data.

Our platform specializes in matching business problems with the right field experiment and research teams. By understanding your unique challenges and objectives, we connect you with research partners who possess the expertise and capabilities needed to address your specific needs effectively.

Built by industry leaders

dedicated to empowering companies through research collaborations
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X-Collider's portfolio

X-Collider's portfolio includes wide range of projects spanning diverse fields from different areas. However, what unites them all is their development through field experimentation. From groundbreaking research to innovative solutions, each project is carefully crafted to push boundaries and drive meaningful impact for both researchers and companies.

Our lab was designed by researchers, for researchers

Why collaborate with us?

Support throughout the entire research process: from ideation to execution, we help with proposal revision, pre-registration, data management, and compliance with internal and international regulations. This support streamlines your workflow and ensures the integrity of your research.

Strategic Matchmaking: our broad network allows us to match researchers with organizations from our membership. This strategic matchmaking process enhances the relevance and impact of your experiments by connecting you with organizations aligned with your research objectives.

External Review: we offer an external review of methods, data analysis, and results replicability, ensuring the robustness and credibility of your findings. This rigorous review process adds an extra layer of validation to your research outcomes.


Project 1

Project 1

Get to know our team


Project Manager
Susana Lavado
Project Manager
Tiago Godinho
Project Manager
Catarina Mendo Dias
Project Manager
Leid Zejnilovic
Project Manager